Ontology - eagles

OLiA annotation model for the EAGLES recommendations for the annotation of morphosyntax. Unless specified otherwise, all comments are quotes from Leech & Wilson (1996) Originally applied to the following languages: Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Irish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish (http://www.ilc.cnr.it/EAGLES96/morphsyn/node4.html#SECTION00022000000000000000) G. Leech & A. Wilson (1996), EAGLES Recommendations for the Morphosyntactic Annotation of Corpora (EAG--TCWG--MAC/R, Version of Mar, 1996), http://www.ilc.cnr.it/EAGLES/annotate/annotate.html
Latest Version


Classes - Overview

G FusedPrepArt Fused Prep Art system_UnitOfAnnotation Unit Of Annotation (system) EaglesCategory Eagles Category system_UnitOfAnnotation->EaglesCategory is a system_Feature Feature (system) OptionalFeatures Optional Features system_Feature->OptionalFeatures is a RecommendedFeatures Recommended Features system_Feature->RecommendedFeatures is a Abbreviation Abbreviation AccusativeCase Accusative Case Acronym Acronym ActiveVoice Active Voice Adjective Adjective AttributiveAdjective Attributive Adjective Adjective->AttributiveAdjective is a PredicativeAdjective Predicative Adjective Adjective->PredicativeAdjective is a AdjectiveInflectionType Adjective Inflection Type MixedAdjectiveInflection Mixed Adjective Inflection AdjectiveInflectionType->MixedAdjectiveInflection is a StrongAdjectiveInflection Strong Adjective Inflection AdjectiveInflectionType->StrongAdjectiveInflection is a WeakAdjectiveInflection Weak Adjective Inflection AdjectiveInflectionType->WeakAdjectiveInflection is a Adposition Adposition Circumposition Circumposition Adposition->Circumposition is a Postposition Postposition Adposition->Postposition is a Preposition Preposition Adposition->Preposition is a Adverb Adverb DegreeAdverb Degree Adverb Adverb->DegreeAdverb is a GeneralAdverb General Adverb Adverb->GeneralAdverb is a ParticleAdverb Particle Adverb Adverb->ParticleAdverb is a PronominalAdverb Pronominal Adverb Adverb->PronominalAdverb is a WHTypeAdverbs W H Type Adverbs Adverb->WHTypeAdverbs is a AnticipatoryEr Anticipatory Er Article Article DefiniteArticle Definite Article Article->DefiniteArticle is a IndefiniteArticle Indefinite Article Article->IndefiniteArticle is a PartitiveArticle Partitive Article Article->PartitiveArticle is a Aspect Aspect ImperfectiveAspect Imperfective Aspect Aspect->ImperfectiveAspect is a PerfectiveAspect Perfective Aspect Aspect->PerfectiveAspect is a AuxiliaryVerb Auxiliary Verb ModalAuxiliary Modal Auxiliary AuxiliaryVerb->ModalAuxiliary is a PrimaryAuxiliary Primary Auxiliary AuxiliaryVerb->PrimaryAuxiliary is a BeAuxiliary Be Auxiliary CardinalNumber Cardinal Number Case Case Case->AccusativeCase is a DativeCase Dative Case Case->DativeCase is a GenitiveCase Genitive Case Case->GenitiveCase is a NominativeCase Nominative Case Case->NominativeCase is a NonGenitive Non Genitive Case->NonGenitive is a ObliqueCase Oblique Case Case->ObliqueCase is a PrepositionalCase Prepositional Case Case->PrepositionalCase is a VocativeCase Vocative Case Case->VocativeCase is a CommonGender Common Gender CommonNoun Common Noun CountableNoun Countable Noun CommonNoun->CountableNoun is a MassNoun Mass Noun CommonNoun->MassNoun is a ComparativeDegree Comparative Degree ConditionalVerb Conditional Verb Conjunction Conjunction CoordinatingConjunction Coordinating Conjunction Conjunction->CoordinatingConjunction is a SubordinatingConjunction Subordinating Conjunction Conjunction->SubordinatingConjunction is a CorrelativeCoordinatingConjunction Correlative Coordinating Conjunction CoordinatingConjunction->CorrelativeCoordinatingConjunction is a InitialCoordinatingConjunction Initial Coordinating Conjunction CoordinatingConjunction->InitialCoordinatingConjunction is a NonInitialCoordinatingConjunction Non Initial Coordinating Conjunction CoordinatingConjunction->NonInitialCoordinatingConjunction is a SimpleCoordinatingConjunction Simple Coordinating Conjunction CoordinatingConjunction->SimpleCoordinatingConjunction is a Definite Definite Definiteness Definiteness Definiteness->Definite is a Indefinite Indefinite Definiteness->Indefinite is a UnmarkedDefiniteness Unmarked Definiteness Definiteness->UnmarkedDefiniteness is a Degree Degree Degree->ComparativeDegree is a PositiveDegree Positive Degree Degree->PositiveDegree is a SuperlativeDegree Superlative Degree Degree->SuperlativeDegree is a DemonstrativeDeterminer Demonstrative Determiner DemonstrativePronoun Demonstrative Pronoun Determiner Determiner Determiner->DemonstrativeDeterminer is a IndefiniteDeterminer Indefinite Determiner Determiner->IndefiniteDeterminer is a PartitiveDeterminer Partitive Determiner Determiner->PartitiveDeterminer is a PossessiveDeterminer Possessive Determiner Determiner->PossessiveDeterminer is a WHDeterminer W H Determiner Determiner->WHDeterminer is a EaglesCategory->Adjective is a EaglesCategory->Adposition is a EaglesCategory->Adverb is a EaglesCategory->Article is a EaglesCategory->Conjunction is a Interjection Interjection EaglesCategory->Interjection is a Noun Noun EaglesCategory->Noun is a Numeral Numeral EaglesCategory->Numeral is a PronounOrDeterminer Pronoun Or Determiner EaglesCategory->PronounOrDeterminer is a Punctuation Punctuation EaglesCategory->Punctuation is a Residual Residual EaglesCategory->Residual is a Unique Unique EaglesCategory->Unique is a Verb Verb EaglesCategory->Verb is a ExclamatoryAdverb Exclamatory Adverb ExclamatoryDeterminer Exclamatory Determiner ExclamatoryPronoun Exclamatory Pronoun ExistentialMarker Existential Marker Familiar Familiar FeminineGender Feminine Gender FiniteVerb Finite Verb FiniteVerb->ConditionalVerb is a ImperativeVerb Imperative Verb FiniteVerb->ImperativeVerb is a IndicativeVerb Indicative Verb FiniteVerb->IndicativeVerb is a SubjunctiveVerb Subjunctive Verb FiniteVerb->SubjunctiveVerb is a FirstPerson First Person Foreign Foreign Formula Formula FutureTense Future Tense Gender Gender Gender->CommonGender is a Gender->FeminineGender is a MasculineGender Masculine Gender Gender->MasculineGender is a NeuterGender Neuter Gender