Ontology - ubyPos

OLiA Annotation Model for Uby Parts of Speech (Gurevych et al, 2012) extracted from the Uby DTD (http://code.google.com/p/uby/source/browse/de.tudarmstadt.ukp.uby/tags/de.tudarmstadt.ukp.uby-0.2.0/de.tudarmstadt.ukp.uby.lmf.model-asl/src/main/resources/dtd/UBY_LMF.dtd, version of Nov 21th, 2012). References Iryna Gurevych, Judith Eckle-Kohler, Silvana Hartmann, Michael Matuschek, Christian M. Meyer and Christian Wirth, 2012, Uby - A Large-Scale Unified Lexical-Semantic Resource, Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2012), Avignon, France. The DTD is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license which is available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ You are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) the work, to develop your own extensions (adapt, remix) of the work, and to make commercial use of the work.
Latest Version


Classes - Overview

G system_Feature Feature (system) WordFormAttribute Word Form Attribute system_Feature->WordFormAttribute is a partOfSpeech part Of Speech system_Feature->partOfSpeech is a system_UnitOfAnnotation Unit Of Annotation (system) LexicalEntry Lexical Entry system_UnitOfAnnotation->LexicalEntry is a WordForm Word Form system_UnitOfAnnotation->WordForm is a case case WordFormAttribute->case is a degree degree WordFormAttribute->degree is a grammaticalGender grammatical Gender WordFormAttribute->grammaticalGender is a grammaticalNumber grammatical Number WordFormAttribute->grammaticalNumber is a person person WordFormAttribute->person is a tense tense WordFormAttribute->tense is a verbFormMood verb Form Mood WordFormAttribute->verbFormMood is a Abbreviation Abbreviation AbbreviationAcronym Abbreviation Acronym Abbreviation->AbbreviationAcronym is a AbbreviationInitialism Abbreviation Initialism Abbreviation->AbbreviationInitialism is a Adjective Adjective Adposition Adposition AdpositionCircumposition Adposition Circumposition Adposition->AdpositionCircumposition is a AdpositionPostposition Adposition Postposition Adposition->AdpositionPostposition is a AdpositionPreposition Adposition Preposition Adposition->AdpositionPreposition is a Adverb Adverb AdverbPronominal Adverb Pronominal Adverb->AdverbPronominal is a Affix Affix AffixPrefix Affix Prefix Affix->AffixPrefix is a AffixSuffix Affix Suffix Affix->AffixSuffix is a Conjunction Conjunction ConjunctionCoordinating Conjunction Coordinating Conjunction->ConjunctionCoordinating is a ConjunctionSubordinating Conjunction Subordinating Conjunction->ConjunctionSubordinating is a Contraction Contraction Determiner Determiner DeterminerDefinite Determiner Definite Determiner->DeterminerDefinite is a DeterminerDemonstrative Determiner Demonstrative Determiner->DeterminerDemonstrative is a DeterminerIndefinite Determiner Indefinite Determiner->DeterminerIndefinite is a DeterminerInterrogative Determiner Interrogative Determiner->DeterminerInterrogative is a DeterminerPossessive Determiner Possessive Determiner->DeterminerPossessive is a Interjection Interjection Noun Noun NounCommon Noun Common Noun->NounCommon is a NounProper Noun Proper Noun->NounProper is a NounProperFirstName Noun Proper First Name Noun->NounProperFirstName is a NounProperLastName Noun Proper Last Name Noun->NounProperLastName is a Numeral Numeral partOfSpeech->Abbreviation is a partOfSpeech->Adjective is a partOfSpeech->Adposition is a partOfSpeech->Adverb is a partOfSpeech->Affix is a partOfSpeech->Conjunction is a partOfSpeech->Contraction is a partOfSpeech->Determiner is a partOfSpeech->Interjection is a partOfSpeech->Noun is a partOfSpeech->Numeral is a Particle Particle partOfSpeech->Particle is a Phraseme Phraseme partOfSpeech->Phraseme is a Pronoun Pronoun partOfSpeech->Pronoun is a SeparableParticle Separable Particle partOfSpeech->SeparableParticle is a Symbol Symbol partOfSpeech->Symbol is a Verb Verb partOfSpeech->Verb is a ParticleAnswer Particle Answer Particle->ParticleAnswer is a ParticleComparative Particle Comparative Particle->ParticleComparative is a ParticleInfinitive Particle Infinitive Particle->ParticleInfinitive is a ParticleNegative Particle Negative Particle->ParticleNegative is a PronounDemonstrative Pronoun Demonstrative Pronoun->PronounDemonstrative is a PronounIndefinite Pronoun Indefinite Pronoun->PronounIndefinite is a PronounInterrogative Pronoun Interrogative Pronoun->PronounInterrogative is a PronounPersonal Pronoun Personal Pronoun->PronounPersonal is a PronounPossessive Pronoun Possessive Pronoun->PronounPossessive is a PronounRelative Pronoun Relative Pronoun->PronounRelative is a PronounPersonalIrreflexive Pronoun Personal Irreflexive PronounPersonal->PronounPersonalIrreflexive is a PronounPersonalReflexive Pronoun Personal Reflexive PronounPersonal->PronounPersonalReflexive is a VerbAuxiliary Verb Auxiliary Verb->VerbAuxiliary is a VerbMain Verb Main Verb->VerbMain is a VerbModal Verb Modal Verb->VerbModal is a

