Ontology - susa

Annotation Model of the morphosyntactic component of the SUSANNE scheme as applied to the British English SUSANNE corpus (Sampson, 1995), also covering the simplified SUSANNE tag set as used by the TnT Tagger (Brants 2000).
Brants, T. (2000), TnT--a statistical part-of-speech tagger, In Proc. ANLP 2000
Sampson, G. (1995), English for the computer: The SUSANNE corpus and analytic scheme, Oxford University Press
Latest Version

Classes - Overview

G olia_system_Feature Feature (olia_system) Degree Degree olia_system_Feature->Degree is a Case Case olia_system_Feature->Case is a Number Number olia_system_Feature->Number is a Person Person olia_system_Feature->Person is a Countability Countability olia_system_Feature->Countability is a Gender Gender olia_system_Feature->Gender is a Tense Tense olia_system_Feature->Tense is a Valency Valency olia_system_Feature->Valency is a Form Form olia_system_Feature->Form is a olia_system_LinguisticAnnotation Linguistic Annotation (olia_system) Tag Tag olia_system_LinguisticAnnotation->Tag is a SubstitutivePersonalPronoun Substitutive Personal Pronoun SubstitutiveFirstPersonPronoun Substitutive First Person Pronoun SubstitutivePersonalPronoun->SubstitutiveFirstPersonPronoun is a SubstitutiveSecondPersonPronoun Substitutive Second Person Pronoun SubstitutivePersonalPronoun->SubstitutiveSecondPersonPronoun is a SubstitutivePossessivePronoun Substitutive Possessive Pronoun SubstitutivePersonalPronoun->SubstitutivePossessivePronoun is a ReflexivePronoun Reflexive Pronoun SubstitutivePersonalPronoun->ReflexivePronoun is a SubstitutiveThirdPersonPronoun Substitutive Third Person Pronoun SubstitutivePersonalPronoun->SubstitutiveThirdPersonPronoun is a SubstitutivePronoun Substitutive Pronoun SubstitutivePronoun->SubstitutivePersonalPronoun is a SubstitutiveNegativePronoun Substitutive Negative Pronoun SubstitutivePronoun->SubstitutiveNegativePronoun is a SubstitutiveIndefinitePronoun Substitutive Indefinite Pronoun SubstitutivePronoun->SubstitutiveIndefinitePronoun is a SubstitutiveWHPronoun Substitutive W H Pronoun SubstitutivePronoun->SubstitutiveWHPronoun is a Verb Verb LexicalVerb Lexical Verb Verb->LexicalVerb is a PresentParticiple Present Participle Verb->PresentParticiple is a BaseForm Base Form Verb->BaseForm is a Past Past Verb->Past is a Be Be Verb->Be is a PastParticiple Past Participle Verb->PastParticiple is a Have Have Verb->Have is a Present Present Verb->Present is a Do Do Verb->Do is a ModalVerb Modal Verb Verb->ModalVerb is a Verb->Tense hasTense Verb->Valency hasValency Verb->Form hasForm Tag->SubstitutivePronoun is a Tag->Verb is a Adjective Adjective Tag->Adjective is a Punctuation Punctuation Tag->Punctuation is a Unique Unique Tag->Unique is a Preposition Preposition Tag->Preposition is a Article Article Tag->Article is a Adverb Adverb Tag->Adverb is a Conjunction Conjunction Tag->Conjunction is a NonPOS Non P O S Tag->NonPOS is a AttributivePronoun Attributive Pronoun Tag->AttributivePronoun is a Noun Noun Tag->Noun is a Numeral Numeral Tag->Numeral is a QuantifierDeterminerPronoun Quantifier Determiner Pronoun Tag->QuantifierDeterminerPronoun is a Interjection Interjection Tag->Interjection is a AttributiveAdjective Attributive Adjective Adjective->AttributiveAdjective is a GeneralAdjective General Adjective Adjective->GeneralAdjective is a PredicativeAdjective Predicative Adjective Adjective->PredicativeAdjective is a LexicalVerbPresentParticiple Lexical Verb Present Participle LexicalVerb->LexicalVerbPresentParticiple is a LexicalVerbPastForm Lexical Verb Past Form LexicalVerb->LexicalVerbPastForm is a LexicalVerbThirdPerson Lexical Verb Third Person LexicalVerb->LexicalVerbThirdPerson is a LexicalVerbPastParticiple Lexical Verb Past Participle