Ontology - stanford

OLiA Annotation Model of Stanford Parser dependency labels (de Marneffe and Manning 2011) Unless specified otherwise, all comments are taken from de Marneffe and Manning (2011) References: Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Christopher D. Manning (2011), Stanford typed dependencies manual, September 2008, revised for Stanford Parser v. 1.6.9 in September 2011, http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/dependencies_manual.pdf
Latest Version


Classes - Overview

G olia_system_Feature Feature (olia_system) DependencyLabel Dependency Label olia_system_Feature->DependencyLabel is a olia_system_Relation Relation (olia_system) DependencyRelation Dependency Relation olia_system_Relation->DependencyRelation is a olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation Unit Of Annotation (olia_system) Token Token olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation->Token is a AbbreviationModifier Abbreviation Modifier AdjectivalComplement Adjectival Complement AdjectivalModifier Adjectival Modifier AdverbialClauseModifier Adverbial Clause Modifier AdverbialModifier Adverbial Modifier NegationModifier Negation Modifier AdverbialModifier->NegationModifier is a Agent Agent AppositionalModifier Appositional Modifier Argument Argument Argument->Agent is a Complement Complement Argument->Complement is a Subject Subject Argument->Subject is a Attributive Attributive Auxiliary Auxiliary Copula Copula Auxiliary->Copula is a PassiveAuxiliary Passive Auxiliary Auxiliary->PassiveAuxiliary is a ClausalComplementWithExternalSubject Clausal Complement With External Subject ClausalComplementWithInternalSubject Clausal Complement With Internal Subject ClausalSubject Clausal Subject PassiveClausalSubject Passive Clausal Subject ClausalSubject->PassiveClausalSubject is a Complement->AdjectivalComplement is a Complement->Attributive is a Complement->ClausalComplementWithExternalSubject is a Complement->ClausalComplementWithInternalSubject is a Complementizer Complementizer Complement->Complementizer is a Marker Marker Complement->Marker is a Object Object Complement->Object is a PrepositionalComplement Prepositional Complement Complement->PrepositionalComplement is a Relative Relative Complement->Relative is a CompountNumberElement Compount Number Element Conjunct Conjunct ControllingSubject Controlling Subject Coordination Coordination Dependent Dependent DependencyLabel->Dependent is a Root Root DependencyLabel->Root is a Dependent->Argument is a Dependent->Auxiliary is a Dependent->Conjunct is a Dependent->Coordination is a Expletive Expletive Dependent->Expletive is a Modifier Modifier Dependent->Modifier is a Parataxis Parataxis Dependent->Parataxis is a Punctuation Punctuation Dependent->Punctuation is a Referent Referent Dependent->Referent is a SemanticDependent Semantic Dependent Dependent->SemanticDependent is a Determiner Determiner DirectObject Direct Object IndirectObject Indirect Object InfinitivalModifier Infinitival Modifier MeasurePhraseModifier Measure Phrase Modifier Modifier->AbbreviationModifier is a Modifier->AdjectivalModifier is a Modifier->AdverbialClauseModifier is a Modifier->AdverbialModifier is a Modifier->AppositionalModifier is a Modifier->CompountNumberElement is a Modifier->Determiner is a Modifier->InfinitivalModifier is a Modifier->MeasurePhraseModifier is a MultiWordExpression Multi Word Expression Modifier->MultiWordExpression is a NounCompoundModifier Noun Compound Modifier Modifier->NounCompoundModifier is a NounPhraseAsAdverbialModifier Noun Phrase As Adverbial Modifier Modifier->NounPhraseAsAdverbialModifier is a NumericModifier Numeric Modifier Modifier->NumericModifier is a ParticipalModifier Participal Modifier Modifier->ParticipalModifier is a PhrasalVerbParticle Phrasal Verb Particle Modifier->PhrasalVerbParticle is a PossessionModifier Possession Modifier Modifier->PossessionModifier is a PossessiveModifier Possessive Modifier Modifier->PossessiveModifier is a Preconjunct Preconjunct Modifier->Preconjunct