Ontology - tiger

TIGER morphosyntax (parts of speech = modified STTS) and morphology July 2007 created by Christian Chiarcos and Angelika Adam 2010/01/13 system.owl references updated, Christian Chiarcos, chiarcos@uni-potsdam.de
Latest Version


Classes - Overview

G stts_AuxiliaryInfinitive Auxiliary Infinitive (stts) stts_SentenceInternalPunctuation Sentence Internal Punctuation (stts) stts_FiniteModalVerb Finite Modal Verb (stts) stts_DemonstrativePronoun Demonstrative Pronoun (stts) stts_CardinalNumber Cardinal Number (stts) stts_PrepositionWithArticle Preposition With Article (stts) stts_ZuWithInfinitive Zu With Infinitive (stts) stts_PossessivePronoun Possessive Pronoun (stts) stts_Punctuation Punctuation (stts) stts_Adjective Adjective (stts) stts_Infinitive Infinitive (stts) stts_Adverb Adverb (stts) stts_AttributiveAdjective Attributive Adjective (stts) stts_Article Article (stts) stts_SubstitutiveIndefinitePronoun Substitutive Indefinite Pronoun (stts) stts_CommonNoun Common Noun (stts) stts_RelativePronoun Relative Pronoun (stts) stts_ProperNoun Proper Noun (stts) stts_SeparatedVerbalParticle Separated Verbal Particle (stts) stts_Adposition Adposition (stts) stts_AuxiliaryImperative Auxiliary Imperative (stts) stts_AuxiliaryPastParticiple Auxiliary Past Participle (stts) stts_Conjunction Conjunction (stts) stts_Interjection Interjection (stts) stts_PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun (stts) stts_AttributiveInterrogativePronoun Attributive Interrogative Pronoun (stts) stts_Imperative Imperative (stts) stts_ParticleWithAdjective Particle With Adjective (stts) stts_ReflexivePronoun Reflexive Pronoun (stts) stts_Particle Particle (stts) stts_ModalInfinitive Modal Infinitive (stts) stts_InfinitiveWithZu Infinitive With Zu (stts) stts_FiniteVerb Finite Verb (stts) stts_ComparisonParticle Comparison Particle (stts) stts_Pronoun Pronoun (stts) stts_ModalPastParticiple Modal Past Participle (stts) stts_SubstitutiveInterrogativePronoun Substitutive Interrogative Pronoun (stts) stts_FiniteAuxiliaryVerb Finite Auxiliary Verb (stts) stts_NegationParticle Negation Particle (stts) stts_PastParticiple Past Participle (stts) stts_AttributiveIndefinitePronounWithoutDeterminer Attributive Indefinite Pronoun Without Determiner (stts) olia_system_Feature Feature (olia_system) MorphologicalFeature Morphological Feature olia_system_Feature->MorphologicalFeature is a olia_system_LinguisticAnnotation Linguistic Annotation (olia_system) Tag Tag olia_system_LinguisticAnnotation->Tag is a InfinitiveAuxiliaryVerb Infinitive Auxiliary Verb Imperative Imperative ImperativeAuxiliary Imperative Auxiliary Imperative->ImperativeAuxiliary is a ImperativeFullVerb Imperative Full Verb Imperative->ImperativeFullVerb is a NonfiniteVerb Nonfinite Verb NonfiniteVerb->Imperative is a Infinitive Infinitive NonfiniteVerb->Infinitive is a Participle Participle NonfiniteVerb->Participle is a InfinitiveWithZu Infinitive With Zu NonfiniteVerb->InfinitiveWithZu is a stts_NonWords Non Words (stts) Misc Misc Misc->stts_NonWords is a stts_Truncated Truncated (stts) Misc->stts_Truncated is a Unknown Unknown Misc->Unknown is a Untagged Untagged Misc->Untagged is a stts_ForeignMaterial Foreign Material (stts) Misc->stts_ForeignMaterial is a FiniteModalVerb Finite Modal Verb FiniteVerb Finite Verb FiniteVerb->FiniteModalVerb is a FiniteFullVerb Finite Full Verb FiniteVerb->FiniteFullVerb is a FiniteAuxiliaryVerb Finite Auxiliary Verb FiniteVerb->FiniteAuxiliaryVerb is a PersonFeature Person Feature MorphologicalFeature->PersonFeature is a DegreeFeature Degree Feature MorphologicalFeature->DegreeFeature is a InfinitenessFeature Infiniteness Feature MorphologicalFeature->InfinitenessFeature is a MoodFeature Mood Feature MorphologicalFeature->MoodFeature is a NumberFeature Number Feature MorphologicalFeature->NumberFeature is a TenseFeature Tense Feature MorphologicalFeature->TenseFeature is a GenderFeature Gender Feature MorphologicalFeature->GenderFeature is a CaseFeature Case Feature MorphologicalFeature->CaseFeature is a ClosedClass Closed Class CardinalNumber Cardinal Number ClosedClass->CardinalNumber is a Article Article ClosedClass->Article is a Adposition Adposition ClosedClass->Adposition is a Conjunction Conjunction ClosedClass->Conjunction is a Interjection Interjection ClosedClass->Interjection is a Particle Particle ClosedClass->Particle is a Proform Proform ClosedClass->Proform is a Pos Pos Pos->Misc is a Pos->ClosedClass is a OpenClass Open Class Pos->OpenClass is a Punctuation Punctuation Pos->Punctuation is a Tag->Pos is a Verb Verb Verb->NonfiniteVerb is a Verb->FiniteVerb is a OpenClass->Verb is a Adjective Adjective OpenClass->Adjective is a Adverb Adverb OpenClass->Adverb is a Noun Noun OpenClass->Noun is a InfinitiveFullVerb Infinitive Full Verb CommonNoun Common Noun Noun->CommonNoun is a ProperNoun Proper Noun Noun->ProperNoun is a Infinitive->InfinitiveAuxiliaryVerb is a Infinitive->InfinitiveFullVerb is a InfinitiveModalVerb Infinitive Modal Verb Infinitive->InfinitiveModalVerb is a PastParticipleAuxiliary Past Participle Auxiliary Participle->PastParticipleAuxiliary is a PastParticipleModal Past Participle Modal Participle->PastParticipleModal is a PastParticipleFullVerb Past Participle Full Verb Participle->PastParticipleFullVerb is a

