Ontology - genia

Annotation scheme of the GENIA corpus (Kim et al. 2003).
Kim, J.D. and Ohta, T. and Tateisi, Y. and Tsujii, J. (2003), GENIA corpus-a semantically annotated corpus for bio-textmining, Bioinformatics 19(1):180-182
Latest Version

Classes - Overview

G olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation Unit Of Annotation (olia_system) Tag Tag olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation->Tag is a Particle Particle Tag->Particle is a ForeignWord Foreign Word Tag->ForeignWord is a Pronoun Pronoun Tag->Pronoun is a Adverb Adverb Tag->Adverb is a Verb Verb Tag->Verb is a PossessiveMarker Possessive Marker Tag->PossessiveMarker is a Determiner Determiner Tag->Determiner is a Interjection Interjection Tag->Interjection is a ExistentialThere Existential There Tag->ExistentialThere is a Conjunction Conjunction Tag->Conjunction is a Adjective Adjective Tag->Adjective is a CardinalNumber Cardinal Number Tag->CardinalNumber is a Punctuation Punctuation Tag->Punctuation is a To To Tag->To is a Noun Noun Tag->Noun is a Symbol Symbol Tag->Symbol is a ListItemMarker List Item Marker Tag->ListItemMarker is a WhPronoun Wh Pronoun Pronoun->WhPronoun is a PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun Pronoun->PersonalPronoun is a PossessivePronoun Possessive Pronoun Pronoun->PossessivePronoun is a PossessiveWhPronoun Possessive Wh Pronoun Pronoun->PossessiveWhPronoun is a WhAdverb Wh Adverb Adverb->WhAdverb is a SuperlativeAdverb Superlative Adverb Adverb->SuperlativeAdverb is a ComparativeAdverb Comparative Adverb Adverb->ComparativeAdverb is a PastParticiple Past Participle Verb->PastParticiple is a BePresentTense Be Present Tense Verb->BePresentTense is a BePastTense Be Past Tense Verb->BePastTense is a BaseForm Base Form Verb->BaseForm is a GerundOrPresentParticiple Gerund Or Present Participle Verb->GerundOrPresentParticiple is a ModalVerb Modal Verb Verb->ModalVerb is a WhDeterminer Wh Determiner Determiner->WhDeterminer is a Predeterminer Predeterminer Determiner->Predeterminer is a CoordinatingConjunction Coordinating Conjunction Conjunction->CoordinatingConjunction is a PrepositionOrSubordinatingConjunction Preposition Or Subordinating Conjunction Conjunction->PrepositionOrSubordinatingConjunction is a SuperlativeAdjective Superlative Adjective Adjective->SuperlativeAdjective is a ComparativeAdjective Comparative Adjective Adjective->ComparativeAdjective is a CommonNoun Common Noun Noun->CommonNoun is a ProperNoun Proper Noun Noun->ProperNoun is a