is a Predeterminer Predeterminer Modifier->Predeterminer is a PrepositionalModifier Prepositional Modifier Modifier->PrepositionalModifier is a PurposeClauseModifier Purpose Clause Modifier Modifier->PurposeClauseModifier is a QuantifierModifier Quantifier Modifier Modifier->QuantifierModifier is a RelativeClauseModifier Relative Clause Modifier Modifier->RelativeClauseModifier is a NominalSubject Nominal Subject PassiveNominalSubject Passive Nominal Subject NominalSubject->PassiveNominalSubject is a TemporalModifier Temporal Modifier NounPhraseAsAdverbialModifier->TemporalModifier is a Object->DirectObject is a Object->IndirectObject is a ObjectOfPreposition Object Of Preposition Object->ObjectOfPreposition is a PrepositionalClausalModifier Prepositional Clausal Modifier PrepositionalModifier->PrepositionalClausalModifier is a SemanticDependent->ControllingSubject is a Subject->ClausalSubject is a Subject->NominalSubject is a


AbbreviationModifier (abbreviation modifier) G AbbreviationModifier Abbreviation Modifier
Abstract An abbreviation modifier of an NP is a parenthesized NP that serves to abbreviate the NP (or to define an abbreviation). "The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)" abbrev(Corporation, ABC)
SubClass Of
AdjectivalComplement (adjectival complement) G AdjectivalComplement Adjectival Complement
Abstract An adjectival complement of a verb is an adjectival phrase which functions as the complement (like an object of the verb). "She looks very beautiful" acomp(looks, beautiful)
SubClass Of
AdjectivalModifier (adjectival modifier) G AdjectivalModifier Adjectival Modifier
Abstract An adjectival modifier of an NP is any adjectival phrase that serves to modify the meaning of the NP. "Sam eats red meat" amod(meat, red)
SubClass Of
AdverbialClauseModifier (adverbial clause modifier) G AdverbialClauseModifier Adverbial Clause Modifier
Abstract An adverbial clause modifier of a VP or S is a clause modifying the verb (temporal clause, consequence, conditional clause, etc.). "The accident happened as the night was falling" advcl(happened, falling) "If you know who did it, you should tell the teacher" advcl(tell, know)
SubClass Of
AdverbialModifier (adverbial modifier) G AdverbialModifier Adverbial Modifier
Abstract An adverbial modifier of a word is a (non-clausal) adverb or adverbial phrase (ADVP) that serves to modify the meaning of the word. "Genetically modified food" advmod(modified, genetically) "less often" advmod(often, less)
SubClass Of
Agent (agent) G Agent Agent
Abstract An agent is the complement of a passive verb which is introduced by the preposition "by" and does the action. "The man has been killed by the police" agent(killed, police) "Effects caused by the protein are important" agent(caused, protein)
SubClass Of
AppositionalModifier (appositional modifier) G AppositionalModifier Appositional Modifier
Abstract An appositional modifier of an NP is an NP immediately to the right of the first NP that serves to define or modify that NP. It includes parenthesized examples. "Sam, my brother" appos(Sam, brother) "Bill (John's cousin)" appos(Bill, cousin)
SubClass Of
Argument (argument) G Argument Argument
SubClass Of
Attributive (attributive) G Attributive Attributive
Abstract An attributive is a WHNP complement of a copular verb such as "to be", "to seem", "to appear". "What is that?" attr (is, What)
SubClass Of
Auxiliary (auxiliary) G Auxiliary Auxiliary
Abstract An auxiliary of a clause is a non-main verb of the clause, e.g. modal auxiliary, "be" and "have" in a composed tense. "Reagan has died" aux(died, has) "He should leave" aux(leave, should)
SubClass Of
ClausalComplementWithExternalSubject (clausal complement with external subject) G ClausalComplementWithExternalSubject Clausal Complement With External Subject
Abstract An open clausal complement (xcomp) of a VP or an ADJP is a clausal complement without its own subject, whose reference is determined by an external subject. These complements are always non-finite. The name xcomp is borrowed from Lexical-Functional Grammar. "He says that you like to swim" xcomp(like, swim) "I am ready to leave" xcomp(ready, leave)
