Ontology - russ

Ontology for the morphosyntactic annotations of the Uppsala corpus, a corpus of 20th century Russian prose 2008/05/23 created Christian Chiarcos, Angelika Adam 2010/02/16 updated Christian Chiarcos, chiarcos@uni-potsdam.de
Latest Version


Classes - Overview

G olia_system_LinguisticAnnotation Linguistic Annotation (olia_system) Tag Tag olia_system_LinguisticAnnotation->Tag is a olia_system_Feature Feature (olia_system) Feature Feature olia_system_Feature->Feature is a Pronoun Pronoun Tag->Pronoun is a Numeral Numeral Tag->Numeral is a Verb Verb Tag->Verb is a Other Other Tag->Other is a Adjective Adjective Tag->Adjective is a Adverb Adverb Tag->Adverb is a Name Name Tag->Name is a Noun Noun Tag->Noun is a Participle Participle Tag->Participle is a Abbreviation Abbreviation Tag->Abbreviation is a AdverbialParticiple Adverbial Participle Tag->AdverbialParticiple is a TenseFeature Tense Feature Feature->TenseFeature is a GenderFeature Gender Feature Feature->GenderFeature is a PersonFeature Person Feature Feature->PersonFeature is a DegreeFeature Degree Feature Feature->DegreeFeature is a CaseFeature Case Feature Feature->CaseFeature is a NumberFeature Number Feature Feature->NumberFeature is a MoodFeature Mood Feature Feature->MoodFeature is a AnimacyFeature Animacy Feature Feature->AnimacyFeature is a VoiceFeature Voice Feature Feature->VoiceFeature is a FormFeature Form Feature Feature->FormFeature is a AspectFeature Aspect Feature Feature->AspectFeature is a InterrogativePronoun Interrogative Pronoun Pronoun->InterrogativePronoun is a NegativePronoun Negative Pronoun Pronoun->NegativePronoun is a DemonstrativePronoun Demonstrative Pronoun Pronoun->DemonstrativePronoun is a RelativePronoun Relative Pronoun Pronoun->RelativePronoun is a ReciprocalPronoun Reciprocal Pronoun Pronoun->ReciprocalPronoun is a PossessivePronoun Possessive Pronoun Pronoun->PossessivePronoun is a IndefinitePronoun Indefinite Pronoun Pronoun->IndefinitePronoun is a ReflexivePronoun Reflexive Pronoun Pronoun->ReflexivePronoun is a GeneralPronoun General Pronoun Pronoun->GeneralPronoun is a PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun Pronoun->PersonalPronoun is a AttributiveInterrogativePronoun Attributive Interrogative Pronoun InterrogativePronoun->AttributiveInterrogativePronoun is a InterrogativePossessivePronoun Interrogative Possessive Pronoun InterrogativePronoun->InterrogativePossessivePronoun is a SubstitutiveInterrogativePronoun Substitutive Interrogative Pronoun InterrogativePronoun->SubstitutiveInterrogativePronoun is a SubstitutiveNegativePronoun Substitutive Negative Pronoun NegativePronoun->SubstitutiveNegativePronoun is a AttributiveNegativePronoun Attributive Negative Pronoun NegativePronoun->AttributiveNegativePronoun is a CollectiveCardinalNumeral Collective Cardinal Numeral Numeral->CollectiveCardinalNumeral is a IndefiniteCardinalNumeral Indefinite Cardinal Numeral Numeral->IndefiniteCardinalNumeral is a DemonstrativeCardinalNumeral Demonstrative Cardinal Numeral Numeral->DemonstrativeCardinalNumeral is a DigitalCardinalNumeral Digital Cardinal Numeral Numeral->DigitalCardinalNumeral