Ontology - morphisto

Tags used for Morphisto morphological analyses, extracted from the analysis of the Potsdam Commentary Corpus. 10/02/01 created, Christian Chiarcos, chiarcos@uni-potsdam.de
Latest Version


Classes - Overview

G AttributiveAdjective Attributive Adjective olia_system_Feature Feature (olia_system) MorphosyntacticFeature Morphosyntactic Feature olia_system_Feature->MorphosyntacticFeature is a olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation Unit Of Annotation (olia_system) WordClass Word Class olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation->WordClass is a AdjectiveInflection Adjective Inflection MorphosyntacticFeature->AdjectiveInflection is a Case Case MorphosyntacticFeature->Case is a QuantifierInflection Quantifier Inflection MorphosyntacticFeature->QuantifierInflection is a NounClass Noun Class MorphosyntacticFeature->NounClass is a Gender Gender MorphosyntacticFeature->Gender is a Tense Tense MorphosyntacticFeature->Tense is a Aspect Aspect MorphosyntacticFeature->Aspect is a Person Person MorphosyntacticFeature->Person is a Degree Degree MorphosyntacticFeature->Degree is a Number Number MorphosyntacticFeature->Number is a InfiniteVerb Infinite Verb Verb Verb Verb->InfiniteVerb is a FiniteVerb Finite Verb Verb->FiniteVerb is a VerbalParticle Verbal Particle WordClass->Verb is a WordClass->VerbalParticle is a Noun Noun WordClass->Noun is a Pronoun Pronoun WordClass->Pronoun is a Article Article WordClass->Article is a Punctuation Punctuation WordClass->Punctuation is a SyntacticAdjective Syntactic Adjective WordClass->SyntacticAdjective is a Adposition Adposition WordClass->Adposition is a Particle Particle WordClass->Particle is a Conjunction Conjunction WordClass->Conjunction is a Interjection Interjection WordClass->Interjection is a Adverb Adverb WordClass->Adverb is a CommonNoun Common Noun Noun->CommonNoun is a ProperNoun Proper Noun Noun->ProperNoun is a DemonstrativePronoun Demonstrative Pronoun Pronoun->DemonstrativePronoun is a PersReflPronoun Pers Refl Pronoun Pronoun->PersReflPronoun is a PossessivePronoun Possessive Pronoun Pronoun->PossessivePronoun is a IndefinitePronoun Indefinite Pronoun Pronoun->IndefinitePronoun is a RelativePronoun Relative Pronoun Pronoun->RelativePronoun is a InterrogativePronoun Interrogative Pronoun Pronoun->InterrogativePronoun is a ReflexivePronoun Reflexive Pronoun PersReflPronoun->ReflexivePronoun is a PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun PersReflPronoun->PersonalPronoun is a DefiniteArticle Definite Article Article->DefiniteArticle is a IndefiniteArticle Indefinite Article Article->IndefiniteArticle is a PredicativeAdjective Predicative Adjective SyntacticAdjective->PredicativeAdjective is a AdjectiveInAdverbialFunction Adjective In Adverbial Function SyntacticAdjective->AdjectiveInAdverbialFunction is a Postposition Postposition Adposition->Postposition is a Preposition Preposition Adposition->Preposition is a