Gender->NeuterGender is a Gerund Gerund HaveAuxiliary Have Auxiliary HeadFunctionAdjective Head Function Adjective ImperfectTense Imperfect Tense IndefinitePronoun Indefinite Pronoun Infinitive Infinitive InfinitiveMarker Infinitive Marker InterrogativeAdverb Interrogative Adverb InterrogativeDeterminer Interrogative Determiner InterrogativePronoun Interrogative Pronoun LeftParentheticalPunctuation Left Parenthetical Punctuation MainVerb Main Verb MediopassiveVoiceMarker Mediopassive Voice Marker NPFunction N P Function NPFunction->HeadFunctionAdjective is a PostmodifyingAdjective Postmodifying Adjective NPFunction->PostmodifyingAdjective is a PremodifyingAdjective Premodifying Adjective NPFunction->PremodifyingAdjective is a NegativeParticle Negative Particle NonFiniteVerb Non Finite Verb NonFiniteVerb->Gerund is a NonFiniteVerb->Infinitive is a Participle Participle NonFiniteVerb->Participle is a Supine Supine NonFiniteVerb->Supine is a ing ing NonFiniteVerb->ing is a NonReflexive Non Reflexive NonSeparable Non Separable Noun->CommonNoun is a ProperNoun Proper Noun Noun->ProperNoun is a Number Number PluralNumber Plural Number Number->PluralNumber is a SingularNumber Singular Number Number->SingularNumber is a Numeral->CardinalNumber is a OrdinalNumber Ordinal Number Numeral->OrdinalNumber is a OptionalFeatures->AdjectiveInflectionType is a OptionalFeatures->Aspect is a OptionalFeatures->Definiteness is a OptionalFeatures->NPFunction is a PronounStrength Pronoun Strength OptionalFeatures->PronounStrength is a Reflexivity Reflexivity OptionalFeatures->Reflexivity is a Separability Separability OptionalFeatures->Separability is a PassiveVoice Passive Voice PastTense Past Tense PersReflPronoun Pers Refl Pronoun PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun PersReflPronoun->PersonalPronoun is a ReciprocalPronoun Reciprocal Pronoun PersReflPronoun->ReciprocalPronoun is a ReflexivePronoun Reflexive Pronoun PersReflPronoun->ReflexivePronoun is a Person Person Person->FirstPerson is a SecondPerson Second Person Person->SecondPerson is a ThirdPerson Third Person Person->ThirdPerson is a Polite Polite Politeness Politeness Politeness->Familiar is a Politeness->Polite is a PossessivePronoun Possessive Pronoun PresentTense Present Tense PreverbalParticle Preverbal Particle PrimaryAuxiliary->BeAuxiliary is a PrimaryAuxiliary->HaveAuxiliary is a Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun->DemonstrativePronoun is a Pronoun->IndefinitePronoun is a Pronoun->PersReflPronoun is a Pronoun->PossessivePronoun is a WHPronoun W H Pronoun Pronoun->WHPronoun is a PronounOrDeterminer->Determiner is a PronounOrDeterminer->Number hasPossessiveNumber PronounOrDeterminer->Pronoun is a StrongPronoun Strong Pronoun PronounStrength->StrongPronoun is a WeakPronoun Weak Pronoun PronounStrength->WeakPronoun is a Punctuation->LeftParentheticalPunctuation is a RightParentheticalPunctuation Right Parenthetical Punctuation Punctuation->RightParentheticalPunctuation is a SentenceFinalPunctuation Sentence Final Punctuation Punctuation->SentenceFinalPunctuation is a SentenceMedialPunctuation Sentence Medial Punctuation Punctuation->SentenceMedialPunctuation is a RecommendedFeatures->Case is a RecommendedFeatures->Degree is a RecommendedFeatures->Gender is a RecommendedFeatures->Number is a RecommendedFeatures->Person is a RecommendedFeatures->Politeness is a Tense Tense RecommendedFeatures->Tense is a Voice Voice RecommendedFeatures->Voice is a Reflexive Reflexive Reflexivity->NonReflexive is a Reflexivity->Reflexive is a RelativeAdverb Relative Adverb RelativeDeterminer Relative Determiner RelativePronoun Relative Pronoun Residual->Abbreviation is a Residual->Acronym is a Residual->Foreign is a Residual->Formula is a Symbol Symbol Residual->Symbol is a SecondNegativeParticle Second Negative Particle SemiAuxiliary Semi Auxiliary Separability->NonSeparable is a Separable Separable Separability->Separable is a SubordinatingConjunctionWithComparative Subordinating Conjunction With Comparative SubordinatingConjunction->SubordinatingConjunctionWithComparative is a SubordinatingConjunctionWithFinite Subordinating Conjunction With Finite SubordinatingConjunction->SubordinatingConjunctionWithFinite is a SubordinatingConjunctionWithInfinite Subordinating Conjunction With Infinite SubordinatingConjunction->SubordinatingConjunctionWithInfinite is a Tense->FutureTense is a Tense->ImperfectTense is a Tense->PastTense is a Tense->PresentTense is a Unique->AnticipatoryEr is a Unique->ExistentialMarker is a Unique->InfinitiveMarker is a Unique->MediopassiveVoiceMarker is a Unique->NegativeParticle is a Unique->PreverbalParticle is a Unique->SecondNegativeParticle is a Verb->AuxiliaryVerb is a Verb->FiniteVerb is a Verb->MainVerb is a Verb->NonFiniteVerb is a Verb->SemiAuxiliary is a Voice->ActiveVoice is a Voice->PassiveVoice is a WHDeterminer->ExclamatoryDeterminer is a WHDeterminer->InterrogativeDeterminer is a WHDeterminer->RelativeDeterminer is a WHPronoun->ExclamatoryPronoun is a WHPronoun->InterrogativePronoun is a WHPronoun->RelativePronoun is a WHTypeAdverbs->ExclamatoryAdverb is a WHTypeAdverbs->InterrogativeAdverb is a WHTypeAdverbs->RelativeAdverb is a

Properties - Overview


Abbreviation G Abbreviation Abbreviation
Abstract Type=Abbreviation
SubClass Of
AccusativeCase G AccusativeCase Accusative Case
SubClass Of
Acronym G Acronym Acronym
Abstract Type=Acronym
SubClass Of
ActiveVoice G ActiveVoice Active Voice
SubClass Of
Adjective G Adjective Adjective
Abstract The syntactic attribute (vi) makes a distinction, for example, between main (Attributive) and asleep (Predicative) in English.
SubClass Of
AdjectiveInflectionType G AdjectiveInflectionType Adjective Inflection Type
Abstract (v) Inflection-type: 1. Weak-Flection 2. Strong-Flection 3. Mixed Weak and Strong (attribute (v)) are values for adjectival inflection in the Germanic languages German, Dutch and Danish.
SubClass Of
Adposition G Adposition Adposition
Abstract Eagles: AP
SubClass Of
Adverb G Adverb Adverb
Abstract There are many possible subdivisions of adverbs on syntactic and semantic grounds, but these are regarded as optional rather than recommended.