SubClass Of
ClausalComplementWithInternalSubject (clausal complement with internal subject) G ClausalComplementWithInternalSubject Clausal Complement With Internal Subject
Abstract A clausal complement of a verb or adjective is a dependent clause with an internal subject which functions like an object of the verb, or adjective. Clausal complements for nouns are limited to complement clauses with a subset of nouns like "fact" or "report". We analyze them the same (parallel to the analysis of this class as "content clauses" in Huddleston and Pullum 2002). Such clausal complements are usually finite (though there are occasional remnant English subjunctives). "He says that you like to swim" ccomp(says, like) "I am certain that he did it" ccomp(certain, did) "I admire the fact that you are honest" ccomp(fact, honest)
SubClass Of
ClausalSubject (clausal subject) G ClausalSubject Clausal Subject
Abstract A clausal subject is a clausal syntactic subject of a clause, i.e., the subject is itself a clause. The governor of this relation might not always be a verb: when the verb is a copular verb, the root of the clause is the complement of the copular verb. In the two following examples, "what she said" is the subject. "What she said makes sense" csubj (makes, said) "What she said is not true" csubj (true, said)
SubClass Of
Complement (complement) G Complement Complement
SubClass Of
Complementizer (complementizer) G Complementizer Complementizer
Abstract A complementizer of a clausal complement (ccomp) is the word introducing it. It will be the subordinating conjunction "that" or "whether". "He says that you like to swim" complm(like, that)
SubClass Of
Conjunct (conjunct) G Conjunct Conjunct
Abstract A conjunct is the relation between two elements connected by a coordinating conjunction, such as "and", "or", etc. We treat conjunctions asymmetrically: The head of the relation is the first conjunct and other conjunctions depend on it via the conj relation. "Bill is big and honest" conj (big, honest) "They either ski or snowboard" conj (ski, snowboard)
SubClass Of
ControllingSubject (controlling subject) G ControllingSubject Controlling Subject
Abstract A controlling subject is the relation between the head of a open clausal complement (xcomp) and the external subject of that clause. "Tom likes to eat fish" xsubj (eat, Tom)
SubClass Of
Coordination (coordination) G Coordination Coordination
Abstract A coordination is the relation between an element of a conjunct and the coordinating conjunction word of the conjunct. (Note: different dependency grammars have different treatments of coordination. We take one conjunct of a conjunction (normally the first) as the head of the conjunction.) "Bill is big and honest" cc(big, and) "They either ski or snowboard" cc(ski, or)
SubClass Of
Copula (copula) G Copula Copula
Abstract A copula is the relation between the complement of a copular verb and the copular verb. (We normally take a copula as a dependent of its complement.) "Bill is big" cop(big, is) "Bill is an honest man" cop(man, is)
SubClass Of
DependencyLabel G DependencyLabel Dependency Label
SubClass Of
DependencyRelation G DependencyRelation Dependency Relation
SubClass Of
Dependent (dependent) G Dependent Dependent
Abstract Dependencies are established between tokens, i.e., exactly those entities that are subject to part of speech annotation. A dependency is labeled as dep when the system is unable to determine a more precise dependency relation between two words. This may be because of a weird grammatical construction, a limitation in the Stanford Dependency conversion software, a parser error, or because of an unresolved long distance dependency. "Then, as if to show that he could, . . . " dep(show, if)
SubClass Of
Determiner (determiner) G Determiner Determiner
Abstract A determiner is the relation between the head of an NP and its determiner. "The man is here" det(man, the) "Which book do you prefer?" det(book, which)
