Ontology - brown

Annotation Model for morphosyntactic (pos) annotations of the Brown Corpus 2008/05/23 created 2010/02/16 updated Christian Chiarcos, chiarcos@uni-potsdam.de
Latest Version


Classes - Overview

G olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation Unit Of Annotation (olia_system) Tag Tag olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation->Tag is a PossessivePronoun Possessive Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun->PossessivePronoun is a NominativePersonalPronoun Nominative Personal Pronoun Pronoun->NominativePersonalPronoun is a NominalPronoun Nominal Pronoun Pronoun->NominalPronoun is a WhPronoun Wh Pronoun Pronoun->WhPronoun is a PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun Pronoun->PersonalPronoun is a Negator Negator Tag->Pronoun is a Tag->Negator is a Conjunction Conjunction Tag->Conjunction is a Determiner Determiner Tag->Determiner is a Numeral Numeral Tag->Numeral is a Adverb Adverb Tag->Adverb is a Verb Verb Tag->Verb is a Adjective Adjective Tag->Adjective is a Qualifier Qualifier Tag->Qualifier is a Noun Noun Tag->Noun is a InfinitiveMarker Infinitive Marker Tag->InfinitiveMarker is a Punctuation Punctuation Tag->Punctuation is a TitleWord Title Word Tag->TitleWord is a ForeignWord Foreign Word Tag->ForeignWord is a Interjection Interjection Tag->Interjection is a ExistentialThere Existential There Tag->ExistentialThere is a Preposition Preposition Tag->Preposition is a HeadlineWord Headline Word Tag->HeadlineWord is a CoordinatingConjunction Coordinating Conjunction Conjunction->CoordinatingConjunction is a SubordinatingConjunction Subordinating Conjunction Conjunction->SubordinatingConjunction is a BePast Be Past Be Be Be->BePast is a BePresentParticiple Be Present Participle Be->BePresentParticiple is a BePastParticiple Be Past Participle Be->BePastParticiple is a BePresent Be Present Be->BePresent is a BeBaseForm Be Base Form Be->BeBaseForm is a PostDeterminer Post Determiner Determiner->PostDeterminer is a PreQuantifier Pre Quantifier Determiner->PreQuantifier is a WhDeterminer Wh Determiner Determiner->WhDeterminer is a DeterminerOrDoubleConjunction Determiner Or Double Conjunction Determiner->DeterminerOrDoubleConjunction is a Article Article Determiner->Article is a OrdinalNumeral Ordinal Numeral Numeral->OrdinalNumeral is a CardinalNumeral Cardinal Numeral Numeral->CardinalNumeral is a WhAdverb Wh Adverb Adverb->WhAdverb is a NominalAdverb Nominal Adverb Adverb->NominalAdverb is a AdverbParticle Adverb Particle Adverb->AdverbParticle is a SuperlativeAdverb Superlative Adverb Adverb->SuperlativeAdverb is a ComparativeAdverb Comparative Adverb Adverb->ComparativeAdverb is a Verb->Be is a Do Do Verb->Do is a Have Have Verb->Have is a LexicalVerb Lexical Verb Verb->LexicalVerb is a ModalAuxiliaryVerb Modal Auxiliary Verb Verb->ModalAuxiliaryVerb is a DoBaseForm Do Base Form Do->DoBaseForm is a DoPast Do Past Do->DoPast is a Does Does Do->Does is a SuperlativeAdjective Superlative Adjective Adjective->SuperlativeAdjective is a ComparativeAdjective Comparative Adjective Adjective->ComparativeAdjective is a PostQualifier Post Qualifier Qualifier->PostQualifier is a PreQualifier Pre Qualifier Qualifier->PreQualifier is a WhQualifier Wh Qualifier Qualifier->WhQualifier is a CommonNoun Common Noun Noun->CommonNoun is a AdverbialNoun Adverbial Noun Noun->AdverbialNoun is a ProperNoun Proper Noun Noun->ProperNoun is a CitedWord Cited Word Noun->CitedWord is a Has Has Have->Has is a HaveBaseForm Have Base Form Have->HaveBaseForm is a HavePastParticiple Have Past Participle Have->HavePastParticiple is a HavePast Have Past Have->HavePast is a HavePresentParticiple Have Present Participle Have->HavePresentParticiple is a LexicalVerbPastParticiple Lexical Verb Past Participle LexicalVerb->LexicalVerbPastParticiple is a LexicalVerbBaseForm Lexical Verb Base Form LexicalVerb->LexicalVerbBaseForm is a LexicalVerbThirdPerson Lexical Verb Third Person LexicalVerb->LexicalVerbThirdPerson is a LexicalVerbPastForm Lexical Verb Past Form LexicalVerb->LexicalVerbPastForm is a LexicalVerbPresentParticiple Lexical Verb Present Participle LexicalVerb->LexicalVerbPresentParticiple is a