LexicalVerb->LexicalVerbPastParticiple is a LexicalVerbBaseForm Lexical Verb Base Form LexicalVerb->LexicalVerbBaseForm is a PresentParticiple->LexicalVerbPresentParticiple is a BePresentParticiple Be Present Participle PresentParticiple->BePresentParticiple is a HavePresentParticiple Have Present Participle PresentParticiple->HavePresentParticiple is a DoPast Do Past PresentParticiple->DoPast is a TopographicalNoun Topographical Noun CommonNoun Common Noun CommonNoun->TopographicalNoun is a UnitNoun Unit Noun CommonNoun->UnitNoun is a CommonNoun->Countability hasCountability DirectionNoun Direction Noun CommonNoun->DirectionNoun is a Title Title CommonNoun->Title is a TemporalNoun Temporal Noun CommonNoun->TemporalNoun is a OrganizationNoun Organization Noun CommonNoun->OrganizationNoun is a Not Not Unique->Not is a ExistentialThere Existential There Unique->ExistentialThere is a PrepositionOrSubordinatingConjunction Preposition Or Subordinating Conjunction SubordinatingConjunction Subordinating Conjunction SubordinatingConjunction->PrepositionOrSubordinatingConjunction is a ProperSubordinatingConjunction Proper Subordinating Conjunction SubordinatingConjunction->ProperSubordinatingConjunction is a SubordinatingConjunctionWithInfinitival Subordinating Conjunction With Infinitival SubordinatingConjunction->SubordinatingConjunctionWithInfinitival is a Preposition->PrepositionOrSubordinatingConjunction is a HaveBaseForm Have Base Form BaseForm->HaveBaseForm is a DoBaseForm Do Base Form BaseForm->DoBaseForm is a ModalVerbBaseForm Modal Verb Base Form BaseForm->ModalVerbBaseForm is a BeBaseForm Be Base Form BaseForm->BeBaseForm is a BaseForm->LexicalVerbBaseForm is a IndefiniteArticle Indefinite Article Article->IndefiniteArticle is a NegativeDeterminer Negative Determiner Article->NegativeDeterminer is a Every Every Article->Every is a DefiniteArticle Definite Article Article->DefiniteArticle is a GeneralAdverb General Adverb Adverb->GeneralAdverb is a TemporalAdverb Temporal Adverb Adverb->TemporalAdverb is a PrepositionAsAdverb Preposition As Adverb Adverb->PrepositionAsAdverb is a PostmodifyingAdverb Postmodifying Adverb Adverb->PostmodifyingAdverb is a AppositionIntroducingAdverb Apposition Introducing Adverb Adverb->AppositionIntroducingAdverb is a TopographicalAdverb Topographical Adverb Adverb->TopographicalAdverb is a Qualifier Qualifier Adverb->Qualifier is a Past->LexicalVerbPastForm is a HavePast Have Past Past->HavePast is a BePast Be Past Past->BePast is a CatenativeModalVerb Catenative Modal Verb Past->CatenativeModalVerb is a ModalVerbPast Modal Verb Past Past->ModalVerbPast is a CoordinatingConjunction Coordinating Conjunction Conjunction->SubordinatingConjunction is a Conjunction->CoordinatingConjunction is a PreCoordinator Pre Coordinator Conjunction->PreCoordinator is a Suffix Suffix NonPOS->Suffix is a Distorted Distorted NonPOS->Distorted is a Prefix Prefix NonPOS->Prefix is a Formula Formula NonPOS->Formula is a Letter Letter NonPOS->Letter is a ForeignWord Foreign Word NonPOS->ForeignWord is a GenitiveInflection Genitive Inflection NonPOS->GenitiveInflection is a AttributivePossessivePronoun Attributive Possessive Pronoun AttributivePronoun->AttributivePossessivePronoun is a WHAdverb W H Adverb GeneralAdverb->WHAdverb is a ComparativeAdverb Comparative Adverb GeneralAdverb->ComparativeAdverb is a SuperlativeAdverb Superlative Adverb GeneralAdverb->SuperlativeAdverb is a Noun->CommonNoun is a ProperNoun Proper Noun Noun->ProperNoun is a Am Am Be->Am is a BePastParticiple Be Past Participle Be->BePastParticiple is a Be->BeBaseForm is a Be->BePresentParticiple is a Is Is Be->Is is a Be->BePast is a Are Are Be->Are is a HavePastParticiple Have Past Participle PastParticiple->HavePastParticiple