SubClass Of
DirectObject (direct object) G DirectObject Direct Object
Abstract The direct object of a VP is the noun phrase which is the (accusative) object of the verb. "She gave me a raise" dobj (gave, raise) "They win the lottery" dobj (win, lottery)
SubClass Of
CompountNumberElement (element of compound number) G CompountNumberElement Compount Number Element
Abstract An element of compound number is a part of a number phrase or currency amount. "I lost $ 3.2 billion" number($, billion)
SubClass Of
Expletive (expletive (expletive “there”)) G Expletive Expletive
Abstract This relation captures an existential "there". The main verb of the clause is the governor. "There is a ghost in the room" expl(is, There)
SubClass Of
IndirectObject (indirect object) G IndirectObject Indirect Object
Abstract The indirect object of a VP is the noun phrase which is the (dative) object of the verb. "She gave me a raise" iobj (gave, me)
SubClass Of
InfinitivalModifier (infinitival modifier) G InfinitivalModifier Infinitival Modifier
Abstract An infinitival modifier of an NP is an infinitive that serves to modify the meaning of the NP. "Points to establish are . . . " infmod(points, establish) "I don't have anything to say" infmod(anything, say)
SubClass Of
Marker (marker (word introducing an advcl )) G Marker Marker
Abstract A marker of an adverbial clausal complement (advcl) is the word introducing it. It will be a subordinating conjunction different from "that" or "whether": e.g. "because", "when", "although", etc. "Forces engaged in fighting after insurgents attacked" mark(attacked, after)
SubClass Of
MeasurePhraseModifier (measure-phrase modifier) G MeasurePhraseModifier Measure Phrase Modifier
SubClass Of
Modifier (modifier) G Modifier Modifier
SubClass Of
MultiWordExpression G MultiWordExpression Multi Word Expression
Abstract The multi-word expression (modifier) relation is used for certain multi-word idioms that behave like a single function word. It is used for a closed set of dependencies between words in common multi-word expressions for which it seems difficult or unclear to assign any other relationships. At present, this relation is used inside the following expressions: rather than, as well as, instead of, such as, because of, instead of, in addition to, all but, such as, because of, instead of, due to. The boundaries of this class are unclear; it could grow or shrink a little over time. "I like dogs as well as cats" mwe(well, as) mwe(well, as) "He cried because of you" mwe(of, because)
SubClass Of
NegationModifier (negation modifier) G NegationModifier Negation Modifier
Abstract The negation modifier is the relation between a negation word and the word it modifies. "Bill is not a scientist" neg(scientist, not) "Bill doesn't drive" neg(drive, n't)
SubClass Of
NominalSubject (nominal subject) G NominalSubject Nominal Subject
Abstract A nominal subject is a noun phrase which is the syntactic subject of a clause. The governor of this relation might not always be a verb: when the verb is a copular verb, the root of the clause is the complement of the copular verb, which can be an adjective or noun. "Clinton defeated Dole" nsubj (defeated, Clinton) "The baby is cute" nsubj (cute, baby)
SubClass Of
NounCompoundModifier (noun compound modifier) G NounCompoundModifier Noun Compound Modifier
Abstract A noun compound modifier of an NP is any noun that serves to modify the head noun. (Note that in the current system for dependency extraction, all nouns modify the rightmost noun of the NP -- there is no intelligent noun compound analysis. This is likely to be fixed once the Penn Treebank represents the branching structure of NPs.) "Oil price futures" nn(futures, oil) nn(futures, price)
SubClass Of
NounPhraseAsAdverbialModifier (noun phrase as adverbial modifier) G NounPhraseAsAdverbialModifier Noun Phrase As Adverbial Modifier