is a CardinalNumeral Cardinal Numeral Numeral->CardinalNumeral is a OrdinalNumeral Ordinal Numeral Numeral->OrdinalNumeral is a AttributiveDemonstrativePronoun Attributive Demonstrative Pronoun DemonstrativePronoun->AttributiveDemonstrativePronoun is a SubstitutiveDemonstrativePronoun Substitutive Demonstrative Pronoun DemonstrativePronoun->SubstitutiveDemonstrativePronoun is a InfinitiveVerb Infinitive Verb Verb->InfinitiveVerb is a FiniteVerb Finite Verb Verb->FiniteVerb is a ImperativeVerb Imperative Verb Verb->ImperativeVerb is a GL-infinitive G L-infinitive InfinitiveVerb->GL-infinitive is a AttributiveRelativePronoun Attributive Relative Pronoun RelativePronoun->AttributiveRelativePronoun is a SubstitutiveRelativePronoun Substitutive Relative Pronoun RelativePronoun->SubstitutiveRelativePronoun is a RelativePossessivePronoun Relative Possessive Pronoun RelativePronoun->RelativePossessivePronoun is a Preposition Preposition Other->Preposition is a Conjunction Conjunction Other->Conjunction is a Particle Particle Other->Particle is a Peregrin Peregrin Other->Peregrin is a Predicative Predicative Other->Predicative is a DateDigit Date Digit Other->DateDigit is a Punctuation Punctuation Other->Punctuation is a Interjection Interjection Other->Interjection is a KompDisj Komp Disj Other->KompDisj is a DisjunctiveConjunction Disjunctive Conjunction Conjunction->DisjunctiveConjunction is a SubordinativeConjunction Subordinative Conjunction Conjunction->SubordinativeConjunction is a CoordinativeConjunction Coordinative Conjunction Conjunction->CoordinativeConjunction is a FiniteVerbPresent Finite Verb Present FiniteVerb->FiniteVerbPresent is a FiniteVerbPast Finite Verb Past FiniteVerb->FiniteVerbPast is a PossessiveAdjective Possessive Adjective Adjective->PossessiveAdjective is a PossessivePronoun->InterrogativePossessivePronoun is a IndefinitePossessivePronoun Indefinite Possessive Pronoun PossessivePronoun->IndefinitePossessivePronoun is a ReflexivePossessivePronoun Reflexive Possessive Pronoun PossessivePronoun->ReflexivePossessivePronoun is a AttributiveReflexivePossessivePronoun Attributive Reflexive Possessive Pronoun PossessivePronoun->AttributiveReflexivePossessivePronoun is a PossessivePronoun->RelativePossessivePronoun is a NonderivedAdverb Nonderived Adverb Adverb->NonderivedAdverb is a DeadjectivalAdverb Deadjectival Adverb Adverb->DeadjectivalAdverb is a ComplexAdverb Complex Adverb Adverb->ComplexAdverb is a IndefinitePronoun->IndefinitePossessivePronoun is a AttributiveIndefinitePronoun Attributive Indefinite Pronoun IndefinitePronoun->AttributiveIndefinitePronoun is a SubstitutiveIndefinitePronoun Substitutive Indefinite Pronoun IndefinitePronoun->SubstitutiveIndefinitePronoun is a ReflexivePronoun->ReflexivePossessivePronoun is a SubstitutiveGeneralPronoun Substitutive General Pronoun GeneralPronoun->SubstitutiveGeneralPronoun is a AttributiveGeneralPronoun Attributive General Pronoun GeneralPronoun->AttributiveGeneralPronoun is a

Properties - Overview


Abbreviation G Abbreviation Abbreviation
Abstract An abbreviation can be used for all possible words e.g. "SShA"," a".
