Ontology - penn-link

provisional Penn-OLiA-Linking
Latest Version


Classes - Overview

G penn_Conjunction Conjunction (penn) penn_Determiner Determiner (penn) penn_Noun Noun (penn) penn_Predeterminer Predeterminer (penn) olia_AuxiliaryVerb Auxiliary Verb (olia) penn_PastTense Past Tense (penn) olia_AuxiliaryVerb->penn_PastTense is a penn_PresentTense Present Tense (penn) olia_AuxiliaryVerb->penn_PresentTense is a olia_PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun (olia) penn_PersonaPronoun Persona Pronoun (penn) olia_PersonalPronoun->penn_PersonaPronoun is a


olia:AuxiliaryVerb G olia_AuxiliaryVerb Auxiliary Verb (olia)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/olia.owl#
olia:PersonalPronoun G olia_PersonalPronoun Personal Pronoun (olia)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/olia.owl#
penn:Conjunction G penn_Conjunction Conjunction (penn)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/penn.owl#
Abstract This class was inserted to reflect the tag structure. It does not, however, exactly correspond to olia:Conjunction, because Penn conjunction tags can also be applied to prepositions.
penn:Determiner G penn_Determiner Determiner (penn)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/penn.owl#
Abstract Not clear whether this corresponds to OLiA/EAGLES determiners, because some predeterminers seem to be adverbs rather than determiners proper.
penn:Noun G penn_Noun Noun (penn)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/penn.owl#
Abstract We inserted this class 'noun' to get a clearer ontology structure. In The Penn Treebank Tag Set there is no class 'noun'.
penn:PastTense G penn_PastTense Past Tense (penn)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/penn.owl#
SubClass Of
penn:PersonaPronoun G penn_PersonaPronoun Persona Pronoun (penn)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/penn.owl#
SubClass Of
penn:Predeterminer G penn_Predeterminer Predeterminer (penn)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/penn.owl#
penn:PresentTense G penn_PresentTense Present Tense (penn)
Namespace http://purl.org/olia/penn.owl#
SubClass Of