Properties - Overview


AdjectiveInAdverbialFunction G AdjectiveInAdverbialFunction Adjective In Adverbial Function
SubClass Of
AdjectiveInflection G AdjectiveInflection Adjective Inflection
SubClass Of
Adposition G Adposition Adposition
Abstract word classes that share the reeignCase property
SubClass Of
Adverb G Adverb Adverb
Abstract Elements tagged with ...ADV or adv
SubClass Of
Article G Article Article
SubClass Of
Aspect G Aspect Aspect
SubClass Of
AttributiveAdjective G AttributiveAdjective Attributive Adjective
Abstract Represented in Morphisto only indirectly by the lack of Pred or Adv.
Case G Case Case
SubClass Of
CommonNoun G CommonNoun Common Noun
SubClass Of
Conjunction G Conjunction Conjunction
Abstract tagged KONJ ...
SubClass Of
DefiniteArticle G DefiniteArticle Definite Article
SubClass Of
Degree G Degree Degree
SubClass Of
DemonstrativePronoun G DemonstrativePronoun Demonstrative Pronoun
Abstract demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative determiners, tagged DEM...
SubClass Of
FiniteVerb G FiniteVerb Finite Verb
Abstract Tags of the form "V (1|2|3) (Sg|Pl) (Past|Pres) ...", for tense and aspect see properties.
SubClass Of
Gender G Gender Gender
SubClass Of
IndefiniteArticle G IndefiniteArticle Indefinite Article
SubClass Of
IndefinitePronoun G IndefinitePronoun Indefinite Pronoun
Abstract indefinite pronouns and indefinite determiners, including quantifiers, tagged INDEF...
SubClass Of
InfiniteVerb G InfiniteVerb Infinite Verb
Abstract Tags of the form "V (Inf|Imp|PPast|PPres) ..."
SubClass Of
Interjection G Interjection Interjection
Abstract tag ITJ
SubClass Of
InterrogativePronoun G InterrogativePronoun Interrogative Pronoun
Abstract Interrogative pronouns and determiners, tagged WPRO
SubClass Of
MorphosyntacticFeature G MorphosyntacticFeature Morphosyntactic Feature
Abstract Morphological features identified by Morphisto (as accessible under http://ingrid.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/analyze.cgi): everything following the POS tag, e.g. "Masc Nom Sg" in "Test +NN Masc Nom Sg". Note that these features are not identical to the richer feature set used directly in the lexicon.
SubClass Of
Noun G Noun Noun
Abstract Word classes that share Gender, Case and Number as the only obligatory properties. Tags starting with N...
SubClass Of
NounClass G NounClass Noun Class
Abstract Apparently certain lexical classes are distinguished. I've found Simp and Old, but there might be more. As long as it is uncertain, whether these are to be represented as subclasses of Noun or as MorphologicalFeature, there is no property to express this relation.
SubClass Of
Number G Number Number
SubClass Of
olia_system:Feature G olia_system_Feature Feature (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:UnitOfAnnotation G olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation Unit Of Annotation (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
Particle G Particle Particle
Abstract tagged PTKL ...
SubClass Of
Person G Person Person
SubClass Of
PersonalPronoun G PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun
Abstract PPRO pers
SubClass Of
PersReflPronoun G PersReflPronoun Pers Refl Pronoun
Abstract Personal and reflexive pronouns that can occur as substitive pronouns only. Tagged PPRO ...
SubClass Of
PossessivePronoun G PossessivePronoun Possessive Pronoun
Abstract Possessive pronouns and possessive determiners, tagged POSS
SubClass Of
Postposition G Postposition Postposition
SubClass Of
PredicativeAdjective G PredicativeAdjective Predicative Adjective
SubClass Of
Preposition G Preposition Preposition
SubClass Of
Pronoun G Pronoun Pronoun
Abstract word classes that share the properties SyntacticPronounType or PronounType
SubClass Of
ProperNoun G ProperNoun Proper Noun
SubClass Of
Punctuation G Punctuation Punctuation
Abstract tagged IP ...
SubClass Of
QuantifierInflection G QuantifierInflection Quantifier Inflection
Abstract quantifiers (INDEF) trigger strong or weak inflection of adjectives, I assume that the tags ... oD and ... mD refer to this phenomenon.
SubClass Of
ReflexivePronoun G ReflexivePronoun Reflexive Pronoun
Abstract PPRO refl
SubClass Of
RelativePronoun G RelativePronoun Relative Pronoun
Abstract Relative pronouns and relative determiners, tagged REL
SubClass Of
SyntacticAdjective G SyntacticAdjective Syntactic Adjective
Abstract word classes that share the properties AdjectiveType and AdjectiveInflectionType, i.e., ADJ and ORD.
SubClass Of
Tense G Tense Tense
SubClass Of
Verb G Verb Verb
Abstract POS tag V
SubClass Of
VerbalParticle G VerbalParticle Verbal Particle
Abstract The tag VPRE ... marks various particles, adverbs, prepositions and some verbs. Possibly, this tag specifies a displaced verbal particle as in "[lieb]_VPRE V gewinnen", "Er sprang [ab]_VPRE", "Er stand [da]_VPRE Adv". However, even with this hypothesis in mind, I can't think of something reasonable to make out of "darauf" being tagged as VPRE ProAdv. I assume that the tag originally referred specifically to prepositions that occur frequently in this role, hence the -PRE element.
SubClass Of
WordClass G WordClass Word Class
Abstract Parts of speech produced by Morphisto (as accessible under http://ingrid.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/analyze.cgi), the POS tag is the first uninterrupted character sequence after +, e.g., NN in "Test +NN Masc Nom Sg"
SubClass Of

Object Properties

hasAdjectiveInflection G hasAdjectiveInflection hasAdjectiveInflection
hasAspect G hasAspect hasAspect
hasCase G hasCase hasCase
hasDegree G hasDegree hasDegree
hasGender G hasGender hasGender
hasInflection G hasInflection hasInflection
hasNumber G hasNumber hasNumber
hasPerson G hasPerson hasPerson
hasQuantifierInflection G hasQuantifierInflection hasQuantifierInflection
hasTense G hasTense hasTense
reeignsCase G reeignsCase reeignsCase

Datatype Properties

olia_system:hasTag G olia_system_hasTag hasTag (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:hasTagContaining G olia_system_hasTagContaining hasTagContaining (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:hasTagEndingWith G olia_system_hasTagEndingWith hasTagEndingWith (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:hasTagStartingWith G olia_system_hasTagStartingWith hasTagStartingWith (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#