Ontology - tiger-syntax

prototype ontology for syntactic annotation. Important note: Here, an ontology of labels used in syntactic annotation is provided, but not an ontology of _structures_. Especially, the ontology itself does not perform a conversion between dependency trees and constituency analyses, though its representations may be used by corresponding converters.
Latest Version


Classes - Overview

G olia_system_Feature Feature (olia_system) SyntacticEdge Syntactic Edge olia_system_Feature->SyntacticEdge is a olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation Unit Of Annotation (olia_system) SyntacticNode Syntactic Node olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation->SyntacticNode is a VPEdge V P Edge SyntacticEdge->VPEdge is a NPEdge N P Edge SyntacticEdge->NPEdge is a PPEdge P P Edge SyntacticEdge->PPEdge is a APEdge A P Edge SyntacticEdge->APEdge is a PrepositionalPhrase Prepositional Phrase SyntacticNode->SyntacticEdge hasFunction SyntacticNode->PrepositionalPhrase is a SyntacticNode->SyntacticNode isDominated SyntacticNode->SyntacticNode dominates VerbalPhrase Verbal Phrase SyntacticNode->VerbalPhrase is a Coordination Coordination SyntacticNode->Coordination is a AdjectivePhrase Adjective Phrase SyntacticNode->AdjectivePhrase is a NounPhrase Noun Phrase SyntacticNode->NounPhrase is a

Properties - Overview


AdjectivePhrase G AdjectivePhrase Adjective Phrase
Abstract (Bader et al. 2003, ?4)
SubClass Of
APEdge G APEdge A P Edge
Abstract function labels within an adjective phrase Im Falle von deverbalen Adjektiven werden die Argumente des Verbs vererbt und mit ihren urspr?unglichen Funktionen annotiert. (Bader et al. 2003, ?4.7)
SubClass Of
Coordination G Coordination Coordination
Abstract Als erste Richtlinie gilt zun?achst: In NPs, APs und PPs werden die zu koordinierenden Elemente direkt zusammengefa?t und bilden wieder eine Konstituente. In VPs und S?atzen verbinden sich die VP- und S-Knoten zuerst mit den Dependenten auf ihrer Seite der Koordination und werden dann zu einer koordinierten Phrase zusammengefa?t (siehe Beispiele). Beachte: die Pr?asenz einer koordinierenden Konjunktion ist nicht notwendig. Aufz?ahlungen werden ebenso annotiert. (Bader et al. 2003, ?9)
SubClass Of
NounPhrase G NounPhrase Noun Phrase
SubClass Of
NPEdge G NPEdge N P Edge
Abstract edge labels within a noun phrase (Bader et al. 2003, ?2)
SubClass Of
olia_system:Feature G olia_system_Feature Feature (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:UnitOfAnnotation G olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation Unit Of Annotation (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
PPEdge G PPEdge P P Edge
Abstract edge labels within a PP, especially including all NP edges. (Bader et al. 2003, ?3)
SubClass Of
PrepositionalPhrase G PrepositionalPhrase Prepositional Phrase
SubClass Of
SyntacticEdge G SyntacticEdge Syntactic Edge
Abstract Relations between syntactic nodes. Note that here, edge labels are coded as properties of child nodes. The corresponding parent node in the syntactic tree (dependency or phrase structure) has to be inferred from the dominates property
SubClass Of
SyntacticNode G SyntacticNode Syntactic Node SyntacticNode->SyntacticNode isDominated SyntacticNode->SyntacticNode dominates SyntacticEdge Syntactic Edge SyntacticNode->SyntacticEdge hasFunction
Abstract Syntactic nodes are terminal or nonterminal nodes in a syntactic tree, either a dependency tree or a phrase structure.
SubClass Of
VerbalPhrase G VerbalPhrase Verbal Phrase
Abstract Jedes Verb f?uhrt eine eigenst?andige Phrase ein. Phrasen mit finitem Verb bekommen das Label S (Satz) (Bader et al. 2003, ?5.1)
SubClass Of
VPEdge G VPEdge V P Edge
Abstract function labels of VPs and clauses (S)
SubClass Of

Object Properties

dominates G dominates dominates
Abstract structural relationship between (a) a phrase and the syntactic nodes it is attached to (in constituency analysis), or (b) a head and its children (in dependency analysis) The head/phrase dominates its children. Different types of dominates relations may be distinguished via edge labels which are attached to the child nodes.
hasFunction G hasFunction hasFunction
Abstract different relationships (edges, function labels) between parent (head/phrase) and child nodes may be distinguished via different edge labels attached to the child node.
isDominated G isDominated isDominated

Datatype Properties

olia_system:hasTier G olia_system_hasTier hasTier (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#