is a DoPastParticiple Do Past Participle PastParticiple->DoPastParticiple is a PastParticiple->LexicalVerbPastParticiple is a Have->HavePast is a Have->HaveBaseForm is a Have->HavePastParticiple is a Have->HavePresentParticiple is a Has Has Have->Has is a Present->Am is a Present->LexicalVerbThirdPerson is a Does Does Present->Does is a Present->Is is a Present->Has is a Fraction Fraction Numeral->Fraction is a CardinalNumber Cardinal Number Numeral->CardinalNumber is a OrdinalNumber Ordinal Number Numeral->OrdinalNumber is a SubstitutiveIndefiniteReflexive Substitutive Indefinite Reflexive SubstitutiveIndefinitePronoun->SubstitutiveIndefiniteReflexive is a DoPresentParticiple Do Present Participle Do->DoPresentParticiple is a Do->DoBaseForm is a Do->Does is a Do->DoPastParticiple is a Do->DoPast is a ModalVerb->ModalVerbBaseForm is a ModalVerb->CatenativeModalVerb is a ModalVerb->ModalVerbPast is a Demonstrative Demonstrative Determiner Determiner Determiner->Demonstrative is a Quantifier Quantifier Determiner->Quantifier is a WHDeterminer W H Determiner Determiner->WHDeterminer is a QuantifyingPronoun Quantifying Pronoun QuantifierDeterminerPronoun->Determiner is a QuantifierDeterminerPronoun->QuantifyingPronoun is a QuantifierDeterminerPronoun->Quantifier is a SubstitutiveRelativePronoun Substitutive Relative Pronoun SubstitutiveWHPronoun->SubstitutiveRelativePronoun is a SubstitutiveInterrogativePronoun Substitutive Interrogative Pronoun SubstitutiveWHPronoun->SubstitutiveInterrogativePronoun is a

Properties - Overview


Adjective G Adjective Adjective
Abstract SUSANNE tags begining with J... represent predicative adjectives, attributive adjectives and general adjectives.
SubClass Of
Adverb G Adverb Adverb
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with R... represent adverbs.
SubClass Of
Am G Am Am
Abstract The tag VBM is used for "am". (Sampson 1995, p. 118)
SubClass Of
AppositionIntroducingAdverb G AppositionIntroducingAdverb Apposition Introducing Adverb
Abstract These are apposition-introducing elements e.g. "for example", "for instance", "namely". (Sampson 1995, p.116)
SubClass Of
Are G Are Are
Abstract The SUSANNE tag VBR is used for "are". (Sampson 1995, p. 118)
SubClass Of
Article G Article Article
Abstract SUSANNE tag AT pertains to articles and other determiners, i.e., "every", the indefinite article, the negative determiner and the definite article. (Sampson 1995, p.105)
SubClass Of
AttributiveAdjective G AttributiveAdjective Attributive Adjective
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with JB... represent attributively used adjectives, e.g., "inner", "interior", "joint". (Sampson 1995, p. 109)
SubClass Of
AttributivePossessivePronoun G AttributivePossessivePronoun Attributive Possessive Pronoun
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with APPG... are used for attributive possessive pronouns ("her", "his", "its", "my", "our", "your", "their") (Sampson 1995, p.105)
SubClass Of
AttributivePronoun G AttributivePronoun Attributive Pronoun
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with APP represent attributive pronouns.
SubClass Of
BaseForm G BaseForm Base Form
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with V and containing 0 represent base forms of verbs, i.e., infinitive and identical word forms (indicative, imperative).
SubClass Of
Be G Be Be
Abstract The class Be contains the SUSANNE tags for the forms of "be". (Sampson 1995, p. 118)
SubClass Of
BeBaseForm G BeBaseForm Be Base Form
Abstract The SUSANNE tag VB0 is used for "be". (Sampson 1995, p. 119)
SubClass Of
BePast G BePast Be Past
Abstract Past forms of "be".
SubClass Of
BePastParticiple G BePastParticiple Be Past Participle
Abstract This used for the past participle of "be".
