Tags used for Morphisto morphological analyses, extracted from the analysis of the Potsdam Commentary Corpus.
10/02/01 created, Christian Chiarcos, chiarcos@uni-potsdam.de
Morphological features identified by Morphisto (as accessible under http://ingrid.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/analyze.cgi): everything following the POS tag, e.g. "Masc Nom Sg" in "Test +NN Masc Nom Sg".
Note that these features are not identical to the richer feature set used directly in the lexicon.
Apparently certain lexical classes are distinguished. I've found Simp and Old, but there might be more. As long as it is uncertain, whether these are to be represented as subclasses of Noun or as MorphologicalFeature, there is no property to express this relation.
The tag VPRE ... marks various particles, adverbs, prepositions and some
verbs. Possibly, this tag specifies a displaced verbal particle as in
"[lieb]_VPRE V gewinnen", "Er sprang [ab]_VPRE", "Er stand [da]_VPRE Adv".
However, even with this hypothesis in mind, I can't think of something
reasonable to make out of "darauf" being tagged as VPRE ProAdv.
I assume that the tag originally referred specifically to prepositions that occur frequently in this role, hence the -PRE element.
Parts of speech produced by Morphisto (as accessible under http://ingrid.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/analyze.cgi), the POS tag is the first uninterrupted character sequence after +, e.g., NN in "Test +NN Masc Nom Sg"