Abstract This relation captures various places where something syntactically a noun phrase (NP) is used as an adverbial modifier in a sentence. These usages include: (i) a measure phrase, which is the relation between the head of an ADJP/ADVP/PP and the head of a measure phrase modifying the ADJP/ADVP; (ii) noun phrases giving an extent inside a VP which are not objects; (iii) financial constructions involving an adverbial or PP-like NP, notably the following construction $5 a share, where the second NP means "per share"; (iv) floating reflexives; and (v) certain other absolutive NP constructions. A temporal modifier (tmod) is a subclass of npadvmod which is distinguished as a separate relation. "The director is 65 years old" npadvmod(old, years) "6 feet long" npadvmod(long, feet) "Shares eased a fraction" npadvmod(eased, fraction) "IBM earned $ 5 a share" npadvmod($, share) "The silence is itself significant" npadvmod(significant, itself) "90% of Australians like him, the most of any country" npadvmod(like, most)
SubClass Of
NumericModifier (numeric modifier) G NumericModifier Numeric Modifier
Abstract A numeric modifier of a noun is any number phrase that serves to modify the meaning of the noun. "Sam eats 3 sheep" num(sheep, 3)
SubClass Of
Object (object) G Object Object
SubClass Of
ObjectOfPreposition (object of preposition) G ObjectOfPreposition Object Of Preposition
Abstract The object of a preposition is the head of a noun phrase following the preposition, or the adverbs "here" and "there". (The preposition in turn may be modifying a noun, verb, etc.) Unlike the Penn Treebank, we here define cases of VBG quasi-prepositions like "including", "concerning", etc. as instances of pobj. (The preposition can be called a FW for "pace", "versus", etc. It can also be called a CC -- but we don't currently handle that and would need to distinguish from conjoined prepositions.) In the case of preposition stranding, the object can precede the preposition (e.g., "What does CPR stand for?"). "I sat on the chair" pobj (on, chair)
SubClass Of
olia_system:Feature G olia_system_Feature Feature (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:Relation G olia_system_Relation Relation (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:UnitOfAnnotation G olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation Unit Of Annotation (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
Parataxis (parataxis) G Parataxis Parataxis
Abstract The parataxis relation (from Greek for "place side by side") is a relation between the main verb of a clause and other sentential elements, such as a sentential parenthetical, or a clause after a ":" or a ";". "The guy, John said, left early in the morning" parataxis(left, said)
SubClass Of
ParticipalModifier (participial modifier) G ParticipalModifier Participal Modifier
Abstract A participial modifier of an NP or VP or sentence is a participial verb form that serves to modify the meaning of a noun phrase or sentence. "Truffles picked during the spring are tasty" partmod(truffles, picked) "Bill tried to shoot demonstrating his incompetence" partmod(shoot, demonstrating)
SubClass Of
PassiveAuxiliary (passive auxiliary) G PassiveAuxiliary Passive Auxiliary
Abstract A passive auxiliary of a clause is a non-main verb of the clause which contains the passive information. "Kennedy has been killed" auxpass(killed, been) aux(killed,has) "Kennedy was/got killed" auxpass(killed, was/got)
SubClass Of
PassiveClausalSubject (passive clausal subject) G PassiveClausalSubject Passive Clausal Subject
Abstract A clausal passive subject is a clausal syntactic subject of a passive clause. In the example below, "that she lied" is the subject. "That she lied was suspected by everyone" csubjpass(suspected, lied)
SubClass Of
PassiveNominalSubject (passive nominal subject) G PassiveNominalSubject Passive Nominal Subject
Abstract A passive nominal subject is a noun phrase which is the syntactic subject of a passive clause. "Dole was defeated by Clinton" nsubjpass(defeated, Dole)
SubClass Of
PhrasalVerbParticle (phrasal verb particle) G PhrasalVerbParticle Phrasal Verb Particle