SubClass Of
BePresentParticiple G BePresentParticiple Be Present Participle
Abstract The SUSANNE tag VBG is used for the present participle of "be", i.e., "being". (Sampson 1995, p. 118)
SubClass Of
CardinalNumber G CardinalNumber Cardinal Number
Abstract MC is the SUSANNE tag used for cardinal numbers from "zero" upwards, spelled out. This includes "umpteen". (Sampson 1995, p. 111)
SubClass Of
Case G Case Case
SubClass Of
CatenativeModalVerb G CatenativeModalVerb Catenative Modal Verb
Abstract The SUSANNE tag VMK is used for "ought" and "used" as modal catenatives. (Sampson 1995, p. 118)
SubClass Of
CommonNoun G CommonNoun Common Noun Countability Countability CommonNoun->Countability hasCountability
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with NN represent common nouns and direction nouns. Also, ND has been included here as it is comparable with temporal situating as in NNa, NNp, NNT....
SubClass Of
ComparativeAdverb G ComparativeAdverb Comparative Adverb
Abstract This is a single-word comparative adverb other than "more" and "less". (Sampson 1995, p. 117)
SubClass Of
Conjunction G Conjunction Conjunction
Abstract The Conjunction class tags conjunctions and subsumes the classes BTO, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions and pre-coordinators. The SUSANNE tags begin with C... . for logical reasons, pre-coordinator (LE) is added here.
SubClass Of
CoordinatingConjunction G CoordinatingConjunction Coordinating Conjunction
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with CC represent coordinating conjunctions ("and"/CC, "as"/CC31, "but"/CCB). (Sampson 1995, p. 105)
SubClass Of
Countability G Countability Countability
SubClass Of
DefiniteArticle G DefiniteArticle Definite Article
Abstract This is the definite article "the". (Sampson 1995, p. 105)
SubClass Of
Degree G Degree Degree
SubClass Of
Demonstrative G Demonstrative Demonstrative
Abstract Demonstratives
SubClass Of
Determiner G Determiner Determiner
Abstract SUSANNE tag beginning with DD... represent a very heterogeneous group including demonstratives, quantifiers and wh-determiner. (Sampson 1995, p. 106)
SubClass Of
DirectionNoun G DirectionNoun Direction Noun
Abstract The SUSANNE tag ND1 is used for direction e.g. "north", "N", "southeast". (Sampson 1995, p. 111)
SubClass Of
Distorted G Distorted Distorted
Abstract FD is used for a distorted word, for spoken language only. (Sampson 1995, p. 107)
SubClass Of
Do G Do Do
Abstract The class DoType contains the SUSANNE tags for the forms of "do". (Sampson 1995, p. 118)
SubClass Of
DoBaseForm G DoBaseForm Do Base Form
Abstract The SUSANNE tag VD0 is used for "do" as infinitive or as indicative. (Sampson 1995, p. 119)
SubClass Of
Does G Does Does
Abstract VDZ is used for "does". (Sampson 1995, p. 118)
SubClass Of
DoPast G DoPast Do Past
Abstract VDD is used for "did". (Sampson 1995, p. 118)
SubClass Of
DoPastParticiple G DoPastParticiple Do Past Participle
Abstract The VDN tag describes "done". (Sampson 1995, p. 118)
SubClass Of
DoPresentParticiple G DoPresentParticiple Do Present Participle
Abstract Present participle of "to do".
SubClass Of
Every G Every Every
Abstract SUSANNE tag used for "every" (Sampson 1995, p. 105), according to http://www.ilc.cnr.it/EAGLES96/morphsyn/node454.html#SECTION00084100000000000000, an indefinite determiner
SubClass Of
ExistentialThere G ExistentialThere Existential There
Abstract EX is the SUSANNE tag used for existential "there". (Sampson 1995, p. 107)
SubClass Of
ForeignWord G ForeignWord Foreign Word
Abstract SUSANNE tag beginning with FW... apply to foreign words which are not capable of being allocated a more specific tag by reference to their English context. (Sampson 1995, p. 108)
SubClass Of
Form G Form Form
SubClass Of
Formula G Formula Formula
Abstract The FO class subsumes formulas, mathematical expressions, adresses etc.. (Sampson 1995, p. 107f.)
