Ontology - russleeds

Annotation scheme for part of speech annotation used by Serge Sharoff's TreeTagger module, cf. Sharoff et al. (2008).
Sharoff, S. and Kopotev, M. and Erjavec, T. and Feldman, A. and Divjak, D. (2008), Designing and evaluating Russian tagsets. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2008), Marrakech, Morocco, May 2008
Latest Version

Classes - Overview

G olia_system_LinguisticAnnotation Linguistic Annotation (olia_system) Tag Tag olia_system_LinguisticAnnotation->Tag is a Conjunction Conjunction Tag->Conjunction is a Adverb Adverb Tag->Adverb is a Predicative Predicative Tag->Predicative is a SentenceEnd Sentence End Tag->SentenceEnd is a Parenthetical Parenthetical Tag->Parenthetical is a Verb Verb Tag->Verb is a Pronoun Pronoun Tag->Pronoun is a Adjective Adjective Tag->Adjective is a Initials Initials Tag->Initials is a OrdinalNumber Ordinal Number Tag->OrdinalNumber is a Interjection Interjection Tag->Interjection is a Noun Noun Tag->Noun is a Numerative Numerative Tag->Numerative is a Punctuation Punctuation Tag->Punctuation is a Preposition Preposition Tag->Preposition is a Particle Particle Tag->Particle is a AdverbialPronoun Adverbial Pronoun Pronoun->AdverbialPronoun is a AdjectivalPronoun Adjectival Pronoun Pronoun->AdjectivalPronoun is a PredicativePronoun Predicative Pronoun Pronoun->PredicativePronoun is a PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun Pronoun->PersonalPronoun is a

Properties - Overview


AdjectivalPronoun G AdjectivalPronoun Adjectival Pronoun
Abstract These are adjectival pronouns, e.g. ??????? ("which"), ???? ("your").
SubClass Of
Adjective G Adjective Adjective
Abstract These are adjectives, e.g. ?????????? ("brown"), ???????????? ("mysterious").
SubClass Of
Adverb G Adverb Adverb
Abstract These are adverbs, e.g. ??????? ("in a temper"), ????? ("very much").
SubClass Of
AdverbialPronoun G AdverbialPronoun Adverbial Pronoun
Abstract These are adverbal pronouns, e.g. ??? ("where; where is"), ??? ("there; there is").
SubClass Of
Conjunction G Conjunction Conjunction
Abstract These are conjunctions, e.g. ? ("and"), ????? ("that").
SubClass Of
Initials G Initials Initials
Abstract These are initials, e.g. (M., P.).
SubClass Of
Interjection G Interjection Interjection
Abstract These are interjections, e.g. ??? ("alas"), ?? ("Aye"), ?? ("Oh"), ?? ("Oh"), ?? ("Oh"), ?? ("Uh").
SubClass Of
Noun G Noun Noun
Abstract Theses are nouns, e.g. ?????? ("an apple tree"), ?????? ("a horse"), ?????? ("the case"), ???????? ("eternity").
SubClass Of
Numerative G Numerative Numerative
Abstract These are numerals, e.g. ?????? ("four"), ?????? ("ten"), ????? ("it is a lot of").
SubClass Of
olia_system:LinguisticAnnotation G olia_system_LinguisticAnnotation Linguistic Annotation (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
OrdinalNumber G OrdinalNumber Ordinal Number
Abstract These are ordinal numbers, e.g. ???? ("one"), ??????? ("the seventh"), ????????????? ("the eightieth").
SubClass Of
Parenthetical G Parenthetical Parenthetical
Abstract This is an idiomatic phrase marking the beginning of a new turn in a dialog, or a new topic in a discourse, e.g. ?????? ("by the way"), ??-????? ("in my opinion").
SubClass Of
Particle G Particle Particle
Abstract These are particles, e.g. ??, ??, ?????.
SubClass Of
PersonalPronoun G PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun
Abstract These are personal pronouns, e.g. ??? ("she"), ??? ("what").
SubClass Of
Predicative G Predicative Predicative
Abstract These are expressions used as a predicative, thus are non-inflected, e.g. ???? ("it is a pity"), ?????? ("well"), ???? ("it is time").
SubClass Of
PredicativePronoun G PredicativePronoun Predicative Pronoun
Abstract These are predicatives pronouns, e.g. ?????? ("noone"), ?????? ("nothing").
SubClass Of
Preposition G Preposition Preposition
Abstract These are prepositions, e.g. ??? ("under"), ????????("opposite").
SubClass Of
Pronoun G Pronoun Pronoun
SubClass Of
Punctuation G Punctuation Punctuation
Abstract These are punctuation marks.
SubClass Of
SentenceEnd G SentenceEnd Sentence End
Abstract These are punctuation marks marking sentence ending.
SubClass Of
Tag G Tag Tag
SubClass Of
Verb G Verb Verb
Abstract These are verbs, e.g. ???????????? ("to use"), ???????????? ("to process").
SubClass Of

Datatype Properties

olia_system:hasTag G olia_system_hasTag hasTag (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:hasTier G olia_system_hasTier hasTier (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#