Properties - Overview


Adjective G Adjective Adjective
Abstract (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
Adposition G Adposition Adposition
Abstract (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
Adverb G Adverb Adverb
Abstract (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
Article G Article Article
Abstract Definite or indefinite article, "der", "die", "das", "ein", "eine" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
CardinalNumber G CardinalNumber Cardinal Number
Abstract Cardinal number, e.g. "zwei [M?nner], [im Jahre] 1994" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
CaseFeature G CaseFeature Case Feature
Abstract Case is a nominal inflectional category indicating the syntactic or semantic function of an NP. (http://www.uni-erfurt.de/sprachwissenschaft/proxy.php?port=8080&file=lido/servlet/Lido_Servlet Kasus 14.05.07)
SubClass Of
ClosedClass G ClosedClass Closed Class
Abstract (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
CommonNoun G CommonNoun Common Noun
Abstract Common noun, e.g. "Tisch, Herr, [das] Reisen" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
Conjunction G Conjunction Conjunction
Abstract (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
DegreeFeature G DegreeFeature Degree Feature
Abstract Degree of comparison is a grammatical category of the adjective or adverb which allows a comparison between the extent to which whatever is modified by the adjective/adverb possesses the quality designated by it, and something else. (http://www.uni-erfurt.de/sprachwissenschaft/proxy.php?port=8080&file=lido/servlet/Lido_Servlet Grad 14.05.07)
SubClass Of
FiniteAuxiliaryVerb G FiniteAuxiliaryVerb Finite Auxiliary Verb
Abstract Finite auxiliary verb, e.g. "[du] bist, [wir] werden" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
FiniteFullVerb G FiniteFullVerb Finite Full Verb
Abstract Finite full verb, e.g. "[du] gehst, [wir] kommen [an]" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
FiniteModalVerb G FiniteModalVerb Finite Modal Verb
Abstract Finite modal verb, e.g. "d?rfen" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
FiniteVerb G FiniteVerb Finite Verb
Abstract (tigerstts.xml: "finite")
SubClass Of
GenderFeature G GenderFeature Gender Feature
SubClass Of
Imperative G Imperative Imperative
Abstract Imperative (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
ImperativeAuxiliary G ImperativeAuxiliary Imperative Auxiliary
Abstract Imperative, auxiliary verb, e.g. "sei [ruhig !]" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
ImperativeFullVerb G ImperativeFullVerb Imperative Full Verb
Abstract Imperative, full verb, e.g. "komm [!]" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
InfinitenessFeature G InfinitenessFeature Infiniteness Feature
Abstract The InfinitenessFeature is in the TIGER morphology annotation schema an attribute which describes the infinitive, the infinitive with "zu", the imperative and the past participle.
SubClass Of
Infinitive G Infinitive Infinitive
Abstract (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
InfinitiveAuxiliaryVerb G InfinitiveAuxiliaryVerb Infinitive Auxiliary Verb
Abstract Infinitive, auxiliary verb, e.g. "werden, sein" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
InfinitiveFullVerb G InfinitiveFullVerb Infinitive Full Verb
Abstract Infinitive, full verb, e.g. "gehen, ankommen" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
InfinitiveModalVerb G InfinitiveModalVerb Infinitive Modal Verb
Abstract Infinitive, modal verb, e.g. "wollen" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
InfinitiveWithZu G InfinitiveWithZu Infinitive With Zu
Abstract Infinitive with zu, full verb, e.g. "anzukommen, loszulassen" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
Interjection G Interjection Interjection
Abstract Interjection, e.g. "mhm, ach, tja" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
Misc G Misc Misc
Abstract (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
MoodFeature G MoodFeature Mood Feature
SubClass Of
MorphologicalFeature G MorphologicalFeature Morphological Feature
SubClass Of
NonfiniteVerb G NonfiniteVerb Nonfinite Verb
Abstract (tigerstts.xml: "nonfinite")
SubClass Of
Noun G Noun Noun
Abstract Noun (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
NumberFeature G NumberFeature Number Feature
Abstract Number is a grammatical category encoding the cardinality of a referent. A minimal number system distinguishes between one item and more than one item. (http://www.uni-erfurt.de/sprachwissenschaft/proxy.php?port=8080&file=lido/servlet/Lido_Servlet Numerus 14.05.07)
SubClass Of
olia_system:Feature G olia_system_Feature Feature (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:LinguisticAnnotation G olia_system_LinguisticAnnotation Linguistic Annotation (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
OpenClass G OpenClass Open Class