Properties - Overview


Adjective G Adjective Adjective
Abstract These are adjectives, ordinal numerals, and ordinal numbers. Hyphenated compounds that are used as modifiers are tagged as adjectives, e.g. "happy-go-lucky", "one-of-a-kind", "run-of-the-mill". Ordinal numbers are tagged as adjectives, as are compounds of the form "n-th" or "X-est", like "fourth-largest".
SubClass Of
Adverb G Adverb Adverb
Abstract This category includes most words that end in -ly as well as degree words like "quite", "too" and "very", posthead modifiers like "enough" and "indeed" (as in "good enough", "very well indeed"), and negative markers like "not", "n' t" and "never".
SubClass Of
BaseForm G BaseForm Base Form
Abstract This tag subsumes imperatives, infinitives and subjunctives. EXAMPLES: Imperative: Do/VB it. Infinitive: You should do/VB it. We want them to do/VB it. We made them do/VB it. Subjunctive: We suggested that he do/VB it.
SubClass Of
BePastTense G BePastTense Be Past Tense
Abstract This category includes the conditional form of the verb to be. EXAMPLES: If I were/VBD rich... If I were/VBD to win the lottery...
SubClass Of
BePresentTense G BePresentTense Be Present Tense
Abstract These are verbforms in present tense. This class includes 3rd person singular or other than 3rd person singular verbforms.
SubClass Of
CardinalNumber G CardinalNumber Cardinal Number
Abstract These are cardinal numbers.
SubClass Of
CommonNoun G CommonNoun Common Noun
Abstract These are common nouns in singular or plural, or mass nouns.
SubClass Of
ComparativeAdjective G ComparativeAdjective Comparative Adjective
Abstract These are adjectives mostly with the comparative ending -er and a comparative meaning. "More" or "less" should be tagged as a comparative adjective when it is used without a head noun and it corresponds to the object of a verb or preposition.
SubClass Of
ComparativeAdverb G ComparativeAdverb Comparative Adverb
Abstract These are comparative adverbs.
SubClass Of
Conjunction G Conjunction Conjunction
Abstract This is a class, we inserted to structure the tagset.
SubClass Of
CoordinatingConjunction G CoordinatingConjunction Coordinating Conjunction
Abstract This category includes "and", "but", "nor", "or", "yet" (as in "Yet it's cheap", "cheap yet good"), as well as the mathematical operators "plus", "minus", "less", "times" (in the sense of "multiplied by") and "over" (in the sense of "divided by"), when they are spelled out. For in the sense of "because" is a coordinating conjunction.
SubClass Of
Determiner G Determiner Determiner
Abstract This category includes the articles "a(n)", "every", "no" and "the", the indefinite determiners "another", "any" and "some", "each", "either" (as in "either way"), "neither" (as in "neither decision"), "that", "these", "this" and "those", and instances of "all" and "both" when they do not precede a determiner or possessive pronoun (as in "all roads" or "both times").
SubClass Of
ExistentialThere G ExistentialThere Existential There
Abstract Existential "there" is the unstressed "there" that triggers inversion of the inflected verb and the logical subject of a sentence, e.g. "There/EX was a party in progress.", "There/EX ensued a melee.".
SubClass Of
ForeignWord G ForeignWord Foreign Word
Abstract These are foreign words.
SubClass Of
GerundOrPresentParticiple G GerundOrPresentParticiple Gerund Or Present Participle
Abstract This is a verb in present participle or in gerund.
SubClass Of
Interjection G Interjection Interjection
Abstract This PTB part of speech was excluded from GENIA.
SubClass Of
ListItemMarker G ListItemMarker List Item Marker
Abstract This category includes letters and numerals when they are used to identify items in a list.
SubClass Of
ModalVerb G ModalVerb Modal Verb
Abstract This category includes all verbs that don't take an -s ending in the third person singular present: "can", "could", ("dare"), "may", "might", "must", "ought", "shall", "should", "will", "would".
SubClass Of
Noun G Noun Noun
Abstract This is a class, we inserted to structure the tagset.
SubClass Of
olia_system:UnitOfAnnotation G olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation Unit Of Annotation (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
Particle G Particle Particle
Abstract This category includes a number of mostly monosyllabic words that also double as directional adverbs and prepositions.
SubClass Of
PastParticiple G PastParticiple Past Participle
Abstract This is a verb in past participle.
SubClass Of
PersonalPronoun G PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun
Abstract This category includes the personal pronouns proper, without regard for case distinctions ("I", "me", "you", "he", "him", etc.), the reflexive pronouns ending in -self or -selves, and the nominal possessive pronouns "mine", "yours", "his", "hers", "ours" and "theirs".
SubClass Of
PossessiveMarker G PossessiveMarker Possessive Marker
Abstract The possessive ending on nouns ending in 's or is split off by the tagging algorithm and tagged as if it were a separate word. e.g. "John/ NP 's/POS idea", "the parents/NNS'/POS distress".
SubClass Of
PossessivePronoun G PossessivePronoun Possessive Pronoun
Abstract This category includes the adjectival possessive forms "my", "your", "his", "her", "its", "one's", "our" and "their".
SubClass Of
PossessiveWhPronoun G PossessiveWhPronoun Possessive Wh Pronoun
Abstract This category includes the wh-word "whose".
SubClass Of
Predeterminer G Predeterminer Predeterminer
Abstract This category includes the following determinerlike elements when they precede an article or possessive pronoun. EXAMPLES: all/PDT his marbles nary/PDT a soul both/PDT the girls quite/PDT a mess half/PDT his time rather/PDT a nuisance many/PDT a moon such/PDT a good time
SubClass Of
PrepositionOrSubordinatingConjunction G PrepositionOrSubordinatingConjunction Preposition Or Subordinating Conjunction
Abstract We make no explicit distinction between prepositions and subordinating conjunctions. (The distinction is not lost, however - a preposition is an IN that precedes a noun phrase or a prepositional phrase, and a subordinate conjunction is an IN that precedes a clause). The preposition "to" has its own special tag TO.
SubClass Of
Pronoun G Pronoun Pronoun
Abstract This is a class, we inserted to structure the tagset.
SubClass Of
ProperNoun G ProperNoun Proper Noun
Abstract These are singular or plural proper nouns.
SubClass Of
Punctuation G Punctuation Punctuation
Abstract Punctuation, in PTB tagged with :,"()
SubClass Of
SuperlativeAdjective G SuperlativeAdjective Superlative Adjective
Abstract These are adjectives with the superlative ending -est (as well as "worst"). "Most" and "least" can also be tagged as superlative adjective when they occur by themselves.
SubClass Of
SuperlativeAdverb G SuperlativeAdverb Superlative Adverb
Abstract These are superlative adverbs.
SubClass Of
Symbol G Symbol Symbol
Abstract This tag should be used for mathematical, scientific and technical symbols or expressions that aren't words of English. It should not used for any and all technical expressions. For instance, the names of chemicals, units of measurements (including abbreviations thereof) and the like should be tagged as nouns.
SubClass Of
Tag G Tag Tag
SubClass Of
To G To To
Abstract "To" is tagged TO, regardless of whether it is a preposition or an infinitival marker.
SubClass Of
Verb G Verb Verb
SubClass Of
WhAdverb G WhAdverb Wh Adverb
Abstract This category includes "how", "where", "why", etc. When in a temporal sense is tagged as wh-adverb. In the sense of "if", on the other hand, it is a subordinating conjunction. EXAMPLES: "When/WRB he finally arrived, I was on my way out."
SubClass Of
WhDeterminer G WhDeterminer Wh Determiner
Abstract This category includes "which", as well as that when it is used as a relative pronoun.
SubClass Of
WhPronoun G WhPronoun Wh Pronoun
Abstract This category includes "what", "who" and "whom".
SubClass Of

Datatype Properties

olia_system:hasTag G olia_system_hasTag hasTag (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:hasTier G olia_system_hasTier hasTier (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#