Properties - Overview


Abbreviation (abbreviation) G Abbreviation Abbreviation
SubClass Of
AbbreviationAcronym (abbreviationAcronym) G AbbreviationAcronym Abbreviation Acronym
SubClass Of
AbbreviationInitialism (abbreviationInitialism) G AbbreviationInitialism Abbreviation Initialism
SubClass Of
Adjective (adjective) G Adjective Adjective
SubClass Of
Adposition (adposition) G Adposition Adposition
SubClass Of
AdpositionCircumposition (adpositionCircumposition) G AdpositionCircumposition Adposition Circumposition
SubClass Of
AdpositionPostposition (adpositionPostposition) G AdpositionPostposition Adposition Postposition
SubClass Of
AdpositionPreposition (adpositionPreposition) G AdpositionPreposition Adposition Preposition
SubClass Of
Adverb (adverb) G Adverb Adverb
SubClass Of
AdverbPronominal (adverbPronominal) G AdverbPronominal Adverb Pronominal
SubClass Of
Affix (affix) G Affix Affix
SubClass Of
AffixPrefix (affixPrefix) G AffixPrefix Affix Prefix
SubClass Of
AffixSuffix (affixSuffix) G AffixSuffix Affix Suffix
SubClass Of
case G case case
SubClass Of
Conjunction (conjunction) G Conjunction Conjunction
SubClass Of
ConjunctionCoordinating (conjunctionCoordinating) G ConjunctionCoordinating Conjunction Coordinating
SubClass Of
ConjunctionSubordinating (conjunctionSubordinating) G ConjunctionSubordinating Conjunction Subordinating
SubClass Of
Contraction (contraction) G Contraction Contraction
SubClass Of
degree G degree degree
SubClass Of
Determiner (determiner) G Determiner Determiner
SubClass Of
DeterminerDefinite (determinerDefinite) G DeterminerDefinite Determiner Definite
SubClass Of
DeterminerDemonstrative (determinerDemonstrative) G DeterminerDemonstrative Determiner Demonstrative
SubClass Of
DeterminerIndefinite (determinerIndefinite) G DeterminerIndefinite Determiner Indefinite
SubClass Of
DeterminerInterrogative (determinerInterrogative) G DeterminerInterrogative Determiner Interrogative
SubClass Of
DeterminerPossessive (determinerPossessive) G DeterminerPossessive Determiner Possessive
SubClass Of
grammaticalGender G grammaticalGender grammatical Gender
SubClass Of
grammaticalNumber G grammaticalNumber grammatical Number
SubClass Of
Interjection (interjection) G Interjection Interjection
SubClass Of
LexicalEntry G LexicalEntry Lexical Entry
SubClass Of
Noun (noun) G Noun Noun
SubClass Of
NounCommon (nounCommon) G NounCommon Noun Common
SubClass Of
NounProper (nounProper) G NounProper Noun Proper
SubClass Of
NounProperFirstName (nounProperFirstName) G NounProperFirstName Noun Proper First Name
SubClass Of
NounProperLastName (nounProperLastName) G NounProperLastName Noun Proper Last Name
SubClass Of
Numeral (numeral) G Numeral Numeral
SubClass Of
Particle (particle) G Particle Particle
SubClass Of
ParticleAnswer (particleAnswer) G ParticleAnswer Particle Answer
SubClass Of
ParticleComparative (particleComparative) G ParticleComparative Particle Comparative
SubClass Of
ParticleInfinitive (particleInfinitive) G ParticleInfinitive Particle Infinitive
SubClass Of
ParticleNegative (particleNegative) G ParticleNegative Particle Negative
SubClass Of
partOfSpeech G partOfSpeech part Of Speech
Abstract As a convention, the relation is called has_partOfSpeech, partOfSpeech is the top-level *class* of parts of speech
SubClass Of
person G person person
SubClass Of
Phraseme (phraseme) G Phraseme Phraseme
SubClass Of
Pronoun (pronoun) G Pronoun Pronoun
SubClass Of
PronounDemonstrative (pronounDemonstrative) G PronounDemonstrative Pronoun Demonstrative
SubClass Of
PronounIndefinite (pronounIndefinite) G PronounIndefinite Pronoun Indefinite
SubClass Of
PronounInterrogative (pronounInterrogative) G PronounInterrogative Pronoun Interrogative
SubClass Of
PronounPersonal (pronounPersonal) G PronounPersonal Pronoun Personal
SubClass Of
PronounPersonalIrreflexive (pronounPersonalIrreflexive) G PronounPersonalIrreflexive Pronoun Personal Irreflexive
SubClass Of
PronounPersonalReflexive (pronounPersonalReflexive) G PronounPersonalReflexive Pronoun Personal Reflexive
SubClass Of
PronounPossessive (pronounPossessive) G PronounPossessive Pronoun Possessive
SubClass Of
PronounRelative (pronounRelative) G PronounRelative Pronoun Relative
SubClass Of
SeparableParticle (separableParticle) G SeparableParticle Separable Particle
SubClass Of
Symbol (symbol) G Symbol Symbol
SubClass Of
system:Feature G system_Feature Feature (system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
system:UnitOfAnnotation G system_UnitOfAnnotation Unit Of Annotation (system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
tense G tense tense
SubClass Of
Verb (verb) G Verb Verb
SubClass Of
VerbAuxiliary (verbAuxiliary) G VerbAuxiliary Verb Auxiliary
SubClass Of
verbFormMood G verbFormMood verb Form Mood
SubClass Of
VerbMain (verbMain) G VerbMain Verb Main
SubClass Of
VerbModal (verbModal) G VerbModal Verb Modal
SubClass Of
WordForm G WordForm Word Form
SubClass Of
WordFormAttribute G WordFormAttribute Word Form Attribute
SubClass Of