SubClass Of
Adjective G Adjective Adjective
Abstract The Russian adjectives are divided into qualitative and relative adjectives (which mostly are scaled). e.g. "sinij", "mashinnyj". Russian adjectives agree with the nouns they modify in gender, number, and case. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_grammar#Pronouns 10.10.06) The function of an adjective in the sentence may be attributive or predicative. (Pulkina 1984 "A short russian reference grammar", p.176)
SubClass Of
Adverb G Adverb Adverb
Abstract 0LD grammatische Kategorie (Komparation) ignoriert
SubClass Of
AdverbialParticiple G AdverbialParticiple Adverbial Participle
Abstract These are adverbial participles. The adverbial participle (also transgressive) is an infinite verbal form which is derived from a participle in some Baltic und Slavic languages. It expresses a coincidently proceeding or following action. (in according to http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adverbialpartizip 15. 12.06)
SubClass Of
AnimacyFeature G AnimacyFeature Animacy Feature
SubClass Of
AspectFeature G AspectFeature Aspect Feature
SubClass Of
AttributiveDemonstrativePronoun G AttributiveDemonstrativePronoun Attributive Demonstrative Pronoun
Abstract These are attributive demonstrative pronouns.
SubClass Of
AttributiveGeneralPronoun G AttributiveGeneralPronoun Attributive General Pronoun
Abstract These are attributive general pronouns.
SubClass Of
AttributiveIndefinitePronoun G AttributiveIndefinitePronoun Attributive Indefinite Pronoun
Abstract These are attributive indefinite pronouns.
SubClass Of
AttributiveInterrogativePronoun G AttributiveInterrogativePronoun Attributive Interrogative Pronoun
Abstract These are attributive interrogative pronouns.
SubClass Of
AttributiveNegativePronoun G AttributiveNegativePronoun Attributive Negative Pronoun
Abstract These are attributive negative pronouns.
SubClass Of
AttributiveReflexivePossessivePronoun G AttributiveReflexivePossessivePronoun Attributive Reflexive Possessive Pronoun
Abstract These are attributive reflexive possessive pronouns.
SubClass Of
AttributiveRelativePronoun G AttributiveRelativePronoun Attributive Relative Pronoun
Abstract These are attributive relative pronouns.
SubClass Of
CardinalNumeral G CardinalNumeral Cardinal Numeral
Abstract These are numerals (cardinal numbers) which are written out with words.
SubClass Of
CaseFeature G CaseFeature Case Feature
SubClass Of
CollectiveCardinalNumeral G CollectiveCardinalNumeral Collective Cardinal Numeral
Abstract 0LD Kollektivzahlw?rter, z.B. "dvoe" grammatische kategorien (kasus, belebtheit/unbelebtheit im akkusativ) ignoriert R-tag CHISL-SOB D-tag card_coll
SubClass Of
ComplexAdverb G ComplexAdverb Complex Adverb
Abstract 0LD R-tags NAR-1, NAR-2 D-tag adverb_mehrwort (im Demokorpus); adverb1, adverb2 (Liste von Roland Meyer) f?r W?rter, die ein komplexes Adverb bilden, bisher nur vse-NAR-1 eshche-NAR-2. urspr?nglich AdverbMehrwort
SubClass Of
Conjunction G Conjunction Conjunction
Abstract 0LD R-tag SOJUZ D-tag konj
SubClass Of
CoordinativeConjunction G CoordinativeConjunction Coordinative Conjunction
Abstract 0LD pos = conjunction type = coordinative R-tag ??? D-tag konj_koor
SubClass Of
DateDigit G DateDigit Date Digit
Abstract This is the date or numbers written digitally e.g. " 1921-1928", " 23.11", "s diametrom zerkala 2,4 metra".
SubClass Of
DeadjectivalAdverb G DeadjectivalAdverb Deadjectival Adverb
Abstract These are deadjectivic adverbs ( e.g. "bystro"), that means they are derived from adjectives without an clear change of the meaning.
SubClass Of
DegreeFeature G DegreeFeature Degree Feature
SubClass Of
DemonstrativeCardinalNumeral G DemonstrativeCardinalNumeral Demonstrative Cardinal Numeral
Abstract These are cardinal numerals with a demonstrative reference e.g. "stolqko" ("so many").