SubClass Of
AnticipatoryEr G AnticipatoryEr Anticipatory Er
Abstract Anticipatory er [Dutch]
SubClass Of
Article G Article Article
Abstract There is also an argument for subsuming Articles under Determiners. The present guidelines do not prevent such a realignment of categories, but do propose that articles (assuming they exist in a language) should always be recognised as a separate class, whether or not included within determiners. The requirement is that the descriptive scheme adopted should be automatically mappable into the present one via an Intermediate Tagset.
SubClass Of
Aspect G Aspect Aspect
Abstract Attribute (ix) is needed for Greek and Slavonic languages. It corresponds also to the Past Simple/Imperfect distinction of Romance languages.
SubClass Of
AttributiveAdjective G AttributiveAdjective Attributive Adjective
Abstract use="attributive"
SubClass Of
AuxiliaryVerb G AuxiliaryVerb Auxiliary Verb
Abstract Attribute (xii) (Auxiliary) is applied to main verbs in French, German, Dutch, etc., and determines the selection of avoir or ?tre, etc., as auxiliary for the Perfect.
SubClass Of
BeAuxiliary G BeAuxiliary Be Auxiliary
Abstract Auxiliary=Be
SubClass Of
CardinalNumber G CardinalNumber Cardinal Number
Abstract Type=Cardinal
SubClass Of
Case G Case Case
SubClass Of
Circumposition G Circumposition Circumposition
Abstract German (auf...) hin is an example which can be analysed as a Circumposition.
SubClass Of
CommonGender G CommonGender Common Gender
Abstract The Common gender contrasts with Neuter in a two-gender system. (Danish, Dutch)
SubClass Of
CommonNoun G CommonNoun Common Noun
Abstract type=common
SubClass Of
ComparativeDegree G ComparativeDegree Comparative Degree
SubClass Of
ConditionalVerb G ConditionalVerb Conditional Verb
SubClass Of
Conjunction G Conjunction Conjunction
Abstract Eagles:C
SubClass Of
CoordinatingConjunction G CoordinatingConjunction Coordinating Conjunction
Abstract Type=Coordinating The attribute Coord-Type subclassifies coordinating conjunctions. It is easier to assign one tag to one orthographic word and it is therefore suggested that the four values are assigned as follows: Simple applies to the regular type of coordinator occurring between conjuncts: German und, for example. When the same word is also placed before the first conjunct, as in French ou...ou..., the former occurrence is given the Correlative value and the latter the Simple value. When two distinct words occur, as in German weder...noch..., then the first is given the Initial value and the second the Non-initial value.
SubClass Of
CorrelativeCoordinatingConjunction G CorrelativeCoordinatingConjunction Correlative Coordinating Conjunction
Abstract When the same word is also placed before the first conjunct, as in French ou...ou..., the former occurrence is given the Correlative value and the latter the Simple value.
SubClass Of
CountableNoun G CountableNoun Countable Noun
Abstract countability=countable (optional)
SubClass Of
DativeCase G DativeCase Dative Case
SubClass Of
Definite G Definite Definite
Abstract This is to handle the suffixed definite article in Danish: e.g. haven (`the garden'); havet (`the sea')
SubClass Of
DefiniteArticle G DefiniteArticle Definite Article
Abstract ArticleType=Definite
SubClass Of
Definiteness G Definiteness Definiteness
Abstract An additional language-specific attribute is: (vi) Definiteness: 1. Definite 2. Indefinite 3. Unmarked [Danish] This is to handle the suffixed definite article in Danish: e.g. haven (`the garden'); havet (`the sea')
SubClass Of
Degree G Degree Degree
Abstract Attribute (i) Degree applies only to inflectional comparatives and superlatives. In some languages, e.g. Spanish, the number of such adjectives is very small.
SubClass Of
DegreeAdverb G DegreeAdverb Degree Adverb
Abstract AdverbType=Degree
SubClass Of
DemonstrativeDeterminer G DemonstrativeDeterminer Demonstrative Determiner
Abstract detType=Demonstrative
SubClass Of
DemonstrativePronoun G DemonstrativePronoun Demonstrative Pronoun
Abstract PronType=Demonstrative
SubClass Of
Determiner G Determiner Determiner
Abstract this is the Eagles:PronounDeterminer with Category Determiner note that the Eagles original class (i.e. motivated by the category "both") arises due to ambiguity of lexemes, which can wqithin such an ontology better described as "belonging to the join of two classes" Person,PronType,SpecialPronType,Politeness are relevant for Pronouns only
SubClass Of
EaglesCategory G EaglesCategory Eagles Category
Abstract direct children of this node are the major categories of EAGLES
SubClass Of
ExclamatoryAdverb G ExclamatoryAdverb Exclamatory Adverb
Abstract WHType=Exclamatory
SubClass Of
ExclamatoryDeterminer G ExclamatoryDeterminer Exclamatory Determiner
Abstract WHType=Exclamatory
SubClass Of
ExclamatoryPronoun G ExclamatoryPronoun Exclamatory Pronoun
Abstract whtype=exclamatory
SubClass Of
ExistentialMarker G ExistentialMarker Existential Marker
Abstract English there, Danish der
SubClass Of
Familiar G Familiar Familiar
SubClass Of
FeminineGender G FeminineGender Feminine Gender
SubClass Of
FiniteVerb G FiniteVerb Finite Verb
Abstract finiteness=finite
SubClass Of
FirstPerson G FirstPerson First Person
SubClass Of
Foreign G Foreign Foreign
Abstract Type=ForeignWord
SubClass Of
Formula G Formula Formula
Abstract Type=Formula
SubClass Of
FusedPrepArt G FusedPrepArt Fused Prep Art
Abstract Adposition:Type=FusedPrepArt The additional value Fused prep-art is for the benefit of those who do not find it practical to split fused words such as French au (= ? + le) into two textwords. This very common phenomenon of a fused preposition + article in West European languages should preferably, however, be handled by assigning two tags to the same orthographic word (one for the preposition and one for the article).