Object Properties

has_case (case) G has_case has_case
has_degree (degree) G has_degree has_degree
has_grammaticalGender (grammaticalGender) G has_grammaticalGender has_grammaticalGender
has_grammaticalNumber (grammaticalNumber) G has_grammaticalNumber has_grammaticalNumber
has_partOfSpeech (partOfSpeech) G has_partOfSpeech has_partOfSpeech
has_person (person) G has_person has_person
system:hasFeature G system_hasFeature hasFeature (system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
has_tense (tense) G has_tense has_tense
has_verbFormMood (verbFormMood) G has_verbFormMood has_verbFormMood
has_WordFormAttribute (WordFormAttribute) G has_WordFormAttribute has_WordFormAttribute


accusative G accusative accusative case
comparative G comparative comparative degree
dative G dative dative case
feminine G feminine feminine grammaticalGender
first G first first person
genitive G genitive genitive case
imperative G imperative imperative verbFormMood
indicative G indicative indicative verbFormMood
infinitive G infinitive infinitive verbFormMood
infinitiveZu G infinitiveZu infinitiveZu verbFormMood
ingForm G ingForm ingForm verbFormMood
masculine G masculine masculine grammaticalGender
neuter G neuter neuter grammaticalGender
nominative G nominative nominative case
participle G participle participle verbFormMood
past G past past tense
plural G plural plural grammaticalNumber
positive G positive positive degree
present G present present tense
second G second second person
singular G singular singular grammaticalNumber
subjunctive G subjunctive subjunctive verbFormMood
superlative G superlative superlative degree
third G third third person