SubClass Of
Fraction G Fraction Fraction
Abstract MFn is the tag used for fractons written digitally e.g. "2/3". (Sampson 1995, p. 111)
SubClass Of
Gender G Gender Gender
SubClass Of
GeneralAdjective G GeneralAdjective General Adjective
Abstract These are general adjectives. (Sampson 1995, p. 109)
SubClass Of
GeneralAdverb G GeneralAdverb General Adverb
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with RR... are general adverbs. (Sampson 1995, p.117)
SubClass Of
GenitiveInflection G GenitiveInflection Genitive Inflection
Abstract GG is the SUSANNE tag used for the Germanic genitive inflection +?s, or + ? after a plural stem and certain other stems ending in -s. (Sampson 1995, p. 108)
SubClass Of
Has G Has Has
Abstract The SUSANNE tag VHZ is used for "has". (Sampson 1995, p. 119)
SubClass Of
Have G Have Have
Abstract SUSANNE tags for forms of "to have". (Sampson 1995, p. 118)
SubClass Of
HaveBaseForm G HaveBaseForm Have Base Form
Abstract The SUSANNE VH0 is used for "have". (Sampson 1995, p. 119)
SubClass Of
HavePast G HavePast Have Past
Abstract The tag VHD is used for the past tense form "had". (Sampson 1995, p. 119)
SubClass Of
HavePastParticiple G HavePastParticiple Have Past Participle
Abstract The SUSANNE tag VHN is used for the past participle form "had". (Sampson 1995, p. 119)
SubClass Of
HavePresentParticiple G HavePresentParticiple Have Present Participle
Abstract The SUSANNE tag VHG is used for "having". (Sampson 1995, p. 119)
SubClass Of
IndefiniteArticle G IndefiniteArticle Indefinite Article
Abstract This is used for the indefinite article "a", "an". (Sampson 1995, p. 105)
SubClass Of
Interjection G Interjection Interjection
Abstract These are interjections tagged UH in SUSANNE. In the CHRISTINE corpus replaced with a range of different U-tags.
SubClass Of
Is G Is Is
Abstract The SUSANNE tag VBZ is used for "is". (Sampson 1995, p. 118)
SubClass Of
Letter G Letter Letter
Abstract ZZ is used for letters and letter names of the (roman or other) alphabet. (Sampson 1995, p. 120)
SubClass Of
LexicalVerb G LexicalVerb Lexical Verb
Abstract These are lexical verbs.
SubClass Of
LexicalVerbBaseForm G LexicalVerbBaseForm Lexical Verb Base Form
Abstract SUSANNE tags which begin with VV... are used for non-modal/non-auxiliar verbs. (Sampson 1995, p. 118f)
SubClass Of
LexicalVerbPastForm G LexicalVerbPastForm Lexical Verb Past Form
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with VV... are used for non-modal verbs or non-auxiliary verbs. LexicalVerbPastForm is a class for past tense verbforms. (Sampson 1995, p. 118f)
SubClass Of
LexicalVerbPastParticiple G LexicalVerbPastParticiple Lexical Verb Past Participle
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginningwith VVN represent past participles of lexical verbs.
SubClass Of
LexicalVerbPresentParticiple G LexicalVerbPresentParticiple Lexical Verb Present Participle
Abstract Tags which begin with VV... are used for non-modal verbs or non-auxiliary verbs. LexicalVerbPresentParticiple is a class for present participle verbforms. (Sampson 1995: 118f)
SubClass Of
LexicalVerbThirdPerson G LexicalVerbThirdPerson Lexical Verb Third Person
Abstract Tags which begin with VV... are used for non-modal verbs or non-auxiliary verbs. LexicalVerbThirdPerson is used for the third person form of full verbs. (Sampson 1995, p. 119)
SubClass Of
ModalVerb G ModalVerb Modal Verb
Abstract The class of ModalVerb contains the SUSANNE tags VMd, VMo and VMK.
SubClass Of
ModalVerbBaseForm G ModalVerbBaseForm Modal Verb Base Form
Abstract The SUSANNE tag VMo is used for modals in present form e.g. "can", "dare", "may", "must", "need", "shall", "will". (Sampson 1995, p. 118)
SubClass Of
ModalVerbPast G ModalVerbPast Modal Verb Past
Abstract The SUSANNE tag VMd is used for modals in past form e.g. "could", "might", "should", "would". (Sampson 1995, p. 118)
SubClass Of
NegativeDeterminer G NegativeDeterminer Negative Determiner
Abstract This is used for "no" as determiner or qualifier. (Sampson 1995, p. 105)
SubClass Of
Abstract The NonPOS class subsumes separated morphological elements, formulae, equations, foreign words etc. Also, GG (~ FA) and ZZ (single Letter) are added here
SubClass Of
Not G Not Not
Abstract XX is the SUSANNE tag for the word "not". (Sampson 1995, p. 119)
SubClass Of
Noun G Noun Noun
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with N... represent nouns (proper nouns and common nouns).