FutureTense G FutureTense Future Tense
SubClass Of
Gender G Gender Gender
SubClass Of
GeneralAdverb G GeneralAdverb General Adverb
SubClass Of
GenitiveCase G GenitiveCase Genitive Case
SubClass Of
Gerund G Gerund Gerund
Abstract VerbForm=Gerund
SubClass Of
HaveAuxiliary G HaveAuxiliary Have Auxiliary
Abstract Auxiliary=Have
SubClass Of
HeadFunctionAdjective G HeadFunctionAdjective Head Function Adjective
Abstract (vii) NP Function: 1. Premodifying 2. Postmodifying 3. Head-function
SubClass Of
ImperativeVerb G ImperativeVerb Imperative Verb
SubClass Of
ImperfectiveAspect G ImperfectiveAspect Imperfective Aspect
SubClass Of
ImperfectTense G ImperfectTense Imperfect Tense
SubClass Of
Indefinite G Indefinite Indefinite
Abstract This is to handle the suffixed article in Danish: cf. definite haven (`the garden'); havet (`the sea')
SubClass Of
IndefiniteArticle G IndefiniteArticle Indefinite Article
Abstract ArticleType=indefinite
SubClass Of
IndefiniteDeterminer G IndefiniteDeterminer Indefinite Determiner
Abstract DetType=Indefinite
SubClass Of
IndefinitePronoun G IndefinitePronoun Indefinite Pronoun
Abstract PronType=Indefinite
SubClass Of
IndicativeVerb G IndicativeVerb Indicative Verb
SubClass Of
Infinitive G Infinitive Infinitive
Abstract verb form=Infinitive
SubClass Of
InfinitiveMarker G InfinitiveMarker Infinitive Marker
Abstract German zu, Danish at
SubClass Of
ing G ing ing
Abstract An additional value to the non-finite category of verbs is arguably needed for English, because of the merger in that language of the gerund and participle functions. The -ing form does service for both and the two traditional categories are not easily distinguishable.
SubClass Of
InitialCoordinatingConjunction G InitialCoordinatingConjunction Initial Coordinating Conjunction
Abstract When two distinct words occur, as in German weder...noch..., then the first is given the Initial value and the second the Non-initial value.
SubClass Of
Interjection G Interjection Interjection
Abstract Eagles:I
SubClass Of
InterrogativeAdverb G InterrogativeAdverb Interrogative Adverb
Abstract WHType=Interrogative
SubClass Of
InterrogativeDeterminer G InterrogativeDeterminer Interrogative Determiner
Abstract WHType=Interrogative
SubClass Of
InterrogativePronoun G InterrogativePronoun Interrogative Pronoun
Abstract whtype=interrogative
SubClass Of
LeftParentheticalPunctuation G LeftParentheticalPunctuation Left Parenthetical Punctuation
SubClass Of
MainVerb G MainVerb Main Verb
Abstract Verb/status=main
SubClass Of
MasculineGender G MasculineGender Masculine Gender
SubClass Of
MassNoun G MassNoun Mass Noun
Abstract Countability=mass (optional)
SubClass Of
MediopassiveVoiceMarker G MediopassiveVoiceMarker Mediopassive Voice Marker
Abstract Mediopassive voice marker se [Portuguese]
SubClass Of
MixedAdjectiveInflection G MixedAdjectiveInflection Mixed Adjective Inflection
Abstract (v) Inflection-type: 1. Weak-Flection 2. Strong-Flection 3. Mixed
SubClass Of
ModalAuxiliary G ModalAuxiliary Modal Auxiliary
SubClass Of
NegativeParticle G NegativeParticle Negative Particle
Abstract English not, n't
SubClass Of
NeuterGender G NeuterGender Neuter Gender
SubClass Of
NominativeCase G NominativeCase Nominative Case
SubClass Of
NonFiniteVerb G NonFiniteVerb Non Finite Verb
Abstract Finiteness=non-finite
SubClass Of
NonGenitive G NonGenitive Non Genitive
Abstract PronounOrDeterminer, (v) Case 5. Non-genitive
SubClass Of
NonInitialCoordinatingConjunction G NonInitialCoordinatingConjunction Non Initial Coordinating Conjunction
Abstract When two distinct words occur, as in German weder...noch..., then the first is given the Initial value and the second the Non-initial value.
SubClass Of
NonReflexive G NonReflexive Non Reflexive
SubClass Of
NonSeparable G NonSeparable Non Separable
SubClass Of
Noun G Noun Noun
Abstract Eagles:N exclude grammatical information, i.e. gender, number, case, definiteness
SubClass Of
NPFunction G NPFunction N P Function
Abstract (vii) NP Function: 1. Premodifying 2. Postmodifying 3. Head-function
SubClass Of
Number G Number Number
SubClass Of
Numeral G Numeral Numeral
SubClass Of
ObliqueCase G ObliqueCase Oblique Case
Abstract PronounOrDeterminer, (v) Case 6. Oblique Under attribute (v) Case, the value Oblique applies to pronouns such as them and me in English, and equivalent pronouns such as dem and mig in Danish. These occur in object function, and also after prepositions.
SubClass Of
OptionalFeatures G OptionalFeatures Optional Features
SubClass Of
OrdinalNumber G OrdinalNumber Ordinal Number
Abstract Type=Ordinal
SubClass Of
Participle G Participle Participle
Abstract VerbForm=participle
SubClass Of
ParticleAdverb G ParticleAdverb Particle Adverb
Abstract (ii) Adverb-Type: 3. Particle In some tagging schemes, especially for English, a particle such as out, off or up counts as a subclass of adverb. In other tagging schemes, the particle may be treated under Residual (Explanation) as a special word-class.
SubClass Of
PartitiveArticle G PartitiveArticle Partitive Article
Abstract ArticleType=partitive (optional for French)
SubClass Of
PartitiveDeterminer G PartitiveDeterminer Partitive Determiner
Abstract DetType=Partitive
SubClass Of
PassiveVoice G PassiveVoice Passive Voice
SubClass Of
PastTense G PastTense Past Tense
SubClass Of
PerfectiveAspect G PerfectiveAspect Perfective Aspect
SubClass Of
Person G Person Person
SubClass Of
PersonalPronoun G PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun
Abstract special-pronoun type=personal
SubClass Of
PersReflPronoun G PersReflPronoun Pers Refl Pronoun
Abstract prontype=pers/refl It is often difficult to distinguish these in automatic tagging, but they may be optionally distinguished at a more delicate level of granularity. So, under attribute (vi), Personal and Reflexive pronouns are brought together as a single value Pers./Refl.. They may be optionally separated at a more delicate level.
SubClass Of
PluralNumber G PluralNumber Plural Number
SubClass Of
Polite G Polite Polite
SubClass Of
Politeness G Politeness Politeness
Abstract In some languages (e.g. French) it is possible to treat Polite and Familiar simply as pragmatic values encoded through other attributes -- especially person and number. In languages where there are special polite pronoun forms (e.g. Dutch u and Spanish usted), the additional Politeness attribute is required.
SubClass Of
PositiveDegree G PositiveDegree Positive Degree
SubClass Of
PossessiveDeterminer G PossessiveDeterminer Possessive Determiner
Abstract DetType=Possessive
SubClass Of
PossessivePronoun G PossessivePronoun Possessive Pronoun
Abstract PronType=Possessive
SubClass Of
PostmodifyingAdjective G PostmodifyingAdjective Postmodifying Adjective
Abstract (vii) NP Function: 1. Premodifying 2. Postmodifying 3. Head-function
SubClass Of
Postposition G Postposition Postposition
Abstract Type=Postposition German entlang is a Postposition, and arguably, the 's which forms the genitive in English is no longer a case marking, but an enclitic postposition, as in the Secretary of State's decision, in a month or so's time.