Properties - Overview


Adjective G Adjective Adjective
Abstract These are positive adjectives.
SubClass Of
Adverb G Adverb Adverb
Abstract This is a class, we inserted to structure the tagset.
SubClass Of
AdverbialNoun G AdverbialNoun Adverbial Noun
SubClass Of
AdverbParticle G AdverbParticle Adverb Particle
Abstract This is a ?portmanteau? tag RP (for ?adverb or particle?) to the ten words "about", "across", "down", "in", "off", "on", "out", "over", "through", and "up", except when they are functioning as prepositions, when they receive the normal preposition tag IN.
SubClass Of
Article G Article Article
Abstract a, the, no
SubClass Of
Be G Be Be
Abstract This is a class, we inserted to structure the tagset.
SubClass Of
BeBaseForm G BeBaseForm Be Base Form
Abstract This is the verb "be", whether serving as auxiliary or as full verb.
SubClass Of
BePast G BePast Be Past
SubClass Of
BePastParticiple G BePastParticiple Be Past Participle
Abstract been
SubClass Of
BePresent G BePresent Be Present
SubClass Of
BePresentParticiple G BePresentParticiple Be Present Participle
Abstract being
SubClass Of
CardinalNumeral G CardinalNumeral Cardinal Numeral
Abstract one, two, 2, etc.
SubClass Of
CitedWord G CitedWord Cited Word
Abstract cited word (hyphenated after regular tag)
SubClass Of
CommonNoun G CommonNoun Common Noun
Abstract These are common nouns or mass noun in ther head position.
SubClass Of
ComparativeAdjective G ComparativeAdjective Comparative Adjective
Abstract These are comparative adjectives.
SubClass Of
ComparativeAdverb G ComparativeAdverb Comparative Adverb
SubClass Of
Conjunction G Conjunction Conjunction
Abstract This is a class, we inserted to structure the tagset.
SubClass Of
CoordinatingConjunction G CoordinatingConjunction Coordinating Conjunction
Abstract These are coordinating conjunctions, e.g. "and", "or", etc.
SubClass Of
Determiner G Determiner Determiner
SubClass Of
DeterminerOrDoubleConjunction G DeterminerOrDoubleConjunction Determiner Or Double Conjunction
Abstract either
SubClass Of
Do G Do Do
Abstract This is a class, we inserted to structure the tagset.
SubClass Of
DoBaseForm G DoBaseForm Do Base Form
Abstract This is the verb "do", whether serving as auxiliary or as full verb.
SubClass Of
Does G Does Does
SubClass Of
DoPast G DoPast Do Past
Abstract did
SubClass Of
ExistentialThere G ExistentialThere Existential There
Abstract This is the existential subject "there".
SubClass Of
ForeignWord G ForeignWord Foreign Word
Abstract These rae foreign words.
SubClass Of
Has G Has Has
SubClass Of
Have G Have Have
Abstract This is a class, we inserted to structure the tagset.
SubClass Of
HaveBaseForm G HaveBaseForm Have Base Form
Abstract This is the verb "have", whether serving as auxiliary or as full verb.
SubClass Of
HavePast G HavePast Have Past
Abstract had
SubClass Of
HavePastParticiple G HavePastParticiple Have Past Participle
Abstract had
SubClass Of
HavePresentParticiple G HavePresentParticiple Have Present Participle
Abstract present participle or gerund
SubClass Of
HeadlineWord G HeadlineWord Headline Word
Abstract This tag is used for words occurring in headline. It is hyphenated to the regular tag.
SubClass Of
InfinitiveMarker G InfinitiveMarker Infinitive Marker
Abstract This is the infinitive marker "to".
SubClass Of
Interjection G Interjection Interjection
Abstract These are interjections or exclamations of various sorts, which have no syntactic function; they occur mostly in the dialogue of the fictional samples.
SubClass Of
LexicalVerb G LexicalVerb Lexical Verb
Abstract This is a class, we inserted to structure the tagset.
SubClass Of
LexicalVerbBaseForm G LexicalVerbBaseForm Lexical Verb Base Form
Abstract These are verbs in the base form, regardless of syntactic function. The inflected forms of normal verbs are marked with the suffix tags Z (3rd. singular), D (past tense), N (past participle), and G (present participle/gerund).
SubClass Of
LexicalVerbPastForm G LexicalVerbPastForm Lexical Verb Past Form
SubClass Of
LexicalVerbPastParticiple G LexicalVerbPastParticiple Lexical Verb Past Participle
SubClass Of
LexicalVerbPresentParticiple G LexicalVerbPresentParticiple Lexical Verb Present Participle
Abstract verb, present participle/gerund