Abstract The phrasal verb particle relation identifies a phrasal verb, and holds between the verb and its particle. "They shut down the station" prt(shut, down)
SubClass Of
PossessionModifier (possession modifier) G PossessionModifier Possession Modifier
Abstract The possession modifier relation holds between the head of an NP and its possessive determiner, or a genitive 's complement. "their offices" poss(offices, their) "Bill's clothes" poss(clothes, Bill)
SubClass Of
PossessiveModifier (possessive modifier (’s)) G PossessiveModifier Possessive Modifier
Abstract The possessive modifier relation appears between the head of an NP and the genitive 's. "Bill's clothes" possessive(John, 's)
SubClass Of
Preconjunct (preconjunct) G Preconjunct Preconjunct
Abstract A preconjunct is the relation between the head of an NP and a word that appears at the beginning bracketing a conjunction (and puts emphasis on it), such as "either", "both", "neither"). "Both the boys and the girls are here" preconj (boys, both)
SubClass Of
Predeterminer (predeterminer) G Predeterminer Predeterminer
Abstract A predeterminer is the relation between the head of an NP and a word that precedes and modifies the meaning of the NP determiner. "All the boys are here" predet(boys, all)
SubClass Of
PrepositionalComplement (prepositional complement) G PrepositionalComplement Prepositional Complement
Abstract This is used when the complement of a preposition is a clause or prepositional phrase (or occasionally, an adverbial phrase). The prepositional complement of a preposition is the head of a clause following the preposition, or the preposition head of the following PP. "We have no information on whether users are at risk" pcomp(on, are) "They heard about you missing classes" pcomp(about, missing)
SubClass Of
PrepositionalModifier (prepositional modifier) G PrepositionalModifier Prepositional Modifier
Abstract A prepositional modifier of a verb, adjective, or noun is any prepositional phrase that serves to modify the meaning of the verb, adjective, noun, or even another prepositon. In the collapsed representation, this is used only for prepositions with NP complements. "I saw a cat in a hat" prep(cat, in) "I saw a cat with a telescope" prep(saw, with) "He is responsible for meals" prep(responsible, for)
SubClass Of
PrepositionalClausalModifier G PrepositionalClausalModifier Prepositional Clausal Modifier
Abstract In the collapsed representation, a prepositional clausal modifier of a verb, adjective, or noun is a clause introduced by a preposition which serves to modify the meaning of the verb, adjective, or noun. "He purchased it without paying a premium" prepc_without(purchased, paying)
SubClass Of
Punctuation (punctuation) G Punctuation Punctuation
Abstract This is used for any piece of punctuation in a clause, if punctuation is being retained in the typed dependencies. By default, punctuation is not retained in the output. "Go home!" punct(Go, !)
SubClass Of
PurposeClauseModifier (purpose clause modifier) G PurposeClauseModifier Purpose Clause Modifier
Abstract A purpose clause modifier of a VP is a clause headed by "(in order) to" specifying a purpose. At present the system only recognizes ones that have "in order to" as otherwise the system is unable to distinguish from the surface representations between these and open clausal complements (xcomp). It can also recognize fronted "to" purpose clauses in sentences. "He talked to him in order to secure the account" purpcl(talked, secure)
SubClass Of
QuantifierModifier (quantifier modifier) G QuantifierModifier Quantifier Modifier
Abstract A quantifier modifier is an element modifying the head of a QP constituent. (These are modifiers in complex numeric quantifiers, not other types of "quantification". Quantifiers like "all" become det.) "About 200 people came to the party" quantmod(200, About)
SubClass Of
Referent (referent) G Referent Referent
Abstract A referent of the head of an NP is the relative word introducing the relative clause modifying the NP. "I saw the book which you bought" ref (book, which)