SubClass Of
PredicativeAdjective G PredicativeAdjective Predicative Adjective
Abstract use="predicative"
SubClass Of
PremodifyingAdjective G PremodifyingAdjective Premodifying Adjective
Abstract (vii) NP Function: 1. Premodifying 2. Postmodifying 3. Head-function
SubClass Of
Preposition G Preposition Preposition
Abstract Type=Preposition
SubClass Of
PrepositionalCase G PrepositionalCase Prepositional Case
Abstract PronounOrDeterminer/Case=Prepositional (Spanish)
SubClass Of
PresentTense G PresentTense Present Tense
SubClass Of
PreverbalParticle G PreverbalParticle Preverbal Particle
Abstract Preverbal particle [Greek]
SubClass Of
PrimaryAuxiliary G PrimaryAuxiliary Primary Auxiliary
Abstract Aux.-Function=Primary The primary (non-modal) auxiliaries are be, have and do.
SubClass Of
PronominalAdverb G PronominalAdverb Pronominal Adverb
Abstract (ii) Adverb-Type: 4. Pronominal [English, German, Dutch]
SubClass Of
Pronoun G Pronoun Pronoun
Abstract this is the Eagles:PronounDeterminer with Category Pronoun note that the Eagles original class (i.e. motivated by the category "both") arises due to ambiguity of lexemes, which can wqithin such an ontology better described as "belonging to the join of two classes" ignored inflectional features such as case, gender, number, and possessive (i.e. inherent number of possessive pronouns) DetType is not relevant for Pronouns
SubClass Of
PronounOrDeterminer G PronounOrDeterminer Pronoun Or Determiner Number Number PronounOrDeterminer->Number hasPossessiveNumber
Abstract The parts of speech Pronoun, Determiner and Article heavily overlap in their formal and functional characteristics, and different analyses for different languages entail separating them out in different ways. For the present purpose, we have proposed placing Pronouns and Determiners in one `super-category', recognising that for some descriptions it may be thought best to treat them as totally different parts of speech. There is also an argument for subsuming Articles under Determiners. The present guidelines do not prevent such a realignment of categories, but do propose that articles (assuming they exist in a language) should always be recognised as a separate class, whether or not included within determiners. The requirement is that the descriptive scheme adopted should be automatically mappable into the present one via an Intermediate Tagset.
SubClass Of
PronounStrength G PronounStrength Pronoun Strength
Abstract PronounOrDeterminer: (xii) Strength 1. Weak 2. Strong [French, Dutch, Greek] Weak and Strong distinguish, for example, me from moi in French, and me from mij in Dutch.
SubClass Of
ProperNoun G ProperNoun Proper Noun
Abstract type=proper
SubClass Of
Punctuation G Punctuation Punctuation
Abstract Punctuation marks (PU) are (perhaps surprisingly) treated here as a part of morphosyntactic annotation, as it is very common for punctuation marks to be tagged and to be treated as equivalent to words for the purposes of automatic tag assignment. Word-external punctuation marks, if treated as words for morphosyntactic tagging, are sometimes assigned a separate tag (in effect, an attribute value) for each main punctuation mark: (i) 1. Period 2. Comma 3. Question mark ...etc. ... An alternative is to group the punctuation marks into positional classes: (i) 1. Sentence-final 2. Sentence-medial 3. Left-Parenthetical 4. Right-Parenthetical Under 1 are grouped . ? !. Under 2 are grouped , ; : -- . Under 3 are placed punctuation marks which signal the initiation of a constituent, such as (, [ , and ? in Spanish). Under 4 are grouped punctuation marks which conclude a constituent the opening of which is marked by one of the devices in 3: e.g. ), ] and Spanish ? . We make no recommendation about choosing between these two sets of punctuation values.
SubClass Of
ReciprocalPronoun G ReciprocalPronoun Reciprocal Pronoun
Abstract special pronoun type=reciprocal
SubClass Of
RecommendedFeatures G RecommendedFeatures Recommended Features
SubClass Of
Reflexive G Reflexive Reflexive
SubClass Of
ReflexivePronoun G ReflexivePronoun Reflexive Pronoun
Abstract special pronoun type=reflexive
SubClass Of
Reflexivity G Reflexivity Reflexivity
Abstract Attribute (xii) is applied to main verbs in French, German, Dutch, etc., and determines the selection of avoir or ?tre, etc., as auxiliary for the Perfect.
SubClass Of
RelativeAdverb G RelativeAdverb Relative Adverb
Abstract WHType=relative
SubClass Of
RelativeDeterminer G RelativeDeterminer Relative Determiner
Abstract WHType=Relative
SubClass Of
RelativePronoun G RelativePronoun Relative Pronoun
Abstract whtype=relative
SubClass Of
Residual G Residual Residual
Abstract The residual value (R) is assigned to classes of textword which lie outside the traditionally accepted range of grammatical classes, although they occur quite commonly in many texts and very commonly in some. For example: foreign words, or mathematical formulae. It can be argued that these are on the fringes of the grammar or lexicon of the language in which the text is written. Nevertheless, they need to be tagged. Although words in the Residual category are on the periphery of the lexicon, they may take some of the grammatical characteristics, e.g., of nouns. Acronyms such as IBM are similar to proper nouns; symbols such as alphabetic characters can vary for singular and plural (e.g. How many Ps are there in `psychopath'?), and are in this respect like common nouns. In some languages (e.g. Portuguese) such symbols also have gender. It is quite reasonable that in some tagging schemes some of these classes of word will be classified under other parts of speech.
SubClass Of
RightParentheticalPunctuation G RightParentheticalPunctuation Right Parenthetical Punctuation
SubClass Of
SecondNegativeParticle G SecondNegativeParticle Second Negative Particle
Abstract French pas
SubClass Of
SecondPerson G SecondPerson Second Person
SubClass Of
SemiAuxiliary G SemiAuxiliary Semi Auxiliary
Abstract verb/Status=Semi-auxiliary In addition to main and auxiliary verbs, it may be useful (e.g. in English) to recognise an intermediate category of semi-auxiliary for such verbs as be going to, have got to, ought to.
SubClass Of
SentenceFinalPunctuation G SentenceFinalPunctuation Sentence Final Punctuation
SubClass Of
SentenceMedialPunctuation G SentenceMedialPunctuation Sentence Medial Punctuation
SubClass Of
Separability G Separability Separability
Abstract Attribute (x) is relevant for German compound verbs (f?ngt ...an, anfangen) and also to phrasal verbs in Danish and English.
SubClass Of
Separable G Separable Separable
SubClass Of
SimpleCoordinatingConjunction G SimpleCoordinatingConjunction Simple Coordinating Conjunction
Abstract Simple applies to the regular type of coordinator occurring between conjuncts: German und, for example. When the same word is also placed before the first conjunct, as in French ou...ou..., the former occurrence is given the Correlative value and the latter the Simple value.