Abstract open word classes (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
Participle G Participle Participle
Abstract Past participle (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
Particle G Particle Particle
Abstract (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
PastParticipleAuxiliary G PastParticipleAuxiliary Past Participle Auxiliary
Abstract Past participle, auxiliary, e.g. "gewesen" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
PastParticipleFullVerb G PastParticipleFullVerb Past Participle Full Verb
Abstract Past participle, full verb, e.g. "gegangen, angekommen" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
PastParticipleModal G PastParticipleModal Past Participle Modal
Abstract Past participle, modal verb, e.g. "gekonnt, [er hat gehen] k?nnen" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
PersonFeature G PersonFeature Person Feature
Abstract Person is a deictic category encoding the speech participant role, including the non-speech-act-participation, of a referent. Person is a pronominal category that may appear in independent pronouns or in pronominal affixes of other word classes. (http://www.uni-erfurt.de/sprachwissenschaft/proxy.php?port=8080&file=lido/servlet/Lido_Servlet Person 14.05.07)
SubClass Of
Pos G Pos Pos
Abstract base type (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
Proform G Proform Proform
Abstract Proform (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
ProperNoun G ProperNoun Proper Noun
Abstract Proper noun, e.g. "Hans, Hamburg, HSV" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
Punctuation G Punctuation Punctuation
Abstract (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
stts:Adjective G stts_Adjective Adjective (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:Adposition G stts_Adposition Adposition (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:Adverb G stts_Adverb Adverb (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:Article G stts_Article Article (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:AttributiveAdjective G stts_AttributiveAdjective Attributive Adjective (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:AttributiveIndefinitePronounWithoutDeterminer G stts_AttributiveIndefinitePronounWithoutDeterminer Attributive Indefinite Pronoun Without Determiner (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:AttributiveInterrogativePronoun G stts_AttributiveInterrogativePronoun Attributive Interrogative Pronoun (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:AuxiliaryImperative G stts_AuxiliaryImperative Auxiliary Imperative (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:AuxiliaryInfinitive G stts_AuxiliaryInfinitive Auxiliary Infinitive (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:AuxiliaryPastParticiple G stts_AuxiliaryPastParticiple Auxiliary Past Participle (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:CardinalNumber G stts_CardinalNumber Cardinal Number (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:CommonNoun G stts_CommonNoun Common Noun (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:ComparisonParticle G stts_ComparisonParticle Comparison Particle (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
Abstract "comparative conjunction" (tigerstts.xml)
stts:Conjunction G stts_Conjunction Conjunction (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:DemonstrativePronoun G stts_DemonstrativePronoun Demonstrative Pronoun (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:FiniteAuxiliaryVerb G stts_FiniteAuxiliaryVerb Finite Auxiliary Verb (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:FiniteModalVerb G stts_FiniteModalVerb Finite Modal Verb (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:FiniteVerb G stts_FiniteVerb Finite Verb (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:ForeignMaterial G stts_ForeignMaterial Foreign Material (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
SubClass Of
stts:Imperative G stts_Imperative Imperative (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:Infinitive G stts_Infinitive Infinitive (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:InfinitiveWithZu G stts_InfinitiveWithZu Infinitive With Zu (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:Interjection G stts_Interjection Interjection (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:ModalInfinitive G stts_ModalInfinitive Modal Infinitive (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:ModalPastParticiple G stts_ModalPastParticiple Modal Past Participle (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:NegationParticle G stts_NegationParticle Negation Particle (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
Abstract "negating particle" (tigerstts.xml)
stts:NonWords G stts_NonWords Non Words (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
Abstract Nonword, with special characters, e.g. "3:7, H2O, D2XW3" (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