SubClass Of
Number G Number Number
SubClass Of
Numeral G Numeral Numeral
Abstract The Numeral class subsumes cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers and fraction numbers. The SUSANNE tags begin with M.. .
SubClass Of
olia_system:Feature G olia_system_Feature Feature (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:LinguisticAnnotation G olia_system_LinguisticAnnotation Linguistic Annotation (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
OrdinalNumber G OrdinalNumber Ordinal Number
Abstract MD is the SUSANNE tag used for ordinal numbers, whether used as ordinal adjective or adverb or as fraction e.g. "third", "fourth". (Sampson 1995, p. 111)
SubClass Of
OrganizationNoun G OrganizationNoun Organization Noun
Abstract Organization nouns are common nouns that denote is an organization and that are used as the head word in the name of organizations of that kind. (Sampson 1995, p. 94)
SubClass Of
Past G Past Past
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with V and containing D,d or K represent past tense verbs (VBD, VHD, VMd, VMK and VVD).
SubClass Of
PastParticiple G PastParticiple Past Participle
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with V and containing N (VDN, VHN and VVN) represent past participles.
SubClass Of
Person G Person Person
SubClass Of
PostmodifyingAdverb G PostmodifyingAdverb Postmodifying Adverb
Abstract Postmodifying adverbs and adverb-like phrases. (Sampson 1995, p.115f.)
SubClass Of
PreCoordinator G PreCoordinator Pre Coordinator
Abstract The SUSANNE tag LE applies to pre-coordinators, i.e., the first element of paired coordination markers (cf. http://www.ilc.cnr.it/EAGLES96/morphsyn/node622.html#SECTION000124200000000000000, ?3.71). In the Susanne Corpus "pre-co-ordinator" means the first part of paired co-ordinating markers, e.g. in "both... and", "neither... nor". (Sampson 1995, p.110)
SubClass Of
PredicativeAdjective G PredicativeAdjective Predicative Adjective
Abstract These are predicatively used adjectives ("akin", "alike", "asleep"). (Sampson 1995, p. 109)
SubClass Of
Prefix G Prefix Prefix
Abstract FB is the SUSANNE tag used for a prefix which is seperated by a hyphen. (Sampson 1995, p. 107)
SubClass Of
Preposition G Preposition Preposition
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with I... represent prepositions, but also PrepositionOrSubordinatingConjunction.
SubClass Of
PrepositionAsAdverb G PrepositionAsAdverb Preposition As Adverb
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with RP... represent prepositions used as adverb. (Sampson 1995, p.116f)
SubClass Of
PrepositionOrSubordinatingConjunction G PrepositionOrSubordinatingConjunction Preposition Or Subordinating Conjunction
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with ICS apply to prepositions (I) that can also occur as subordinating conjunctions (CS), e.g., "after", "before", "since" (ICSt), "considering" (ICS), "save" (ICSx). This ambiguity is not resolved in SUSANNE. (Sampson 1995, p.108f.)
SubClass Of
Present G Present Present
Abstract The Present class contains the SUSANNE tags VBM, VBZ, VDZ, VHZ and VVZ. SUSANNE V...-tags which contain "M" represent first person singular of "be", those which contain "Z" represent third person singular verbs. Other present verbs are tagged as BaseForm.
SubClass Of
PresentParticiple G PresentParticiple Present Participle
Abstract The PresentParticiple class contains the SUSANNE tags VBG, VDD, VHG and VVG which stand for present participle forms.
SubClass Of
ProperNoun G ProperNoun Proper Noun
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with NP... apply to several subtypes of proper nouns. (Sampson 1995, p. 113f.)
SubClass Of
ProperSubordinatingConjunction G ProperSubordinatingConjunction Proper Subordinating Conjunction
SubClass Of
Punctuation G Punctuation Punctuation
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with Y represent punctuation, text-structuring symbols, font instructions and pauses.