SubClass Of
SingularNumber G SingularNumber Singular Number
SubClass Of
StrongAdjectiveInflection G StrongAdjectiveInflection Strong Adjective Inflection
Abstract (v) Inflection-type: 1. Weak-Flection 2. Strong-Flection 3. Mixed
SubClass Of
StrongPronoun G StrongPronoun Strong Pronoun
Abstract Weak and Strong distinguish, for example, me from moi in French, and me from mij in Dutch.
SubClass Of
SubjunctiveVerb G SubjunctiveVerb Subjunctive Verb
SubClass Of
SubordinatingConjunction G SubordinatingConjunction Subordinating Conjunction
Abstract Type=Subordinating Subclassification follows Subord.-Type, an additional attribute, applying to subordinating conjunctions only: (iii) Subord.-type: 1. With-finite 2. With-infin. 3. Comparative [German] For example, in German, weil introduces a clause with a finite verb, whereas ohne (zu...) is followed by an infinitive, and als is followed by various kinds of comparative clause (including clauses without finite verbs).
SubClass Of
SubordinatingConjunctionWithComparative G SubordinatingConjunctionWithComparative Subordinating Conjunction With Comparative
Abstract For example, in German, weil introduces a clause with a finite verb, whereas ohne (zu...) is followed by an infinitive, and als is followed by various kinds of comparative clause (including clauses without finite verbs).
SubClass Of
SubordinatingConjunctionWithFinite G SubordinatingConjunctionWithFinite Subordinating Conjunction With Finite
Abstract For example, in German, weil introduces a clause with a finite verb, whereas ohne (zu...) is followed by an infinitive, and als is followed by various kinds of comparative clause (including clauses without finite verbs).
SubClass Of
SubordinatingConjunctionWithInfinite G SubordinatingConjunctionWithInfinite Subordinating Conjunction With Infinite
Abstract For example, in German, weil introduces a clause with a finite verb, whereas ohne (zu...) is followed by an infinitive, and als is followed by various kinds of comparative clause (including clauses without finite verbs).
SubClass Of
SuperlativeDegree G SuperlativeDegree Superlative Degree
SubClass Of
Supine G Supine Supine
Abstract VerbForm=Supine NB: similar to infinitive of motion verbs
SubClass Of
Symbol G Symbol Symbol
Abstract Type=Symbol
SubClass Of
system:Feature G system_Feature Feature (system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
system:UnitOfAnnotation G system_UnitOfAnnotation Unit Of Annotation (system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
Tense G Tense Tense
SubClass Of
ThirdPerson G ThirdPerson Third Person
SubClass Of
Unique G Unique Unique
Abstract The unique value (U) is applied to categories with a unique or very small membership, such as negative particle, which are `unassigned' to any of the standard part-of-speech categories. The value unique cannot always be strictly applied, since (for example) Greek has three negative particles, , , and . No subcategories are recommended, although it is expected that tagsets for individual languages will need to identify such one-member word-classes as Negative particle, Existential particle, Infinitive marker, etc.
SubClass Of
UnmarkedDefiniteness G UnmarkedDefiniteness Unmarked Definiteness
Abstract This is to handle the suffixed definite article in Danish: cf. definitehaven (`the garden'); havet (`the sea')
SubClass Of
Verb G Verb Verb
Abstract Eagles:V again, grammatical information is skipped, i.e. person, gender, number, tense, voice, aspect skip optional information (separability, reflexivity, auxiliary, aux-function)
SubClass Of
VocativeCase G VocativeCase Vocative Case
SubClass Of
Voice G Voice Voice
Abstract Attribute (vii) Voice refers to the morphologically-encoded passive, e.g. in Danish and in Greek. Where the passive is realised by more than one verb, this does not need to be represented in the tagset.
SubClass Of
WeakAdjectiveInflection G WeakAdjectiveInflection Weak Adjective Inflection
Abstract (v) Inflection-type: 1. Weak-Flection 2. Strong-Flection 3. Mixed
SubClass Of
WeakPronoun G WeakPronoun Weak Pronoun
Abstract Weak and Strong distinguish, for example, me from moi in French, and me from mij in Dutch.
SubClass Of
WHDeterminer G WHDeterminer W H Determiner
Abstract DetType=Int/Rel Under attributes (vi) and (vii), the subcategories Interrogative and Relative are merged into a single value Int./Rel.. It is often difficult to distinguish these in automatic tagging, but they may be optionally distinguished at a more delicate level of granularity.
SubClass Of
WHPronoun G WHPronoun W H Pronoun
Abstract Prontype=IntRel Under attributes (vi) and (vii), the subcategories Interrogative and Relative are merged into a single value Int./Rel.. It is often difficult to distinguish these in automatic tagging, but they may be optionally distinguished at a more delicate level of granularity.
SubClass Of
WHTypeAdverbs G WHTypeAdverbs W H Type Adverbs
Abstract polarity=wh-type non-wh-Type does not exist as this is simply the complement of this class again, see remarks on WHPronoun
SubClass Of

Object Properties

hasAdjectiveInflection G hasAdjectiveInflection hasAdjectiveInflection
hasAspect G hasAspect hasAspect
hasCase G hasCase hasCase
hasDefiniteness G hasDefiniteness hasDefiniteness
hasDegree G hasDegree hasDegree
hasGender G hasGender hasGender
hasNPFunction G hasNPFunction hasNPFunction
hasNumber G hasNumber hasNumber
hasPerson G hasPerson hasPerson
hasPoliteness G hasPoliteness hasPoliteness
hasPossessiveNumber G hasPossessiveNumber hasPossessiveNumber
Abstract (iv) Possessive: 1. Singular 2. Plural Attribute (iv) accounts for the fact that a possessive pronoun or possessive determiner may have two different numbers. This attribute handles the number which is inherent to the possessive form (e.g. Italian (la) mia, (la) nostra as first-person singular and first-person plural) as contrasted with the number it has by virtue of agreeing with a particular noun (e.g. Italian (la) mia, (le) mie).