SubClass Of
DemonstrativePronoun G DemonstrativePronoun Demonstrative Pronoun
Abstract 0LD pos = pronoun subpos = demonstrative z.B. "ehtom", "tom", "togo", "takix", "tot" R-tag ??? D-tag pronomen_dem
SubClass Of
DigitalCardinalNumeral G DigitalCardinalNumeral Digital Cardinal Numeral
Abstract 0LD in Ziffernform geschriebene Zahlen, z.B. "123456", "99." R-tag CHISL-DIGIT D-tag card_digit, numeral_ord..._digit
SubClass Of
DisjunctiveConjunction G DisjunctiveConjunction Disjunctive Conjunction
Abstract 0LD pos = conjunction type = disjunctive z.B. "chem", "tem" R-tag ??? D-tag konj_disj
SubClass Of
Feature G Feature Feature
SubClass Of
Feature G Feature Feature
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/
FiniteVerb G FiniteVerb Finite Verb
Abstract 0LD R-tag GL D-tag verb_finit
SubClass Of
FiniteVerbPast G FiniteVerbPast Finite Verb Past
Abstract 0LD finites Verb im Pr?teritum R-tag GL:prosh... D-tag verb_finit_prt
SubClass Of
FiniteVerbPresent G FiniteVerbPresent Finite Verb Present
Abstract 0LD finites Verb im Pr?sens R-tag GL:nast... D-tag verb_finit_prs
SubClass Of
FormFeature G FormFeature Form Feature
Abstract The FormFeature means the long or the short inflection.
SubClass Of
GenderFeature G GenderFeature Gender Feature
SubClass Of
GeneralPronoun G GeneralPronoun General Pronoun
Abstract 0LD pos = pronoun subpos = general z.B. "vsju", "drugoj", "samyx", "sam", "ljubye", "drugie" R-tag ??? D-tag = pronomen_gen
SubClass Of
GL-infinitive G GL-infinitive G L-infinitive
Abstract 0LD tag GL:infinitiv...
SubClass Of
ImperativeVerb G ImperativeVerb Imperative Verb
Abstract 0LD Imperativ R-tag GL:povel... D-tag verb_imperativ
SubClass Of
IndefiniteCardinalNumeral G IndefiniteCardinalNumeral Indefinite Cardinal Numeral
Abstract 0LD R-Tag (fehlt) D-Tag card-ind type = cardinal reference = indefinite z.B. "neskolqko", "mnogo" Quantoren ?
SubClass Of
IndefinitePossessivePronoun G IndefinitePossessivePronoun Indefinite Possessive Pronoun
Abstract These are indefinite possessive pronouns.
SubClass Of
IndefinitePronoun G IndefinitePronoun Indefinite Pronoun
Abstract These are indefinite pronouns. e.g. "vsego", "nekotorye", "nechto", "nibudq", "chego", "kakoj", "nekoe", "koe", "chto", "kakie".
SubClass Of
InfinitiveVerb G InfinitiveVerb Infinitive Verb
Abstract 0LD R-tag GL:infinitiv D-tag verb_infinitiv
SubClass Of
Interjection G Interjection Interjection
Abstract These are interjections. An interjection is a part of speech that usually has no grammatical connection to the rest of the sentence and simply expresses emotion on the part of the speaker. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interjections 15.12.06)
SubClass Of
InterrogativePossessivePronoun G InterrogativePossessivePronoun Interrogative Possessive Pronoun
Abstract These are interrogative possessive pronouns.