SubClass Of
Qualifier G Qualifier Qualifier
Abstract In SUSANNE terminology, a "qualifier" is an adverb-modifying adjective or adverb. Tags beginning with RG... apply to qualifiers which having no other adverbial use. (Sampson 1995, p.116)
SubClass Of
Quantifier G Quantifier Quantifier
Abstract SUSANNE tags begin with DA... represent quantifiers ("few", "little", "less", "many", "several"). (Sampson 1995, p. 106)
SubClass Of
QuantifierDeterminerPronoun G QuantifierDeterminerPronoun Quantifier Determiner Pronoun
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with D... form a very heterogeneous class of expressions include quantifiers, DB and determiners. According to the examples, the prototypical forms which are collected here can be used as determiners. Some have ambiguity with pronouns.
SubClass Of
QuantifyingPronoun G QuantifyingPronoun Quantifying Pronoun
Abstract The class QuantifyingPronoun subsumes quantifying determiners or pronouns ("all", "both", "half"). (Sampson 1995, p. 106)
SubClass Of
ReflexivePronoun G ReflexivePronoun Reflexive Pronoun
Abstract These are the reflexive personal pronouns. Their tags begin with PPX.. . (Sampson 1995, p. 115)
SubClass Of
SubordinatingConjunction G SubordinatingConjunction Subordinating Conjunction
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with CS... represent subcoordinating conjunctions ("although", "how", "if"). (Sampson 1995, p.106) The tags BTO and TO are also included here, according to van Valin and Lapolla (1997), English "to" (+infinitive) is a subordinating conjunction.
SubClass Of
SubordinatingConjunctionWithInfinitival G SubordinatingConjunctionWithInfinitival Subordinating Conjunction With Infinitival
Abstract SUSANNE tag for "in order" introducing infinitive (cf. TO); according to http://www.ilc.cnr.it/EAGLES96/morphsyn/node623.html#SECTION000124300000000000000 this is a subordinating conjunction
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveFirstPersonPronoun G SubstitutiveFirstPersonPronoun Substitutive First Person Pronoun
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with PPI... represent first person pronouns. (Sampson 1995, p. 115)
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveIndefinitePronoun G SubstitutiveIndefinitePronoun Substitutive Indefinite Pronoun
Abstract The SubstitutiveIndefinitePronoun class subsumes the SUSANNE tags PN1 and PNX1.
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveIndefiniteReflexive G SubstitutiveIndefiniteReflexive Substitutive Indefinite Reflexive
Abstract PNX1 is the SUSANNE tag used for the singular indefinite reflexive "oneself". (Sampson 1995, p. 115)
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveInterrogativePronoun G SubstitutiveInterrogativePronoun Substitutive Interrogative Pronoun
Abstract The SubstitutiveInterrogativePronoun class contains the SUSANNE tags PNQOq and PNQSq.
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveNegativePronoun G SubstitutiveNegativePronoun Substitutive Negative Pronoun
Abstract This is the negative substitutive pronoun "none". (Sampson 1995, p. 114)
SubClass Of
SubstitutivePersonalPronoun G SubstitutivePersonalPronoun Substitutive Personal Pronoun
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with PP... represent substitutive personal pronouns
SubClass Of
SubstitutivePossessivePronoun G SubstitutivePossessivePronoun Substitutive Possessive Pronoun
Abstract These are substitutive possessive pronouns. The SUSANNE tags begin with PPG... . (G is "genitive", as English possessives are derived from Genitive forms of personal pronouns) (Sampson 1995, p. 115)
SubClass Of
SubstitutivePronoun G SubstitutivePronoun Substitutive Pronoun
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with P... represent substitutive pronouns (EAGLES "pronouns" as opposed to "determiner").
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveRelativePronoun G SubstitutiveRelativePronoun Substitutive Relative Pronoun
Abstract The SubstitutiveRelativePronoun class contains the SUSANNE tags PNQOr and PNQSr.
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveSecondPersonPronoun G SubstitutiveSecondPersonPronoun Substitutive Second Person Pronoun
Abstract This is the second person personal pronoun "you". (Sampson 1995, p. 115)
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveThirdPersonPronoun G SubstitutiveThirdPersonPronoun Substitutive Third Person Pronoun
Abstract These are third person personal pronouns. (Sampson 1995, p. 115)
SubClass Of
SubstitutiveWHPronoun G SubstitutiveWHPronoun Substitutive W H Pronoun
Abstract SUSANNE tags which begin with PNQ... represent SubstitutiveWHPronouns. This class contains PNQV ("whosever", "whomever", "whoever"), SubstitutiveInterrogativePronoun and SubstitutiveRelativePronoun.