hasReflexivity G hasReflexivity hasReflexivity
hasSeparability G hasSeparability hasSeparability
hasStrength G hasStrength hasStrength
hasTense G hasTense hasTense
hasVoice G hasVoice hasVoice


AD...1 G AD___1 AD...1 InterrogativeAdverb
AD...2 G AD___2 AD...2 RelativeAdverb
AD...3 G AD___3 AD...3 ExclamatoryAdverb
AD..1 G AD__1 AD..1 WHTypeAdverbs
AD.1 G AD_1 AD.1 GeneralAdverb
AD.2 G AD_2 AD.2 DegreeAdverb
AD.3 G AD_3 AD.3 ParticleAdverb
AD.4 G AD_4 AD.4 PronominalAdverb
AD1 G AD1 AD1 PositiveDegree AD1->AD1 hasDegree
AD2 G AD2 AD2 ComparativeDegree AD2->AD2 hasDegree
AD3 G AD3 AD3 SuperlativeDegree AD3->AD3 hasDegree
AJ G AJ AJ Adjective
AJ......1 G AJ______1 AJ......1 PremodifyingAdjective
AJ......2 G AJ______2 AJ......2 PostmodifyingAdjective
AJ......3 G AJ______3 AJ......3 HeadFunctionAdjective
AJ.....1 G AJ_____1 AJ.....1 AttributiveAdjective
AJ.....2 G AJ_____2 AJ.....2 PredicativeAdjective
AJ....1 G AJ____1 AJ....1 WeakAdjectiveInflection AJ____1->AJ____1 hasAdjectiveInflection
AJ....2 G AJ____2 AJ....2 StrongAdjectiveInflection AJ____2->AJ____2 hasAdjectiveInflection
AJ....3 G AJ____3 AJ....3 MixedAdjectiveInflection AJ____3->AJ____3 hasAdjectiveInflection
AJ...1 G AJ___1 AJ...1 NominativeCase AJ___1->AJ___1 hasCase
AJ...2 G AJ___2 AJ...2 GenitiveCase AJ___2->AJ___2 hasCase
AJ...3 G AJ___3 AJ...3 DativeCase AJ___3->AJ___3 hasCase
AJ...4 G AJ___4 AJ...4 AccusativeCase AJ___4->AJ___4 hasCase
AJ..1 G AJ__1 AJ..1 SingularNumber AJ__1->AJ__1 hasNumber
AJ..2 G AJ__2 AJ..2 PluralNumber AJ__2->AJ__2 hasNumber
AJ.1 G AJ_1 AJ.1 MasculineGender AJ_1->AJ_1 hasGender
AJ.2 G AJ_2 AJ.2 FeminineGender AJ_2->AJ_2 hasGender
AJ.3 G AJ_3 AJ.3 NeuterGender AJ_3->AJ_3 hasGender
AJ1 G AJ1 AJ1 PositiveDegree AJ1->AJ1 hasDegree
AJ2 G AJ2 AJ2 ComparativeDegree AJ2->AJ2 hasDegree
AJ3 G AJ3 AJ3 SuperlativeDegree AJ3->AJ3 hasDegree
AP G AP AP Adposition
AP1 G AP1 AP1 Preposition
AP2 G AP2 AP2 FusedPrepArt
AP3 G AP3 AP3 Postposition
AP4 G AP4 AP4 Circumposition
AT G AT AT Article
AT...1 G AT___1 AT...1 NominativeCase AT___1->AT___1 hasCase
AT...2 G AT___2 AT...2 GenitiveCase AT___2->AT___2 hasCase
AT...3 G AT___3 AT...3 DativeCase AT___3->AT___3 hasCase
AT...4 G AT___4 AT...4 AccusativeCase AT___4->AT___4 hasCase
AT...5 G AT___5 AT...5 VocativeCase AT___5->AT___5 hasCase
AT..1 G AT__1 AT..1 SingularNumber AT__1->AT__1 hasNumber
AT..2 G AT__2 AT..2 PluralNumber AT__2->AT__2 hasNumber
AT.1 G AT_1 AT.1 MasculineGender AT_1->AT_1 hasGender
AT.2 G AT_2 AT.2 FeminineGender AT_2->AT_2 hasGender
AT.3 G AT_3 AT.3 NeuterGender AT_3->AT_3 hasGender
AT.4 G AT_4 AT.4 CommonGender AT_4->AT_4 hasGender
AT1 G AT1 AT1 DefiniteArticle
AT2 G AT2 AT2 IndefiniteArticle
AT3 G AT3 AT3 PartitiveArticle
AV G AV AV Adverb
C G C C Conjunction
C..1 G C__1 C..1 SubordinatingConjunctionWithFinite
C..2 G C__2 C..2 SubordinatingConjunctionWithInfinite
C..3 G C__3 C..3 SubordinatingConjunctionWithComparative
C.1 G C_1 C.1 SimpleCoordinatingConjunction
C.2 G C_2 C.2 CorrelativeCoordinatingConjunction
C.3 G C_3 C.3 InitialCoordinatingConjunction
C.4 G C_4 C.4 NonInitialCoordinatingConjunction
C1 G C1 C1 CoordinatingConjunction
C2 G C2 C2 SubordinatingConjunction
I G I I Interjection
N G N N Noun
N.....1 G N_____1 N.....1 Definite N_____1->N_____1 hasDefiniteness
N.....2 G N_____2 N.....2 Indefinite N_____2->N_____2 hasDefiniteness
N.....3 G N_____3 N.....3 UnmarkedDefiniteness N_____3->N_____3 hasDefiniteness
N....1 G N____1 N....1 CountableNoun
N....2 G N____2 N....2 MassNoun
N...1 G N___1 N...1 NominativeCase N___1->N___1 hasCase
N...2 G N___2 N...2 GenitiveCase N___2->N___2 hasCase
N...3 G N___3 N...3 DativeCase N___3->N___3 hasCase
N...4 G N___4 N...4 AccusativeCase N___4->N___4 hasCase
N...5 G N___5 N...5 VocativeCase N___5->N___5 hasCase
N...6 G N___6 N...6 VocativeCase N___6->N___6 hasCase
N..1 G N__1 N..1 SingularNumber N__1->N__1 hasNumber
N..2 G N__2 N..2 PluralNumber N__2->N__2 hasNumber
N.1 G N_1 N.1 MasculineGender N_1->N_1 hasGender
N.2 G N_2 N.2 FeminineGender N_2->N_2 hasGender
N.3 G N_3 N.3 NeuterGender N_3->N_3 hasGender
N.4 G N_4 N.4 CommonGender N_4->N_4 hasGender
N1 G N1 N1 CommonNoun
N2 G N2 N2 ProperNoun
NU G NU NU Numeral
NU....1 G NU____1 NU....1 Pronoun
NU....2 G NU____2 NU....2 Determiner
NU....3 G NU____3 NU....3 Adjective
NU...1 G NU___1 NU...1 NominativeCase NU___1->NU___1 hasCase
NU...2 G NU___2 NU...2 GenitiveCase NU___2->NU___2 hasCase
NU...3 G NU___3 NU...3 DativeCase NU___3->NU___3 hasCase
NU...4 G NU___4 NU...4 AccusativeCase NU___4->NU___4 hasCase
NU..1 G NU__1 NU..1 SingularNumber NU__1->NU__1 hasNumber
NU..2 G NU__2 NU..2 PluralNumber NU__2->NU__2 hasNumber
NU.1 G NU_1 NU.1 MasculineGender NU_1->NU_1 hasGender
NU.2 G NU_2 NU.2 FeminineGender NU_2->NU_2 hasGender
NU.3 G NU_3 NU.3 NeuterGender NU_3->NU_3 hasGender
NU1 G NU1 NU1 CardinalNumber
NU2 G NU2 NU2 OrdinalNumber
PD G PD PD PronounOrDeterminer
PD...........1 G PD___________1 PD...........1 WeakPronoun PD___________1->PD___________1 hasStrength