SubClass Of
Relative (relative (word introducing a rcmod )) G Relative Relative
Abstract A relative of a relative clause is the head word of the WH-phrase introducing it. This analysis is used only for relative words which are not the subject of the relative clause. Relative words which act as the subject of a relative clause are analyzed as a nsubj. "I saw the man whose wife you love" rel (love, wife)
SubClass Of
RelativeClauseModifier (relative clause modifier) G RelativeClauseModifier Relative Clause Modifier
Abstract A relative clause modifier of an NP is a relative clause modifying the NP. The relation points from the head noun of the NP to the head of the relative clause, normally a verb. "I saw the man you love" rcmod(man, love) "I saw the book which you bought" rcmod(book,bought)
SubClass Of
Root G Root Root
Abstract The root grammatical relation points to the root of the sentence. A fake node "ROOT" is used as the governor. The ROOT node is indexed with "0", since the indexation of real words in the sentence starts at 1. "I love French fries." root(ROOT, love) "Bill is an honest man" root(ROOT, man)
SubClass Of
SemanticDependent (semantic dependent) G SemanticDependent Semantic Dependent
SubClass Of
Subject (subject) G Subject Subject
SubClass Of
TemporalModifier (temporal modifier) G TemporalModifier Temporal Modifier
Abstract A temporal modifier (of a VP, NP, or an ADJP is a bare noun phrase constituent that serves to modify the meaning of the constituent by specifying a time. (Other temporal modifiers are prepositional phrases and are introduced as prep.) "Last night, I swam in the pool" tmod(swam, night)
SubClass Of
Token G Token Token
SubClass Of


abbrev G abbrev abbrev AbbreviationModifier
acomp G acomp acomp AdjectivalComplement
advcl G advcl advcl AdverbialClauseModifier
advmod G advmod advmod AdverbialModifier
agent G agent agent Agent
amod G amod amod AdjectivalModifier
appos G appos appos AppositionalModifier
arg G arg arg Argument
attr G attr attr Attributive
aux G aux aux Auxiliary
auxpass G auxpass auxpass PassiveAuxiliary
cc G cc cc Coordination
ccomp G ccomp ccomp ClausalComplementWithInternalSubject
comp G comp comp Complement
compl G compl compl Complementizer
complm G complm complm Complementizer
conj G conj conj Conjunct
conj_ G conj_ conj Conjunct
cop G cop cop Copula
csubj G csubj csubj ClausalSubject
csubjpass G csubjpass csubjpass PassiveClausalSubject
dep G dep dep Dependent
det G det det Determiner
dobj G dobj dobj DirectObject
expl G expl expl Expletive
infmod G infmod infmod InfinitivalModifier
iobj G iobj iobj IndirectObject
mark G mark mark Marker
measure G measure measure MeasurePhraseModifier
mod G mod mod Modifier
mwe G mwe mwe MultiWordExpression
neg G neg neg NegationModifier
nn G nn nn NounCompoundModifier
npadvmod G npadvmod npadvmod NounPhraseAsAdverbialModifier
nsubj G nsubj nsubj NominalSubject
nsubjpass G nsubjpass nsubjpass PassiveNominalSubject
num G num num NumericModifier
number G number number CompountNumberElement
obj G obj obj Object
parataxis G parataxis parataxis Parataxis
partmod G partmod partmod ParticipalModifier
pcomp G pcomp pcomp PrepositionalComplement
pobj G pobj pobj ObjectOfPreposition
poss G poss poss PossessionModifier
possessive G possessive possessive PossessiveModifier
preconj G preconj preconj Preconjunct
predet G predet predet Predeterminer
prep G prep prep PrepositionalModifier
prep_ G prep_ prep PrepositionalModifier
prepc G prepc prepc PrepositionalClausalModifier
prepc_ G prepc_ prepc PrepositionalClausalModifier
prt G prt prt PhrasalVerbParticle
punct G punct punct Punctuation
purpcl G purpcl purpcl PurposeClauseModifier
quantmod G quantmod quantmod QuantifierModifier
rcmod G rcmod rcmod RelativeClauseModifier
ref G ref ref Referent
rel G rel rel Relative
root G root root Root
sdep G sdep sdep SemanticDependent
subj G subj subj Subject
tmod G tmod tmod TemporalModifier
xcomp G xcomp xcomp ClausalComplementWithExternalSubject
xsubj G xsubj xsubj ControllingSubject