SubClass Of
InterrogativePronoun G InterrogativePronoun Interrogative Pronoun
Abstract 0LD pos = pronoun subpos = interrogative R-tag ??? D-tag pronomen_int z.B. "kakoj", "chto", "chem", "kto"
SubClass Of
KompDisj G KompDisj Komp Disj
Abstract 0LD R-tag ??? D-tag komp_disj
SubClass Of
MoodFeature G MoodFeature Mood Feature
SubClass Of
Name G Name Name
Abstract 0LD tag IMJA grammatische Kategorien (wie Substantiv) ignoriert
SubClass Of
NegativePronoun G NegativePronoun Negative Pronoun
Abstract These are negative pronouns e.g. "nikogo", "nikakoj", "nikem". They mostly begin with "ni- ".
SubClass Of
NonderivedAdverb G NonderivedAdverb Nonderived Adverb
Abstract 0LD "einfache, nicht deadjektivische Adverbien", z.B. "segodn'a" R-tag NAR D-tag adverb
SubClass Of
Noun G Noun Noun
Abstract 0LD R-tag SUW D-tag substantiv grammatische Kategorien (rod, chislo, padezh, padezh-2, odushestvlennost') ignoriert
SubClass Of
NumberFeature G NumberFeature Number Feature
SubClass Of
Numeral G Numeral Numeral
Abstract These are different kinds of numerals.
SubClass Of
olia_system:Feature G olia_system_Feature Feature (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:LinguisticAnnotation G olia_system_LinguisticAnnotation Linguistic Annotation (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
OrdinalNumeral G OrdinalNumeral Ordinal Numeral
Abstract 0LD Ordinalzahlen, wie Adjektive flektiert (grammatische Kategorien siehe dort, ignoriert), z.B. "des'atyj" R-tag CHISL-PORJAD D-tag numeral_ord
SubClass Of
Other G Other Other
Abstract 0LD "Kleinere Wortarten" nicht weiter erl?utert und daher nicht als eigene Kategorien erkl?rt wurden folgende R-tags: CHAST FORMULA INOSTR LEPET MEZHD SOJUZ ZNAK
SubClass Of
Participle G Participle Participle
Abstract 0LD tag PRICH, grammatische Kategorien (vrem'a, chislo, rod, zalog, padezh, odushestvlennoct', forma) ignoriert "Die grammatischen Kategorien der Partizipien stammen teils von den Verben, teils von den Adjektiven ..."
SubClass Of
Particle G Particle Particle
Abstract R-tag CHAST D-tag partikel z.B. "vedq", "imenno", "ne", "vot", "prosto", "zhe", "i", "li"
SubClass Of
Peregrin G Peregrin Peregrin
Abstract 0LD ??? R-tag ??? D-tag peregrin
SubClass Of
PersonalPronoun G PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun
Abstract 0LD pos = pronoun subpos = personal R-tag ??? D-tag pronomen_per
SubClass Of
PersonFeature G PersonFeature Person Feature
SubClass Of
PossessiveAdjective G PossessiveAdjective Possessive Adjective
Abstract 0LD Possessivadjektive, z.B. "d'adin" R-tag PRIL-PRITJAZH D-tag adjektiv_possessiv
SubClass Of
PossessivePronoun G PossessivePronoun Possessive Pronoun
Abstract 0LD pos = pronoun subpos = possessive R-tag ??? D-tag pronoun_pos
SubClass Of
Predicative G Predicative Predicative
Abstract This is the predicative e.g. "nuzhno", "Vazhno". A predicative is a word class which is between an adverb and a verb. It looks like an adverb, but it is used like a verb. Mostly in cases of state description or statements about the weather.
SubClass Of
Preposition G Preposition Preposition
Abstract 0LD Pr?position, z.B. "ob", "v", "ot" R-tag ??? D-tag praep
SubClass Of
Pronoun G Pronoun Pronoun
Abstract These are pronouns.
SubClass Of
Punctuation G Punctuation Punctuation
Abstract These are punctuation marks.
SubClass Of
ReciprocalPronoun G ReciprocalPronoun Reciprocal Pronoun
Abstract These are reciprocal pronouns e.g. "drug", "druga", "drugom", "drugu".