SubClass Of
LexicalVerbThirdPerson G LexicalVerbThirdPerson Lexical Verb Third Person
SubClass Of
ModalAuxiliaryVerb G ModalAuxiliaryVerb Modal Auxiliary Verb
Abstract These are modal auxiliaries, regardless of tense, e.g. "can", "should", "will".
SubClass Of
Negator G Negator Negator
Abstract The word "not" is tagged *, which is joined to the verb tag in the case of contracted forms.
SubClass Of
NominalAdverb G NominalAdverb Nominal Adverb
Abstract here then, indoors
SubClass Of
NominalPronoun G NominalPronoun Nominal Pronoun
Abstract These are indefinite pronouns, compounds of "any-", "every-", "no-", and "some-", e.g. everybody, nothing.They are tagged as PN, or PN$ if they have the possessive suffix -'s.
SubClass Of
NominativePersonalPronoun G NominativePersonalPronoun Nominative Personal Pronoun
Abstract I, we, they, you
SubClass Of
Noun G Noun Noun
Abstract This is a class, we inserted to structure the tagset.
SubClass Of
Numeral G Numeral Numeral
Abstract This is a class, we inserted to structure the tagset.
SubClass Of
olia_system:UnitOfAnnotation G olia_system_UnitOfAnnotation Unit Of Annotation (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
OrdinalNumeral G OrdinalNumeral Ordinal Numeral
Abstract first, 2nd
SubClass Of
PersonalPronoun G PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun
Abstract These are personal pronouns. Personal pronouns have tags beginning with PP, followed by one or more letters indicating case, concord, and sometimes number.Reflexive/intensive pronouns (e.g. "myself") are tagged PPL if singular and PPLS (e.g. "ourselves") if plural, with no distinction for case. PPO is the used tag for objective personal pronouns, e.g. "me", "him", "it", "them".
SubClass Of
PossessivePronoun G PossessivePronoun Possessive Pronoun
SubClass Of
PostDeterminer G PostDeterminer Post Determiner
Abstract "many", "several", "next"
SubClass Of
PostQualifier G PostQualifier Post Qualifier
Abstract enough, indeed
SubClass Of
Preposition G Preposition Preposition
Abstract These are prepositions, e.g.
SubClass Of
PreQualifier G PreQualifier Pre Qualifier
Abstract quite, rather
SubClass Of
PreQuantifier G PreQuantifier Pre Quantifier
SubClass Of
Pronoun G Pronoun Pronoun
Abstract This is a class, we inserted to structure the tagset.
SubClass Of
ProperNoun G ProperNoun Proper Noun
Abstract These are proper nouns or parts of name phrases.
SubClass Of
Punctuation G Punctuation Punctuation
SubClass Of
Qualifier G Qualifier Qualifier
Abstract very, fairly
SubClass Of
SubordinatingConjunction G SubordinatingConjunction Subordinating Conjunction
Abstract These are subordinators, e.g. "since", "because", "if", "although".
SubClass Of
SuperlativeAdjective G SuperlativeAdjective Superlative Adjective
Abstract These are semantically superlative adjective, e.g. "chief", "top".
SubClass Of
SuperlativeAdverb G SuperlativeAdverb Superlative Adverb
SubClass Of
Tag G Tag Tag
SubClass Of
TitleWord G TitleWord Title Word
Abstract These are words occurring as constituents of titles, e.g. of books, plays, corporations, government agencies, etc., are given their normal tag with the addition of the hyphenated tag -TL. In most cases these words are capitalized, except for function-words such as prepositions, conjunctions, and sometimes pronouns. Some examples: the United States of America VBN-TL NNS-TL IN-TL NP-TL Gulliver's Travels NP$-TL NNS-TL But the titles Mr , Mrs., and Miss and Sir have been tagged as proper noun.
SubClass Of
Verb G Verb Verb
Abstract This is a class, we inserted to structure the tagset.
SubClass Of
WhAdverb G WhAdverb Wh Adverb
Abstract how, where, when
SubClass Of
WhDeterminer G WhDeterminer Wh Determiner
Abstract what, which
SubClass Of
WhPronoun G WhPronoun Wh Pronoun
Abstract These are interrogatives and relatives which begin with WP; subject forms are tagged WPS and object forms WPO, e.g. "whose".
SubClass Of
WhQualifier G WhQualifier Wh Qualifier
Abstract how
SubClass Of

Datatype Properties

olia_system:hasTag G olia_system_hasTag hasTag (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#
olia_system:hasTier G olia_system_hasTier hasTier (olia_system)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/system.owl#