stts:Particle G stts_Particle Particle (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:ParticleWithAdjective G stts_ParticleWithAdjective Particle With Adjective (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
Abstract "particle with adjective or adverb" (tigerstts.xml)
stts:PastParticiple G stts_PastParticiple Past Participle (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:PersonalPronoun G stts_PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:PossessivePronoun G stts_PossessivePronoun Possessive Pronoun (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:PrepositionWithArticle G stts_PrepositionWithArticle Preposition With Article (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:Pronoun G stts_Pronoun Pronoun (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:ProperNoun G stts_ProperNoun Proper Noun (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:Punctuation G stts_Punctuation Punctuation (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:ReflexivePronoun G stts_ReflexivePronoun Reflexive Pronoun (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:RelativePronoun G stts_RelativePronoun Relative Pronoun (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:SentenceInternalPunctuation G stts_SentenceInternalPunctuation Sentence Internal Punctuation (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
Abstract "other punctuation marks" (tigerstts.xml)
stts:SeparatedVerbalParticle G stts_SeparatedVerbalParticle Separated Verbal Particle (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
Abstract "separated verb particle" (tigerstts.xml)
stts:SubstitutiveIndefinitePronoun G stts_SubstitutiveIndefinitePronoun Substitutive Indefinite Pronoun (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:SubstitutiveInterrogativePronoun G stts_SubstitutiveInterrogativePronoun Substitutive Interrogative Pronoun (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
stts:Truncated G stts_Truncated Truncated (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
SubClass Of
stts:ZuWithInfinitive G stts_ZuWithInfinitive Zu With Infinitive (stts)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/stts.owl#
Abstract "zu before infinitive" (tigerstts.xml)
Tag G Tag Tag
Abstract The document tigerstts.xml distributed with TigerSearch (version 2.1, September 1st, 2003; doc/examples/tigerstts.xml) specifies an alternative hierarchical structuring of STTS tags.
SubClass Of
TenseFeature G TenseFeature Tense Feature
Abstract Tense is a grammatical category that manifests the time at which a situation holds. This is done by relating the time meant to some reference point, which is by default the time of the speech act. Therefore, tense is a deictic category. The most important temporal relations between the two time-points are simultaneity, anteriority and posteriority. They found the tenses present, past and future. Tense is frequently marked on the verb or the auxiliary. Nominal tense is quite rare. (http://www.uni-erfurt.de/sprachwissenschaft/proxy.php?port=8080&file=lido/servlet/Lido_Servlet Tempus 14.05.07)
SubClass Of
Unknown G Unknown Unknown
Abstract tagging of the token unknown (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
Untagged G Untagged Untagged
Abstract Untagged (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of
Verb G Verb Verb
Abstract Verb (tigerstts.xml)
SubClass Of

Object Properties

hasCase G hasCase hasCase
hasDegree G hasDegree hasDegree
hasGender G hasGender hasGender
hasInfiniteness G hasInfiniteness hasInfiniteness
hasMood G hasMood hasMood
hasNumber G hasNumber hasNumber
hasPerson G hasPerson hasPerson
hasTense G hasTense hasTense

Datatype Properties

f f f f f
olia_system:hasTag G olia_system_hasTag hasTag (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:hasTagContaining G olia_system_hasTagContaining hasTagContaining (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
Abstract This property is used to describe the possible position of a morphological feature within the annotation string. A feature which in an annotation string is marked with the startsWith property.
olia_system:hasTagEndingWith G olia_system_hasTagEndingWith hasTagEndingWith (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
Abstract This property is used to describe the possible position of a morphological feature within the annotation string. The last feature in an annotation string is marked with the endsWith property.
olia_system:hasTagStartingWith G olia_system_hasTagStartingWith hasTagStartingWith (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
Abstract This property is used to describe the possible position of a morphological feature within the annotation string. The first feature in an annotation string is marked with the startsWith property.
olia_system:hasTier G olia_system_hasTier hasTier (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#