SubClass Of
ReflexivePossessivePronoun G ReflexivePossessivePronoun Reflexive Possessive Pronoun
Abstract These are reflexive possessive pronouns.
SubClass Of
ReflexivePronoun G ReflexivePronoun Reflexive Pronoun
Abstract 0LD reflexive pronouns R-tag ??? D-tag pronomen_ref "sebe", "sebja", "soboj", "soboju" (sonst nichts)
SubClass Of
RelativePossessivePronoun G RelativePossessivePronoun Relative Possessive Pronoun
Abstract These are relative possessive pronouns.
SubClass Of
RelativePronoun G RelativePronoun Relative Pronoun
Abstract 0LD relative pronoun R-tag ??? D-tag pronomen_rel
SubClass Of
SubordinativeConjunction G SubordinativeConjunction Subordinative Conjunction
Abstract These are subordinative conjunctions.
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveDemonstrativePronoun G SubstitutiveDemonstrativePronoun Substitutive Demonstrative Pronoun
Abstract These are substitutive demonstrative pronouns.
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveGeneralPronoun G SubstitutiveGeneralPronoun Substitutive General Pronoun
Abstract These are substitutive general pronouns.
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveIndefinitePronoun G SubstitutiveIndefinitePronoun Substitutive Indefinite Pronoun
Abstract These are substitutive indefinite pronouns.
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveInterrogativePronoun G SubstitutiveInterrogativePronoun Substitutive Interrogative Pronoun
Abstract These are substitutive interrogative pronouns.
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveNegativePronoun G SubstitutiveNegativePronoun Substitutive Negative Pronoun
Abstract These are substitutive negative pronouns.
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveRelativePronoun G SubstitutiveRelativePronoun Substitutive Relative Pronoun
Abstract These are substitutive relative pronouns.
SubClass Of
Tag G Tag Tag
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/
Tag G Tag Tag
Abstract 0LD RM, Regel 3: "Das Tagset folgt dem ?konomieprinzip, Wo eine grammatische Kategorievon der gegebenen Form nicht ausgedr?ckt werden kann (sondern sich nur per Kongruenz, syntagmatisch o.?. ergibt), wird sie auch nicht markiert."
SubClass Of
TenseFeature G TenseFeature Tense Feature
SubClass Of
Verb G Verb Verb
Abstract 0LD R-tag GL D-tag verb Finitheit und Modus (ipv, ind., ...) ber?cksichtigt sonstige grammatische Kategorien ignoriert (vrem'a, lico, rod, zalog)
SubClass Of
VoiceFeature G VoiceFeature Voice Feature
SubClass Of

Object Properties

governsCase G governsCase governsCase
governsNumber G governsNumber governsNumber
hasAnimacyFeature G hasAnimacyFeature hasAnimacyFeature
hasAspect G hasAspect hasAspect
hasCase G hasCase hasCase
hasControlFeature G hasControlFeature hasControlFeature
hasDegree G hasDegree hasDegree
hasFeature G hasFeature hasFeature
hasFormFeature G hasFormFeature hasFormFeature
hasGender G hasGender hasGender
hasInherentFeature G hasInherentFeature hasInherentFeature
Abstract keine Kontrolleigenschaft, Eigenschaften durch Referenz, Verweis
hasInherentGenus G hasInherentGenus hasInherentGenus
hasInherentNumber G hasInherentNumber hasInherentNumber
hasMood G hasMood hasMood
hasNumber G hasNumber hasNumber
hasPerson G hasPerson hasPerson
hasTense G hasTense hasTense
hasVoice G hasVoice hasVoice
http://purl.org/olia/hasFeature G http__purl_org_olia_hasFeature //purl.org/olia/hasFeature (http)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/

Datatype Properties

hasTag G hasTag hasTag
hasTier G hasTier hasTier
olia_system:hasTag G olia_system_hasTag hasTag (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:hasTier G olia_system_hasTier hasTier (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#