PD...........2 G PD___________2 PD...........2 StrongPronoun PD___________2->PD___________2 hasStrength
PD..........1 G PD__________1 PD..........1 Polite PD__________1->PD__________1 hasPoliteness
PD..........2 G PD__________2 PD..........2 Familiar PD__________2->PD__________2 hasPoliteness
PD........1 G PD________1 PD........1 PersonalPronoun
PD........2 G PD________2 PD........2 ReflexivePronoun
PD........3 G PD________3 PD........3 ReciprocalPronoun
PD.......1 G PD_______1 PD.......1 DemonstrativeDeterminer
PD.......2 G PD_______2 PD.......2 IndefiniteDeterminer
PD.......3 G PD_______3 PD.......3 PossessiveDeterminer
PD.......4 G PD_______4 PD.......4 WHDeterminer
PD.......4.1 G PD_______4_1 PD.......4.1 InterrogativeDeterminer
PD.......4.2 G PD_______4_2 PD.......4.2 RelativeDeterminer
PD.......4.3 G PD_______4_3 PD.......4.3 ExclamatoryDeterminer
PD.......5 G PD_______5 PD.......5 PartitiveDeterminer
PD......1 G PD______1 PD......1 DemonstrativePronoun
PD......2 G PD______2 PD......2 IndefinitePronoun
PD......3 G PD______3 PD......3 PossessivePronoun
PD......4 G PD______4 PD......4 WHPronoun
PD......4..1 G PD______4__1 PD......4..1 InterrogativePronoun
PD......4..2 G PD______4__2 PD......4..2 RelativePronoun
PD......4..3 G PD______4__3 PD......4..3 ExclamatoryPronoun
PD......5 G PD______5 PD......5 PersReflPronoun
PD.....1 G PD_____1 PD.....1 Pronoun
PD.....2 G PD_____2 PD.....2 Determiner
PD....1 G PD____1 PD....1 NominativeCase PD____1->PD____1 hasCase
PD....2 G PD____2 PD....2 GenitiveCase PD____2->PD____2 hasCase
PD....3 G PD____3 PD....3 DativeCase PD____3->PD____3 hasCase
PD....4 G PD____4 PD....4 AccusativeCase PD____4->PD____4 hasCase
PD....5 G PD____5 PD....5 NonGenitive PD____5->PD____5 hasCase
PD....6 G PD____6 PD....6 ObliqueCase PD____6->PD____6 hasCase
PD....7 G PD____7 PD....7 PrepositionalCase PD____7->PD____7 hasCase
PD...1 G PD___1 PD...1 SingularNumber PD___1->PD___1 hasPossessiveNumber
PD...2 G PD___2 PD...2 PluralNumber PD___2->PD___2 hasPossessiveNumber
PD..1 G PD__1 PD..1 SingularNumber PD__1->PD__1 hasNumber
PD..2 G PD__2 PD..2 PluralNumber PD__2->PD__2 hasNumber
PD.1 G PD_1 PD.1 MasculineGender PD_1->PD_1 hasGender
PD.2 G PD_2 PD.2 FeminineGender PD_2->PD_2 hasGender
PD.3 G PD_3 PD.3 NeuterGender PD_3->PD_3 hasGender
PD.4 G PD_4 PD.4 CommonGender PD_4->PD_4 hasGender
PD1 G PD1 PD1 FirstPerson PD1->PD1 hasPerson
PD2 G PD2 PD2 SecondPerson PD2->PD2 hasPerson
PD3 G PD3 PD3 ThirdPerson PD3->PD3 hasPerson
PU G PU PU Punctuation
PU1 G PU1 PU1 SentenceFinalPunctuation
PU2 G PU2 PU2 SentenceMedialPunctuation
PU3 G PU3 PU3 LeftParentheticalPunctuation
PU4 G PU4 PU4 RightParentheticalPunctuation
R G R R Residual
R..1 G R__1 R..1 MasculineGender R__1->R__1 hasGender
R..2 G R__2 R..2 FeminineGender R__2->R__2 hasGender
R..3 G R__3 R..3 NeuterGender
R.1 G R_1 R.1 SingularNumber R_1->R_1 hasNumber
R.2 G R_2 R.2 PluralNumber R_2->R_2 hasNumber
R1 G R1 R1 Foreign
R2 G R2 R2 Formula
R3 G R3 R3 Symbol
R4 G R4 R4 Acronym
R5 G R5 R5 Abbreviation
U G U U Unique
U1 G U1 U1 InfinitiveMarker
U2 G U2 U2 NegativeParticle
U3 G U3 U3 ExistentialMarker
U4 G U4 U4 SecondNegativeParticle
U5 G U5 U5 AnticipatoryEr
U6 G U6 U6 MediopassiveVoiceMarker
U7 G U7 U7 PreverbalParticle
V G V V Verb
V............1 G V____________1 V............1 PrimaryAuxiliary
V............2 G V____________2 V............2 ModalAuxiliary
V...........1 G V___________1 V...........1 HaveAuxiliary
V...........2 G V___________2 V...........2 BeAuxiliary
V..........1 G V__________1 V..........1 Reflexive
V..........2 G V__________2 V..........2 NonReflexive
V.........1 G V_________1 V.........1 Separable
V.........2 G V_________2 V.........2 NonSeparable
V........1 G V________1 V........1 PerfectiveAspect
V........2 G V________2 V........2 ImperfectiveAspect
V.......1 G V_______1 V.......1 MainVerb
V.......2 G V_______2 V.......2 AuxiliaryVerb
V.......3 G V_______3 V.......3 SemiAuxiliary
V......1 G V______1 V......1 ActiveVoice
V......2 G V______2 V......2 PassiveVoice
V.....1 G V_____1 V.....1 PresentTense
V.....2 G V_____2 V.....2 ImperfectTense
V.....3 G V_____3 V.....3 FutureTense
V.....4 G V_____4 V.....4 PastTense
V....1 G V____1 V....1 IndicativeVerb
V....2 G V____2 V....2 SubjunctiveVerb
V....3 G V____3 V....3 ImperativeVerb
V....4 G V____4 V....4 ConditionalVerb
V....5 G V____5 V....5 Infinitive
V....6 G V____6 V....6 Participle
V....7 G V____7 V....7 Gerund
V....8 G V____8 V....8 Supine
V....9 G V____9 V....9 ing
V...1 G V___1 V...1 FiniteVerb
V...2 G V___2 V...2 NonFiniteVerb
V..1 G V__1 V..1 SingularNumber V__1->V__1 hasNumber
V..2 G V__2 V..2 PluralNumber V__2->V__2 hasNumber
V.1 G V_1 V.1 MasculineGender V_1->V_1 hasGender
V.2 G V_2 V.2 FeminineGender V_2->V_2 hasGender
V.3 G V_3 V.3 NeuterGender V_3->V_3 hasGender
V1 G V1 V1 FirstPerson V1->V1 hasPerson
V2 G V2 V2 SecondPerson V2->V2 hasPerson
V3 G V3 V3 ThirdPerson V3->V3 hasPerson