SubClass Of
Suffix G Suffix Suffix
Abstract FA is the SUSANNE tag used for a suffix which is seperated by a hyphen. (Sampson 1995, p. 107)
SubClass Of
SuperlativeAdverb G SuperlativeAdverb Superlative Adverb
Abstract This is a superlative adverb other than "most" and "least". (Sampson 1995, p. 117)
SubClass Of
Tag G Tag Tag
Abstract SUSANNE TagSet (Sampson 1995) augmented with English examples from the Susanne corpus and from "Morphosyntactic Phenomena Encoded in Lexicons and Corpora A Common Proposal and Applications to European Languages EAG---CLWG---MORPHSYN/R Version of 31st Aug, 1996" (http://www.ilc.cnr.it/EAGLES96/morphsyn/)
SubClass Of
TemporalAdverb G TemporalAdverb Temporal Adverb
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with RT... are temporal adverbs. (Sampson 1995, p.118)
SubClass Of
TemporalNoun G TemporalNoun Temporal Noun
Abstract These are nouns for time. (Sampson 1995, p. 113)
SubClass Of
Tense G Tense Tense
SubClass Of
Title G Title Title
Abstract Common nouns of style and title. An S term is a status-indicating item which either accompanies one or more individual names within the full title of a person or is used to addres a person of appropriate status, or both. (Sampson 1995, p. 95, 112-113)
SubClass Of
TopographicalAdverb G TopographicalAdverb Topographical Adverb
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with RL... represent adverbs of place or direction. (Sampson 1995, p.116)
SubClass Of
TopographicalNoun G TopographicalNoun Topographical Noun
Abstract Common nouns where the meaning of the word is a topographical feature and the noun is used as the head word in a place-name. (Sampson 1995, p. 94)
SubClass Of
Unique G Unique Unique
Abstract Following the EAGLES recommendations, the Unique class subsumes different 'particles'. These are isolate forms, uninflectable, which have not been included anwhere else (see http://www.ilc.cnr.it/EAGLES96/morphsyn/node700.html#SECTION000153100000000000000 for a list). Includes "to" (+ Infin.) (UI), negative "not", "n't" (UN), and existential "there" (UX)
SubClass Of
UnitNoun G UnitNoun Unit Noun
Abstract Unit nouns, i.e., units of measurement, wether written in full ("inch", "kilogramm") or abbreviated either alphabetically or symbolically, as head of a noun phrase denoting a measured quantity. (Sampson 1995, p. 97)
SubClass Of
Valency G Valency Valency
SubClass Of
Verb G Verb Verb Form Form Verb->Form hasForm Tense Tense Verb->Tense hasTense Valency Valency Verb->Valency hasValency
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with V... represent verbs. Note that the subclassification follows the following EAGLES recommendation: Since it is impractical, however, given the current capabilities of tagging software, to resolve automatically the ambiguity of these six morphological functions, it is a common practice to assign a single value to the base form, or else to assign two values, one for the finite and one for the non-finite functions. Because of this, the tables below show two tagsets: one tagset representing the 6 attribute-values above, and a reduced tagset (`RTags'), which resembles most tagsets so far used for the English language in reducing the six values to two. http://www.ilc.cnr.it/EAGLES96/morphsyn/node150.html#SECTION00054000000000000000
SubClass Of
WHAdverb G WHAdverb W H Adverb
Abstract SUSANNE tags beginning with RRQ represent interrogative or relative adverbs, e.g., "where", "how", "when". (Sampson 1995, p. 117)
SubClass Of
WHDeterminer G WHDeterminer W H Determiner
Abstract These are interrogative or relative pronouns in attributive use. (Sampson 1995, p. 107)
SubClass Of

Object Properties

hasCase G hasCase hasCase
hasCountability G hasCountability hasCountability
hasDegree G hasDegree hasDegree
hasForm G hasForm hasForm
hasGender G hasGender hasGender
hasNumber G hasNumber hasNumber
hasPerson G hasPerson hasPerson
hasTense G hasTense hasTense
hasValency G hasValency hasValency
olia_system:hasFeature G olia_system_hasFeature hasFeature (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#

Datatype Properties

f f
olia_system:hasTag G olia_system_hasTag hasTag (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:hasTier G olia_system_hasTier hasTier (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#